Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3294: Flower rainbow

Flew more than 60,000 miles,

A mountain range in front,

On the mountains,

But there is a mine.

On the **** wasteland,

There are not many mountains where no mines can be found,

"Here, five hundred miles into the plane,

There are not many rough stones,

After entering the plane five hundred miles,

There are more rough stones. "

Wan Jian said,

"Okay, let's go five hundred miles deep."

Commissioner Qian said,

At the current level of the Qian committee,

On the **** wasteland,

Can detect three hundred feet inside the rock wall!

This is the thirty-year accomplishment of the Law of Enlightenment!

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan,

Dao Fa urges,

Surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Flew into the mine,


At five hundred miles deep in the plane,

Lines on the rock wall,

This is a bit mysterious,

"Start here."

Commissioner Qian said,


Wanjian nodded,

Commissioner Qian Daofa is higher than him,

In this **** wasteland,

The ability to detect rough,

Certainly taller than him.

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Began to detect the rock wall next to it,

Walked a dozen miles along the mine,

One hundred and fifty feet away from the rock face,

There are nice lines,

The monks who used to mine here were not strong enough,

Member Qian stretched out his palm,

Banged towards here,


A 150-foot mine appeared,

That line appeared,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Comprehend the law for thirty years.

Commissioner Qian knew,

The level of Tao fruit that I have cultivated,

The distance turns the law into a rune,

Is far from enough.

Commissioner Qian slashed.

While watching the pattern on the rock wall,

More than ten days have passed.

Commissioner Qian has opened a seventy-mile mine,

A piece of rough,

Appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Although not big.


The texture and water color inside,

It looks ok.

The effect of cultivation is definitely good.

"Old money, with you,

So soon the rough stone will be mined. "

The voice of Wan Jian Sashan came over.

Wan Jian went into this mine,

A piece of rough can be harvested in three months,

It's already pretty good.

The Taoism of Commissioner Qian,

It is indeed much higher than himself.

More than a month passed,

With a bang like a thunderstorm,

Wanjian saw a rough stone!

"Not bad. Wan Jian, something has been gained."

The voice of Commissioner Qian came over.

"Just got a rough stone,

This is now,

Nice mine now. "

Wan Jian Sashan looked at the hundreds of miles of mine he had made.

Less than two months,

He and Commissioner Qian have already mined the range of these peaks.

If you continue to mine,

Not to expand the scope,

Is mining towards the bottom,

He and Commissioner Qian, a rough stone,

"Dig to the side and to the bottom."

Commissioner Qian said,

Wan Jian slid across the mountain and looked at the figure of Commissioner Qian,

It's more powerful.


Another year has passed!

Boom, watch the pattern of the rock wall,

Waved his hand again, slashed,

As if tirelessly.

Has been dug to a depth of a thousand miles in the original mine,

The scope has exceeded the original mine pit 300 miles,

Commissioner Qian felt that his realm of Taoism,

Has improved.

Only then was another rough stone dug,

Although half a person tall,

The water color and texture inside are good,


It has been a year and a few months,

Commissioner Qian sighed.

This is the hardest time for Commissioner Qian to mine.

The voice of Wan Jian Sashan came over,

"Old Qian, Qinglian came over,

They confronted people,

Let's go and take a look. "

Member Qian heard:

"I said, Wan Jian,

This place you are talking about,

Only two rough stones were mined in a few months,

I don’t know the pit where Qinglian mined,

How about the rough? "

When I heard Wan Jian,


"This time, the rough stone I mined,

Just like you!

Old Qian, when I arrived at that place, I saw a good place,

You can pick it yourself,

Months a year,

Can harvest rough stones,

In this **** wasteland today,

It's already pretty good. "

In this way,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Out of the mine,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew thousands of miles,

Fell towards a mine,

Although his body is like electricity,

In this mine,

Hundreds of miles already!

I saw a relatively wide mine,

A group of people confronted each other,

On one side, it was Qinglian and several attendants,

Opposite are several monks,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian smashed the mountain and fell towards the court.


Wan Jian Sashan greeted enthusiastically,

Commissioner Qian waved his hand.

Play the magic trick towards the newly opened mine,

As soon as Commissioner Qian came,

Just saw,

This new mine is nice,

There may be rough stones inside,

"Fr. He, this mine,

We found out. "

This said,

Take the old man next to Qinglian furious,

"This mine,

We originally came here to mine,

You just came here. "

They said,

Commissioner Qian waved,

Blasted out with a palm,

There was a loud bang,

A mine cave of more than 100 feet appeared,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand to catch it.

A piece of rough,

Has been in his own hands.

Looking at these people across,

This rough stone is more than three feet in radius,

The pine flowers are bright on the stone bark. Clear.

There are about thirty pine flowers,

This rough stone.

Put it on the Jieshi Conference,

90 million top-grade immortal stones are no problem,

A monk said,

The eyes of these people flashed.

Sword Jue urges,

Like Changhong shaking the sky,

Like thunder as a mountain,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

These people are a combination of several rules,

This sword art is reminded,

It looks like a huge stone cave.

In an instant,

As if there are tens of thousands of mountains,

Flooded here!

The swordsmanship of these people crossed,

150,000 times of gravity.

Has exceeded,

Wan Jian Sa Shan, Qing Lian, a few attendants,

Taoism in the body,

Immediately made a thunderous roar,

Against the Dao Fa urged by these people’s sword tactics,


The Dao Fa urged by ten thousand swords to spread the mountain, Qinglian, and several servants became much slower.

The strength of these opponents,

Slightly more than!

Just saw,

Commissioner Qian had an extra flying sword in his hand,

Sword Jue urges,

There are five people on the other side,

Commissioner Qian made five flowers,

It's like the most beautiful painting,

Towards these rainbows,

A fluttering sweep,

But it is faster than lightning!

One stop towards these sword lights,

These sword lights,

As if chopped down on a mountain of one hundred thousand feet high,

No matter how hard they use,

This flying sword,

I can’t chop off this flower by half,

Commissioner Qian flashed,

Whip the leg!

Like lightning,

Has hit one of them,

The man’s body protection Dao law shot,

Although it was not the leg of the Qian Chief Committee, it was completely disintegrated!

The whole person flew out suddenly,

Embedded in the rock wall,

A few people nearby,


Sword Jue urges,

Jianguang wanted to cut it over,


Have been in contact with flowers,

A flower,

A mountain that is really taller than ten thousand feet,

It's more general,

Flowers surround the flying sword,

They rotated the flying sword by half a foot,

There was a thunderstorm,

Fully urge Dao Fa,

The whole robe bulges!

Seeing Commissioner Qian’s whip kick came over,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

A few shadows of legs flashed in the air,

At ease,

These people,

Like a bird,

Fly into the air,

"Boom, boom, boom---"

Has been embedded in the rock wall!

After a while,

They struggled out of the rock wall,

Body shape,

Towards the distance,

Ran over like flying.

"They, some of them are the fusion of the five rules."

Wan Jian was stunned.

A few people across,

The three-system rule fusion of poor standards,

A strong integration of the five rules of standards,

After the flowers of Commissioner Qian,

Treat equally,

All of them are transformed into mosaic paintings in the rock wall.

"Thank you master."

Qinglian looked over with a pair of eyes.


"The pine flowers on the rough stone just now are good."

It seems that

Qinglian wanted to see the pine flowers on the original stone,

The Qian members rolled their eyes,

"I said,

I just helped you,

Just a word of thanks, I opened my mouth to look at the rough stone.

This rough stone,

But I picked it up. "

The old man beside Qinglian,

Want to say something,

Did not say.

"Qinglian, this place is good,

There should be other rough stones. "

Wan Jian said,

Speaking to Commissioner Qian,

"Old money, this rough stone is enough."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

The time to say these few words,

I have seen a nice pattern,

Stretch out your palm and blow,

Bounced towards this line,

There was a loud bang,

A mine cave of more than one hundred meters has been opened,

"We mine over there---"

The old man next to him said,

Originally they had taken a fancy to a few lines.

These people, towards the mines nearby,

Banged over,

Wanjian Sashan also chose a pattern,

Began to slash,

"Thousands of swords are scattered across the mountain

These Qinglian people,

Every time a mine is opened,

It's better than the mine you went to with me. "

Commissioner Qian looked at the mine,

While spreading the sound to Wanjian,

"So many planes, so many monks,

This battlefield of the Lord God,

Some people will find a good place. "

Wan Jian said,

"I think you and Qinglian's progress is average."

Commissioner Qian shook his hand again.

"Damn, look at me, open a grocery store.

If there is a cultivation base like yours,

That's good,

Old money,

What's the secret to the cultivation base so high,

tell me the story. "

Wan Jian said,

Complex expression on face,

"Damn, transform the gods into profound and profound,

How many Yuan Ying tens of thousands of years, can not be found in thousands of rivers and mountains. "

Commissioner Qian thought.

"That's all hard work---"

Commissioner Qian said,

To this mine,

After mining for half a month,

Several people in Qinglian have already mined three pieces of rough stone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but one piece of rough stone has not been mined.

Commissioner Qian mined the original rough stone,

After mining for half a month,

No rough stone was mined,

Mined for another three months,

Three hundred miles have been played in the mine!

Commissioner Qian found a piece of rough stone,

Wanjian quarried a piece of rough stone,

Several people in Qinglian quarried two rough stones,

The rough stones mined by Qinglian people,

Has exceeded hundreds of millions of immortal stones,

Commissioner Qian thought,

"Okay, let's go back to Red Wolf Town,

This place,

A good rough stone may not be large. "

Qinglian said,

"Master, this time your harvest is not much worse than ours,

This time the help was not in vain. "

Qinglian said,

Member Qian smiled,

However, I have gained something.

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Can detect three hundred feet in this rough stone,


Continue to mine the rough stone forward,

The lines on the stone walls have become more commonplace.

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