Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3333: Flame Hall

Commissioner Qian nodded.

He Wanjian Sashan figured out of the mine,

Body shape,

Flew in the direction of Red Wolf Town.

Entered Red Wolf Town,

With Wanjian Sashan,

When I arrived at the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Let the waiter serve wine and dishes,

After eating and drinking for a long time,

Commissioner Qian returned to his own hospital,

Take out the rough quarried stone,



Five years of mining time,

Commissioner Qian’s deduction of the fairy book,

Has made some progress,


Deduce these,

To practice the Dao Fa,

For the average transcendent monk,

It's not a century,

It can be done.

Commissioner Qian took the rough stone that was mined this time,

I'm all done training,

This time, my perception of the fairy book,

But there is a part,

Practice power in practice.

Ten years have passed,

For people at the level of cultivating fairy books,

ten years,

The effect is similar to that of practicing ordinary Taoism for one year,

Jieshi Conference,

It has not been held now.

Commissioner Qian walked towards the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

To the grocery store,

Commissioner Qian said:

"Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

For so many years, the Jie Shi Conference has not been held? "

Wan Jian Sashan smiled.

"In a few days,

The calcite museum in Red Wolf Town will hold calcite,

The Red Wolf Town Calcite Conference was held, and I will hold a Calcite Conference here. "


"There is an expedition on the volcanic plane,

Are you interested? "

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"You can go and see."

The practice is relatively long,

There are adventures on the volcanic plane,

Commissioner Qian went to see,

The stone meeting in Red Wolf Town was held.

This time the stone meeting,

A good rough appeared,

Committee member Qian Shijiezhu urged,

Take a look at the color inside,

Verdant, like mountains and rocks,

Pentium lines. powerful.

Commissioner Qian thought for a long time,

This rough stone is good,

Other rough stones,

The front rough

Shipi performed well,

Untie this rough stone,

The color inside.

Like many mountains,

There are thousands of color changes.

The price of this rough stone,

Three times the price,

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

The rough stone that Commissioner Qian liked,

Commissioner Qian offered 70 million yuan,

Buy this rough stone.

Put this rough stone into the storage bag.

Commissioner Qian said,

"Nowadays, the price of rough stones is less."

"Five pieces of rough stone, its effect on monks,

not very big,

More rough,

Ordinary monks,

It may not be available.


70 million top-grade immortal stone, a piece of rough stone,

Or higher,

Those who are really willing to take out top-grade immortal stones,

not many. "

With that said, this stone meeting is over,

Wanjian Sashan in the grocery store.

Jie Shi was held,

Commissioner Qian urged the World Pearl,

Dao Fa looked over,

The stone begins.

Used 15 million celestial stones,

I bought a rough stone with good texture,

The lines in this rough stone,

Has a good mystery,

In the case of the Qianjin Committee’s Shinto Law,

Has a good understanding,

Wanjian Sashan grocery store,

This stone meeting,

Than the calcite conference in Red Wolf Mountain,

Speaking of excitement,

Not far off.

Some rough stones are average,

But untie,

The profound inside is a little bit okay,

The monks bid more than 15 million high-grade immortal stones.

After the Jieshi Conference,

Commissioner Qian went back to his own hospital,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian and Tsing Yi, Wan Jian,

Stepped onto the teleportation array,

Out of the plane teleportation array,

"Boom and boom----"

There are flames everywhere,

These magma, flames,

Erupting from the volcano.

This is the volcanic plane,

Volcanoes are everywhere.

"Go that way.

Flame Hall,

Guarded by the main **** monk. "

Tsing Yi said,

This treasure hunt,

It's the treasure road that Tsing Yi got,

The surface of the volcanic plane,

Some medicinal materials grown in flames,

Beasts growing around the volcano,

For these monks who have merged several rules,

How useful is it?

It has little effect.

An ancient hall like the Flame Hall,

This is people like Wanjian and Tsing Yi,

Where you want to go,

"Are there some fire-type medicinal materials that have grown for ten thousand years?

Fire medicinal materials that have been used for thousands of years are also fine. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Some better medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian used to refine alchemy,

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

The effect,

It definitely exceeds the average medicinal material.

"Go to the Flame Hall first,

These old medicinal materials,

Deep in the plane of the volcano,

There are many,

In the depths of the volcanic plane,

But there are powerful monsters,

It can't be compared with the **** wasteland. "

Tsing Yi's companion said.

In the distance, a group of monsters quickly passed over the mountains.

Flames are spitting out of his mouth,

except this,

There is no other flame method,

I saw a few members of Committee Member Qian from a distance,

Looking over the mountain,

The pressure is like a mountain,

This group of monsters,

Turned around,

Ran towards the distance,

Flame Dao Fa,

It’s just the peak of the monks during the Qi refining period,

A sensational beast on the surface of the volcano.

The little coercion of the sword,

These monsters,

Can't fight!

To this volcanic plane,

few people,

Relatively wild.


Fight against the wasteland plane,

That can't be compared.

A few humanitarian law reminders,

On the surface of this volcanic plane,

That was thousands of miles in an instant.

"Out of the **** battle of the wasteland,

Only then did I know,

This feeling of flying thousands of miles is really good! "

Said Wanjian's companion.

This shows the power of Yuanying Flower God,

Half a day,

It has flown more than 30,000 miles.

The volcanic plane is not as big as the **** wasteland,

From the teleportation array,

More than thirty thousand miles.

Has reached the edge of the volcanic plane.


In the mountains in the distance,

Three spaceships flew up suddenly,

Surrounded by flaming volcanoes,

Rumble over here,

"Where's the monk?"

Questions came from the spaceship.

Tsing Yi Companion Sword Art is reminded,

A sword light flashed,

Already penetrated the volcano in an instant. Lava.

There was a loud bang,

The entire spaceship and the released Dao Fa,

Most of the explosion broke out,

The monk inside screamed,

Fly towards the side,

The monk flew out from the side,

These people stop,

one look.

These monks here,

Has rushed into the mountains,

"The monk who went to explore the Flame Hall,

There are many masters. "

Among the monks,

A monk with a round face said.

He is among these people,

The highest cultivation base,

Has Yuan Ying cultivation base.


His Taoism,

You can't slash this airship with a single sword!

This is the master of rule fusion!

A spaceship of the main **** level,

Already has the power of Yuanying Flower God.

Commissioner Qian. Tsing Yi, Wan Jian,

Reach out,

Dao Fa urges,

The hills rumbling open a passage,

In an instant,

It has been three hundred miles deep into the plane,

Come to a passage.

This channel,

Relatively generous,

Has thirty feet,

These humanitarian laws urged,

Mountains and rivers

Flew towards this passage,

What kind of people are they.


The roar rang out,

Three hundred fireballs,

Pounced at these people,

These fireballs look like humans,

The flame is deep and deep,

"What a high flame attainment,

This has surpassed my flame attainments. "

Wan Jian said,

The sword art flashed,

A spaceship capable of transforming Yuanying level,

A powerful sword art with a blast,

This sword,

But cut a fireball away!

"Not bad."

Tsing Yi’s companion said,

Fireballs and lightning generally cross over,

The figure of Tsing Yi's companion,

Already fifty feet away,

As if standing there.

The sword art flashed,

The fireball exploded suddenly.

Like thousands of sparks,

Like thousands of mountains,

Several disciplines of monks,

Facing the Taoism of the main **** battlefield,

Shield one block,

Can resist,

These fireballs,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God came over,

May be blasted to pieces,

In front of these monks,

Sword Jue urges,

Less than half a day,

Has been shattered in half.

In this channel,

Commissioner Qian moved forward,

The fireball rushed five feet in front of Committee Member Qian,

Immediately exploded,

Sparks in the sky,

Rush towards the channel,

The remaining fireball moved more than a mile toward there!

The human figure came out of the passage,

A battle armor,

Commissioner Than Qian made flame iron,

More brilliant and bright.

Looks in his thirties!

The expression in his eyes seemed to be profound for thousands of years.

"The God of Flame in the Universe--"

Wan Jian said,

This time,

To Huozhan Mountain,

I have seen a lot of protoss, monsters in the universe,

This person is the Protoss in the universe --- the Flame Protoss.

Looking at these people,

The powerful mana rushed over,

Touching the Taoism of these people,

There was a loud thunderous noise!

Wan Jian retreated a foot,

Tsing Yi and his companion shook a few times.

Commissioner Qian,

The urging Dao Fa whirled,

This volatility has been crushed by the Dao Fa of Chairman Qian!

This person looked at Commissioner Qian,

Hand over,

But he said to his companion in Tsing Yi,

"Take me a sword!"

Tsing Yi’s companion nodded,

The flame flashed, in an instant of fifty thousandths,

The mountains and rivers flashed,

In an instant of fifty thousand,


The Flame Sword Art is obviously stronger and fiercer,

Crashed into the epicenter,

Mountains, boulders, rivers burst out,

Turn into thunder fire of various colors!

Companion Tsing Yi retreated thirty feet.

The man nodded,

Speaking to Commissioner Qian,


Past here,

In front is the valley,


Flames of various colors rise,

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi,

Companion of Tsing Yi,

Dao law released,

Touch this flame,

The mountains and rivers thunderous earthquake!

These people,

It’s a turn of Taoism,

This will resist the colored flame,

One touch of a flame,

Dao Fa turned,

The flame blasted over,

The Taoism of these people,

Keep spinning.

On the mountain beside,

A lot of colored gems,

Jade-like material,

These materials,

But it is flame iron!

"A lot of flame gems.

Flame iron. "

Wan Jian, Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi’s companion said,

"These are all materials for refining flame magic weapons."

Wan Jian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Scratching at a jade-like flame iron,


Flame around the flame iron,

Enhance three times!

The Taoism released by Ten Thousand Swords,

Was burned into a thunder fire!

"Sure enough, it's the Flame Hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wanjian Sashan just finished talking.



Blasted towards the mountains of Wanjian,

A reminder of Wan Jian’s Taoism,

The mountains and rivers are arranged mysteriously,

Like thousands of thunder,

This blocked the boom,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Step back more than a mile,

At first glance, he is a heavy armored warrior!


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