Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3296: Milky Way


One hundred thousandths of an instant,

A flash of sword energy,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

Ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers among the Qian members,

Also in an instant of 90,000ths,

Like thousands of mountain flowers blooming,

It's like ten thousand waves rushing.

Whirled towards this sword,

This sword spirit,

In the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers released by the shield,

Going thousands of miles,

Blasted into the sky full of fireworks.

Commissioner Qian came to this **** battle on the wasteland,

Such a sword spirit,

You can punch the shield in the hands of Commissioner Qian out of the pit,


In the shield of Commissioner Qian,

However, a few runes integrated with the seven series of rules have been added,

The overall power increases,

Less than half of the total power of the original shield,

Commissioner Qian urged this shield,

Such a one-hundredthousandth of an instant sword energy,

It’s one foot away from this shield,

Put it in the image of this shield reminder,

There are more than a thousand miles away.

For more than a hundred years,

Member Qian’s increased combat power,

Visible in general.

The rune of the seven rules fusion,

Requirements for materials,

Refined Taoism,

The standard is quite high!

Some common materials,

They all need the shadow of the golden fruit that blends the six rules,

Refining for half a year,

Equipped with seven series of rule runes,

It is the shadow of several golden fruits on the plane of Yuanbo, the plane of Ruixian, and the plane of sword fighting,

The shadow of each golden fruit,

However, it is equipped with several 7-series rule fusion runes,

Commissioner Qian took this sword spirit,

Continue to urge the flying sword fiercely,

Blasted out dozens of miles of mines,

But it was a rough stone that I didn't see.

I looked at the whole mine and looked at it,

Looking at some lines beside,

Somewhat distant,

Stretch out your palm and blow,

Banged over,

And blasted out dozens of miles of mines,

A piece of rough was not found.

Distance battles that sword spirit,

It's been ten days!

Fight against the mighty sword spirit,

You may not be able to find rough,

No wonder this monk who mines deep in the face,

Less than half of the monks on the plane of the **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian has been mining here for more than half a year.

Mined a rough stone!

Member Qian urged his body.

In an instant,

Have passed through hundreds of miles of mines,

On the plane,

I found a rock and sat.

Looking into the distance,

The evening of the **** wasteland,

It is very brilliant.

Commissioner Qian took out the animal leg and ate it. Body shape shook,

Then I returned to the mine and started mining,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian went out of the mine,

Toward Yuanyuan and Wanjian,

Speeding past the mine that came together.

It turned out that he and Wan Jian went to the mountain,

Mine together.

It’s only been mined for more than a year,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

So I received Qinglian's voice transmission.

Commissioner Qian came to this mine,

It took ten days,

I saw the real mine several times,

Selected a place,

It is three hundred feet away from the place where Wanjiansashan is mined.

Stretch out your palm and blow,

"Boom and boom----"

More than a hundred feet of mine appeared,

Although there is no rough stone,


Lines on the rock wall,

Has become more mysterious,

"Not bad."

Commissioner Qian said,

Towards this pattern,

After watching for a long time,

Towards one place,

Suddenly blasted over,

There was a loud bang,

A mine opened out,

This time,

After ten days,

Qian Da Majesty hit more than a hundred li mines!

In the hands of Commissioner Qian,

A rough stone has been added,

Although the water color is average,


The lines rushed vigorously and far,

Commissioner Qian urged World Pearl,

The fluctuation of the world beads appears,

Looked in along this rough stone,

The color in this rough stone,

But it’s a Taoist method suitable for Chairman Qian’s own practice.

Only then did Commissioner Qian show a smile on his face.

Commissioner Qian looked at the surrounding rock wall again,

After watching for a few more days, he blasted towards one place.

But this time,

Similar to the mine last time,

One year passed by Commissioner Qian,

I fought a few swords,

Only then did a piece of rough stone be mined,

I already have a spiritual cultivation stage,

This time out,

Only three rough stones were collected!

Commissioner Qian thought,

This is already the rich mine that Wanjian Sashan said,

If it is a fusion of ordinary four-line bones,

I want to dig out the thousands of miles of mines mined by the Chief Qian,

At least five years of medicine,

It may not be possible to mine rough,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Only then left the mine,

Body shape,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town,

Entered his own courtyard,

Commissioner Qian took out the ingredients,

Spent most of the day,

Made a delicious meal.

Finished eating,

It's already evening,

Then I walked towards the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

When I arrived at the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Wan Jian Sa Shan is busy,

"Old money, sit down, serve tea---"

Wan Jian said.

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

Watching the waiter serve tea,

Commissioner Qian was drinking tea,

Tsing Yi walked in,

One look at Commissioner Qian,

"Old money, here you are."

Commissioner Qian saw Tsing Yi walking up the street early.


Commissioner Qian,

How to repair it,

Of course it was Tsing Yi who took the initiative to move towards Commissioner Qian,

This person with a stronger cultivation base greeted him.

"Tsing Yi, I haven't seen you for more than 40 years,

The cultivation base has improved a lot----"

Commissioner Qian said,

In fact,

Not seen for more than 40 years,

Tsing Yi’s cultivation base,

In terms of rule fusion,

No advanced.

It’s just a fusion of the original rules,

Going further,

It can be seen that rough stones are not omnipotent.

After a while,

The customers of the grocery store,

Took the materials,

I gave the fairy stone away,

Able to fight in this **** wasteland,

Dug up materials,

Are more mysterious,

The general four-line rule fusion monk,

Can deduce the refining of one of the materials,

It is already at the level of refiners,

It's pretty good.

Wan Jian Sa Shan came over,

"Tsing Yi, this time I returned to the plane for more than 40 years,

Did you explore the mysterious cave house,

There are mysterious Taoist books,

Take it out and let's take a look.

Based on your formation skills, Taoism cultivation base,

Where can I go? "

Wan Jian Sashan said to Tsing Yi.

Tsing Yi’s Taoist knowledge,

Four series of rules fusion repair base,

Formation cultivation base,

Generally speaking, the Yuanying Flower God,

The attainments are relatively high,

Better than Master Fire Dragon,

"I know there is a powerful ruin,

Appeared between the areas under the jurisdiction of the main god,

Within a hundred years,

Is likely to appear,


Based on your and mine cultivation,

Enter this cave mansion,

I can only say that the most ordinary monk! "

"you said,

Is it the Milky Way Cave House? "

When I heard Wan Jian,

The whole look becomes serious!

Generally speaking,

A single main **** governs the place,


It’s just a fraction of the Milky Way,

Some legendary relics,

Appeared throughout the galaxy,

Such a cave,

Is very powerful,

The monks below Yuan Ying,

If you want to enter such a place, you don't have to think about it.

Commissioner Qian thought about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~I think about this. "


"There is a place where you can dig rough stones,

This is more practical. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Tsing Yi nodded,

"Ten Thousand Swords and Sashan have advanced four-system rule integration,

I should also advance the integration of the five rules.

I'm with Wanjian,

Let's fight the wasteland together! "


Spread the sound with Wanjian Sashan.

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