Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3289: Law of Enlightenment

Changes in detection rules,

Based on the cultivation of the Qian Committee,

After eating all these pills,

It took half a month,

The demon world plants in these medicines,

Far from being as powerful as Xuanshan Medicine Field,

This means that,

The medicinal materials are produced near Feihong Pass,

There is no medicine field similar to Xuanshan.

Except for a few pills,

Under the urging of the power of the **** of transformation,

The medicinal materials in these pills,

For Commissioner Qian,

still alright.

Seeing the evening,

Commissioner Qian walked into Feihong Pass,

When I arrived at the shop selling medicinal pills,

The demon guy came over,

Commissioner Qian waved his hand to play the trick,

\"These few pills,

Where is it produced.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

After a while,

Commissioner Qian walked out of Feihong Pass,

Body shape,

Towards Feihong Pass,

Flew over by the Qinghe River.

In a few moments,

1,500 miles away from Feihong Pass,

A river winding,

This river,

Smaller than Bihe.

There is a short mountain range by the river,

A few hundred miles long,

Between mountain and mountain,

There are a lot of flat land.

Walking through these plains,

Is the tributary of this Qinghe River,


Commissioner Qian is here,

It's past noon,

There is still fog on the river.

The mountain next to it is not high.

But it is gentle and beautiful.

Walking by the river,

It's really good here,

For ordinary mortals,

Like a fairyland,

and so,

Call this place Xianhe.

On the mountain by the river, on the flat ground between the mountains,

Planting medicinal materials.

This is what Commissioner Qian thinks is good,

Those few pills,

The place where the medicinal materials are grown.

Commissioner Qian is walking along this mountain,

The cultivation base of the transformation stage,

Feel here,

Better than Xiadian.

There is something mysterious,

There is no such high cultivation base,

Unable to detect.

Commissioner Qian stretched his hand toward Xianhe,

A passage appeared in the river,

A large hall appeared.

It is written in ancient text,

\"Xianhe Temple.\"

This is the hall of Xianhe.

Commissioner Qian shook his body,

The prohibition next to the main hall,

The ripples generally shine.

In the main hall,

One person stood up suddenly,

A reminder of the law,

The waves are rolling all over,

Sound like thunder,

A team of soldiers in battle armor came up nearby,

Stand in front of this person,


The prohibition around this hall,

But the most powerful of Xianhe's restrictions,

When this person steps,

Has stepped in,

These people,

Everyone is surprised!

\"Four diamond flower god?

The mountain range outside is under your jurisdiction?\"

Commissioner Qian said,


\"Not under the control of our Xianhe Temple,


Our Xianhe Hall is in charge of this Xianhe,

Some swamps and creeks next to it.

On the shore, the Park Wave Plane Committee can't control it.\"

This person is surrounded by waves,

But it is surrounded by mines as a defensive formation,

Commissioner Qian just stood ordinary,

It seems,

Already similar to Qinghe Zhenren,

Commissioner Qian nodded,

One step,

Has stepped a hundred miles away,

To the side of this mountain,

A move of divine thought,

A big hand,

Appeared above a formation in this mountain,

This big hand has already issued immense power!

The entire prohibition collapsed,


There was a scream,

Within the prohibition,

Dozens of demons monks,

Like leaves,

Has been caught by a big hand!

Among them is a diamond flower god,

this moment,

Seeing that I have been with these base-building men,

Caught the same,

All the mana,

Can not operate,

His face has changed,

\"Who is the owner of this manor?\"

Big hands,

hair.[,! ] Come out for questioning,

\"it's me\"

This diamond flower **** nodded,

The storage bag flew over,

I fell in front of this man,

\"This is six million middle-grade immortal stones,

This manor,

It's mine.\"


This big hand,


These dozens of demons feel,

Flashed before my eyes,

I have been out of this mountain for a hundred miles.

This diamond flower **** is standing,

\"This is a master in Yuanying Flower God,

Open a manor elsewhere.\"

This man said,

With the men,

Flying towards the distance,

The plane of war with the demons,

A lot of monks from all sides came,

Isn't it for the possible influence of the laws of the demon world and the laws of the plane?

This manor,

And dozens of miles away,

Not up to the level of Xuanshan Medicine Field,


Commissioner Qian can encircle this estate first.

Commissioner Qian took out a map,

Sway here,

Immediately see the mountains and rivers thousands of miles,

Towards this one hundred miles around!

It merges with the original mountain peaks and valleys.

Reach out,

From the fairy river,

The original canal is facing the rocks,

It has turned into a dark river.

In the Xianhe Hall,

The four diamond flower gods look dumb,

Commissioner Qian walked into the mountains,

Took a few steps,

Disappeared immediately,

Has entered the battle,

Went around the original commissioner of this mountain and valley for a long time,

Waved his hand,

Various materials have been displayed,

In an instant,

The original manor of the entire mountain valley,

Began to change,

After ten days,

This change is over,

Stretched out his hand towards the magic circle,

After a while,

Tan Song came out of the teleportation formation,

\"Here, may evolve,

This manor,

You are in charge.\"

Tan Song nodded,

\"Good, the villa in Daren,

Call someone from the Qian family to take charge.\"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Reach out and point, the teleportation array is activated,

Has walked out of the teleportation formation in Wengai County.

Tan Tian greeted him,

Commissioner Qian explained what happened,

\"Xianhe Medicine Field,

But better than ordinary medicinal fields suitable for planting medicinal materials,

Slightly better.\"

Commissioner Qian said,

\"It's better to go to the sword war plane to see,

There was a battle with the demons there.

I went there around,

Found a few nice places,

Suitable for planting medicinal materials.

The better place,

I have set up the villa.\"

Tan Tian said.

\"Those places,

I have seen it with your cultivation base,

It is unlikely to have the quality of Xuanshan Medicine Field.

I practiced the law for several years in Wengai County,

In a few years, I will go to the Sword Fighting Plane again.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

Let Tantian order a table of dishes,

Drinking wine with Tan Tian,

Finished eating,

Entered the training room,

Dao Fa urges,

The mysterious and mysterious mana lingers,

One looks,

Like a mountain of thousands of miles,

It is like a river of thousands of miles,

Turned into a part of the plane!

this day,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the training room,

After a while,

Tan Tian came over,

\"Ontology, ten years of practice,

The shadows of the golden fruits are not small,

Even I have gained a lot.\"

Tan Tian said.

Commissioner Qian's practice rules,

All the shadows of golden fruit can come to watch and comprehend,

More than ten years have passed,

The shadow of each golden fruit,

All gains are not small.

\"For the enlightenment of the law,

Ten years is not an instant.

However, if it comes to the understanding of the law,

Ordinary plane,

It is indeed much better than Bloody Wasteland.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

\"Today the sledgehammer closed the trading conference,

Do you want to go over and take a look.\"

Tan Tian said.

\"Sledgehammer closes the trade fair?\"

Commissioner Qian said,

\"Sledgehammer Pass is already relatively prosperous.\"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

\"Ok, let's take a look.\"

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