Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3295: Mysterious and mysterious

Back to Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian entered his own courtyard,


Commissioner Qian burst into flames all over,

Mysterious and mysterious, as if shining one hundred thousand li!

This is the level of Dao Fa of Commissioner Qian,

There is a piece of color that has been enlightened,

Dao Fa urges,

The mysterious and mysterious brilliance,

Has been shrouded in this color,

After a day,

A burst of mystery burst out of the color,

Like a huge thunder,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

A rush is like a flame that surrounds Commissioner Qian,

This mystery was one hundred thousandths of an instant,

Tens of thousands of changes have been manifested,

Brilliant and colorful,


Surrounded by the flames of Commissioner Qian,

It seems to be half a hundred thousand miles,

This mystery is cruising in the flames,

Touch the flame,

There are thousands of mysterious waves again,

This is the mysterious Taoist structure contained in this color,

However, these ripple changes,

In one hundred thousandths of an instant,

Or it’s tens of thousands of an instant,

The ripple change of these tens of thousands of an instant,

It’s just the normal Nascent Soul monks of several lines,

Comprehend this color,

Changes you can comprehend!

Some are very talented,

From the previous changes,

Realize some mysteriousness.

Commissioner Qian wanted to pack all the rough stones here.


Commissioner Qian has so many celestial stones?

Therefore, Commissioner Qian came to fight the wasteland this time,

Mining celestial stones,

It's so serious.

after a few days,

With a bang,

Has turned into thousands of thunder and fire,

"Yes. Thirty years of enlightenment law,

Taoism level,

Improved a lot,

The ability to perceive this color has greatly improved. "

Commissioner Qian thought,

Not only from the mystery that is refined,

More sentiment,

The mystery that is refined from this color.

Higher quality,

Mysterious and mysterious mana,

Continue to surround this color,

After a day,

Refining another mysterious element.

It took half a year,

Commissioner Qian was in this way.

In ten days,

It has been refining to produce a profound mystery.

The color in the ordinary rough stone,

Xuan'ao is like that,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Take out another color that has been enlightened,

Began to refine it.

The profound mystery of color is refined,

Rushed into the mysterious runes around the body of Commissioner Qian.

Immediately like a fish,

Revolving around the Qian committee,

In a few days,

Commissioner Qian has refined thousands of fluctuations from this mystery!

Every time the fluctuation spreads,

There is thunder like a bell,

But there are thousands of music.

From these thousands of music,

It seems to contain thousands of emotions in the world,

Turned into thousands of mountains and flowing water in the world.


Commissioner Qian’s insight into this color,

It can already be said to be extremely mysterious.

Can understand,

Are all enlightened,

After three months,

After completing this color collection,

Practiced for almost a year.

The original Tao fruit,

Advanced a lot,

It became more mysterious.

Different Tao fruit,

How can it be so easy to manifest.

Different colors. I have learned it again,

Different quality,

"Old money, some people want to exchange the enlightened colors for the magical pill,

Can you come here? "

The sound transmission of Wanjian Sashan came,

"it is good."

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

In the grocery store,

"Five comprehensible colors,

For 1,300 pills,

The following elixirs are required. "

Wan Jian said,

When the old money heard,

"This man is a plant monk,

The original five used colors were exchanged for a thousand pills,

This is the limit I have reached,

I refine a pill like this,

Put it on the market,

At least, tens of thousands of top grade immortal stones,

If it’s not for changing these used colors,

I would never exchange like this. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian, these pills,

You can use it yourself,

For own use,

Generally have a thousand years,

The roots of various medicines over 700 years old,

Such an elixir,

Has a mellow medicinal support,

The effect is better,

Although it is not the main body of Millennium Medicine,


The roots of Millennium Ginseng,

It’s also the Great Commissioner Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit that are exhibiting various plane purchase price fluctuations

Immortal lotus waved in,

The role of roots,

Already quite ordinary millennium ginseng,

Such a pill,

To the Fang market,

At least tens of thousands of top grade immortal stones,

It can be sold.

A thousand pills,

Tens of millions of top-grade immortal stones,

Commissioner Qian believes that

It's almost the market price,

The monks with the fusion of several general rules,

Mining here, collecting rough stones,

There may be a clone on the plane,

There is no effort,

To refining a pill of the same quality as Chairman Qian himself used,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Said to increase 300 pills,

Where is Committee Member Qian willing to work,

These five used colors,

Price rises by a third,

"This is what Qinglian uses."

Wan Jian said,

"Damn, it wasn't me who did---"

Commissioner Qian said,

"In this way, I will find you a piece of enlightened sex,

One thousand three hundred pills. "

Wan Jian said,


Commissioner Qian said,

Who knows how much you made from previous transactions,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Bring out 1,300 pills,

Wan Jian Sa Shan brought out six mottled colors,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The quality is OK, but three dollars!


If you don’t have the cultivation base of transforming gods,

The perception of color,

Not comparable to ordinary monks,

With tens of millions of high-grade immortal stones,

Change these colors,

Where can I get it,

Commissioner Qian thought,

In fact,

Give these thousand pills,

The medicinal pill brought by Commissioner Qian,

use it yourself,

Some more,

Shen Wu was responsible for thirty years,

The pill that harmonizes mana,

At least hundreds of millions of top grade immortal stones,

"Go mining that day and call me to go together."

Commissioner Qian said,

Back to the other courtyard,

Use outstanding skills to practice,

These enlightened colors,

the most,

Commissioner Qian has been enlightened for more than half a year,


But three months of comprehension!

Five years passed in an instant,

For Monk Yuanying,

Five years and days,

Not much difference,

Five years of comprehension,

Combine the jade slips collected from Tan Da and the shadow of the golden fruit,

Make a deduction,

The rules in the deputy director of Qian’s committee merge with the mountains,

Three more were added,

Tao fruit,

Three more have been added!

There are many peaks that Dao Guo turned into,

Between the peaks,

As if there is a mysterious ascension,


Commissioner Qian fought other monks,

Combat power,

It's definitely increased!

this day,

Commissioner Qian left the other house,

Walk towards the Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town,

I can’t always run towards the grocery store.

Walk into the Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian sat for a few days,

A better mine,

But I haven’t heard of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ out of Red Wolf Town,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the pit that Qinglian and the others had mined,

The Bone Pit and the depths of the **** wasteland,

Commissioner Qian didn’t want to go.

The mine where Qinglian and the others went,

It should be the best mine known to Committee Member Qian,

Then go to the mine for a few years.

Commissioner Qian thought,

A reminder of the escape method,

In an instant,

Has arrived in the mine.

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