Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3334: Heavy armor

The Dao Fa urged by ten thousand swords to spread the mountain, like a huge thunder,

After a long time,

Then it returned to normal.

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi,

And companions in Tsing Yi,

All eyes flashed!

This person is just a few rules fusion,

The integration of rules is similar to that of Tsing Yi,

Tsing Yi and Wan Jian Sa Shan battle,

Within 300 strokes,

In order to distinguish victory or defeat,


Thousands of swords blasted out more than one mile!

Commissioner Qian was thinking,

"Huh, huh, huh----"

A group of monks strung out in the burning mountains,

Everyone is like a samurai,

Supervisor Qian, Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi’s companion looked over,

"They are the life inside the boulder,

I have seen it on Flint Mountain,

However, the cultivation base is not as high as these people. "

Tsing Yi said,

These people are similar to the stalactite giants.

"This man urges to fight, so powerful,

At the level of Yuanying Flower God,

Megalithic life and ordinary humans,

The difference in combat power brought is not big,

Taoism of the level of rule integration,

Can slash most of the boulders,

The boulders in the Wasteland are the same. "

Tsing Yi said,

Bloody battle against the boulders in the wasteland,

So powerful,

Rule fusion monk,

Blasted out ten palms,

The same can be broken!

"These people have a combination of rules,

The fluctuation of Taoism,

In some respects.

It can already be compared with some of my own low-achieving transcendence methods. "

Commissioner Qian thought.

Just thinking.

These figures flashed.

Has blasted over,

Tsing Yi and his companions are all urging the sword art,

Urge to emit the power like a giant mountain,

But in an instant, ten thousand petals of flowers bloom.


A punch as heavy as ten mountains,

Passed this sword,

To Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi companion. The blasting power of Wanjian Sashan is much less.

The giant mountain urged by the sword art and this punch,

The huge mountain exploded.

"Tsing Yi, urge the battle!"

Wan Jian Sa Shan shouted,

This battle,

And the person who went to Flint Mountain last time,


In Flint Mountain,

Did not encounter a powerful battle,

Tsing Yi Shield urges the issuance,

The magic trick is usually played with lightning.

The formation quickly urged,

Commissioner Qian gave a punch.

This punch with the opponent,

Slammed up,

"Boom -----"

Like a hundred volcanoes,

It burst out suddenly.

There are thousands of fire and thunder, and the ring of fire is rolling.

As the samurai suddenly withdrew from Baizhang,

Commissioner Qian is not swaying,

Commissioner Qian’s deduction array is fully urged,

Deducing this mystery,

The soldier beside,

The warhammer show,

Crossed over,

One-seventh of an instant,

Commissioner Qian and the warhammer crossed over,

One person made a punch,

Turning God into cultivation,

Mysterious and mysterious,

Useless treasures,

The monk who blasted over,

Has been blown away!

These people do have the power of a seven-line rule fusion monk!


Is the mystery of this monk's cultivation,


At this time,

Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi’s companion, Wan Jian Sa Shan has entered the battle,

"Old money, ----"

Wan Jian Sashan shouted,

There was a thunderous roar from outside the battlefield,


The battle is urged,

Thousands of thunder fire blasted past,

The bodies of five heavy armored warriors,

A lot of trauma has been shown!

Tsing Yi’s formation,

A few monks who have merged several rules,

Want to break with a hammer,

Commissioner Qian couldn't break it himself.

But seeing Commissioner Qian's figure shake,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom----"

A loud noise like a thunder,

Five monks were beaten up in a row,

In an instant, Commissioner Qian,

Have been with these monks,

One punch!

Thunder generally knocks,

In this flame mountain,

Half of the valley was beaten away!

All kinds of flame iron, flame gems fly randomly.

This Flaming Mountain,

Although strong,

It’s incomparable with the **** wasteland,

It is much stronger than the average plane,


Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

Splashing gems and flame iron,

Has been put in the storage bag of the Chief Qian,

Flame iron of this level,

The refinement level of the Shanhua plane,

Not easy to manufacture,

Flame gems,

The refinement level of the Shanhua plane,

It's more difficult to manufacture.

The formation over Tsing Yi,

In an instant,

Wan Dao Jian Jue blasted out,

And thousands of punches suddenly slashed,

These heavily armored warriors only blasted thousands of punches,


Wan Dao Sword Art suddenly shattered,

Surrounded by the mountains,

Three thousand miles of fragments broke out!

Tsing Yi’s refining battle is strong,



It's just over ten thousand miles!

In less than ten moments of fighting,

Has been broken by a third,

How can I collect flame iron?

Flame gems.

Flame iron on the mountains, flame gems,

One touch of Taoism,

The flames suddenly became several times stronger.

At first glance, Commissioner Qian,

Prancing like a monster,

Shot like skyrocketing,

Ethereal stature,

In less than five moments,

A group of armored warriors,

Was beaten off by Commissioner Qian,

"Old money, you just come to help,

Where to put the fancy? "

Wan Jian Sa Shan roared loudly,

Communicate to Member Qian,

I got acquainted with Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian said to Wan Jian,

The stage of the **** transformation is not big.

The battle between Tsing Yi and Wanjian,

Fighting fiercely for a long time,

Flame iron and flame gems,

I only picked up about thirty.

Flame iron, flame gem,

One touch of Taoism,

The flames suddenly became several times stronger.

This battle,

Need to urge more powerful Taoism,

To get a piece?

"Wan Jian, you all have a battle.

Relax yourself!

How about after here? "

"Old money, can pick up some materials here,

Already pretty good,

next level,

There were very few people in the past. "


Commissioner Qian flickered,

To the side of the formation,

But not in the battle,

And fists flying over the sky,

With a punch,

"Experts are just different."

Tsing Yi said,


Committee member Qian,

Like a huge thunder,

Non-stop detonation generally.

Seeing the formation is collecting flame iron and flame gems.

As soon as Commissioner Qian came,

They relax a lot,

Immediately urge Dao Fa,

Toward the flame iron, the gems blasted wildly,

Put this flame iron,

The flame beside the flame gem blasted away,

Only then can you get flame iron and flame gems.

"Going inside, these armored warriors are getting stronger and stronger.

Old money,

Get some gems here. "

Member Qian heard,

"You pick gems here,

I go ahead. "


Fist out,

The armored warrior was blasted up,

Commissioner Qian walked forward,

Walked towards the front for a hundred miles,

These flame gems and flame iron are getting better and better.

The armored warrior that appeared,

Really getting stronger,


Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

In an instant,

Has caught the heavy armor of this heavy armored warrior,

There was a loud bang,

Commissioner Qian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ grabbed the armor of this armored warrior away,

But he couldn't completely grab the chest of the armored warrior,

Boulder life,

To cultivate to such a level,

In terms of physical training,

The standard is already quite high!

This armored warrior punched,

Has been blasted towards Committee Member Qian’s hand,

However, in an instant,

This punch of the armored warrior,



Commissioner Qian has already captured this man's Dao Fa! (To be continued...)

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