Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3358: 300 Monk Boom

"This circle, top-grade materials,

Old money gets the most! "

Tsing Yi said,


Tsing Yi’s own cultivation base,

The five rules have been merged,

He refines a magic weapon,

The material needed is like a mountain. w-w--o-m.

These top grade materials,

Refining with common materials,

High level mixers,

The quality of ordinary materials is improved by several grades.

Commissioner Qian’s power,

Using such materials,

Even more mysterious.


Will not give this material easily.

"The sword that was cut thousands of miles away,

The fury of thunder and fire,

I'm going up, but I can't take it. "

Volcano Lei said,

They said,

Collect material at a certain distance from the edge of the vortex,

It's already pretty good.

Traveled thirty thousand miles,

Thousands of miles of space,

Shook suddenly,

Thousands of miles of space and hundreds of feet of space cracks,

Take power,

It's different,

Skyship of thunder,

Touched by thousands of miles of space,

Crashed into thunder,

The way the spaceship urged,

Burst into the sky,

Skyship of thunder,

Was bombarded by a third,

Thousands of thunder and fire hit,

The soaring thunder rushed out of the spaceship,

As soon as the flying sword came out,


Thousands of lightning bursts,

It's gone,

"Volcano Thunder.

I sit on your spaceship. "

The soaring thunder is a bit fire.

Body shape shook,

The spaceship that has entered the volcano mine.

"Look at Old Qian's flying ship,

The mountains swirled,

The power of a thousand miles of space,

Has been resolved,

This is called a powerful magic weapon. "

Volcano Lei said.

The soaring thunder looked at the volcano thunder,

"Volcano Thunder,

The Dao Fa of this flying ship urged,

Stronger than your own Taoism,

Can you compare with others? "


These flying ships.

Has flown to this space vortex three thousand miles,

Take a look,

In this space vortex,

What can come out baby.


In the whirlpool.

Come out of the mountains.


Like the boulders in the whirlpool of 30 million miles,


Some parts of the mountains,

Cyan, fiery red,

It looks like

Like jade, not like gems.

Touch the space,

Release flames to the sky,

Compared with the mountains that are thousands of feet high,


For monks,

That's a lot,


So much material.

One touch of this material and space,

Release this soaring flame,

These materials are good. "

Space vortex,

Amazingly speaking,

Still a kind of mana,

Such a powerful space power,

Some materials themselves are mysterious,

Touch the power of this space,

Just like a monk urging him,

Let out a big flame.

"Good baby, have my share."


From thousands of miles away,

Some figures,

Like running to thunder,

Flew over here.

Commissioner Qian, these flying ships,

Immediately release Dao Fa,

A roll towards this mountain,


The exposed thousand-zhang mountain,

Useful materials inside,

Commissioner Qian has finished collecting these.

These figures in the distance,

Has leaped over the boulder,

one look,

Has a dozen body shapes,

Seeing that there are mountains exposed again,

The mountains ahead,

Has been blasted away by Commissioner Qian,

Reveals more material,

Various colors, different qualities,

These ten figures,

I only shot with Committee Member Qian,

Everyone's Taoism suddenly slashed,

Three moments,

The exposed mountains,

Has been mined,


Commissioner Qian has mined one third of it,

It seems that

The mountain passed over,

It may be hundreds of miles long.

"The master,

This is the material transferred from the space vortex. "

"of course."

Hh hh hh,

A series of body shapes,

Rushed over from a distance,

Mountains hundreds of miles long,

For monks,

Already a lot,

For the universe,

Not even root hair,


Monks mining far away,

Has rushed over more and more,

Say these things,

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi, Wan Jian Sa Shan,

Sky Thunder, Volcano Thunder,


Fifty monks have already arrived!

"The monk here,

There are more than Bloody Wasteland. "

Sky Thunder said,

"There are so many materials here,

The thunder fire blasted from the universe,

That is far inferior to the **** wasteland.

Of course there are many monks. "

Tsing Yi said,

"Let this mountain be exposed,

Otherwise, turn around the space,

Transfer to other galaxies is possible. "

Commissioner Qian looked at this person,

Thunder flashed,

This man is surrounded by mountains,

But took a step back suddenly,


Commissioner Qian nodded.

This is the universe,

The 30 million mile-long whirlpool is so mysterious,

The mountains continue to show up,

Huge space power,

Let the monks next to urge the Tao Fa,

Make a sound like thunder!

Various Taoisms,

From the distance of this whirlpool,

Keep coming over here.

Five hundred li-long mountains appeared,

The monk beside this mountain,

Has reached three hundred people,

The monks here,

All are above the level of Yuan Ying.

"Come into the universe,

It's just different.

Five hundred miles of precious materials! "

Ten thousand swords sashan speaker,

"Wan Jian Sa Shan, you are a grocery store."

Tsing Yi rolled his eyes.

All kinds of Taoism,

In an instant,

Will three hundred thousand miles of the sky,

The color that shines!

More than three hundred monks,

At the same time shot.

Flames, mountains, thunder, ice,

At the same time, it slammed into the mountains of five hundred miles,

In an instant,

The huge fireball reaches thousands of miles,

Five hundred miles of mountains turned into pieces!

The aftermath of the fireball turned into a ring of fire and rushed away,

Among more than 300 monks,

There are more than thirty monks,

The Tao Fa immediately urged bursts like flames,

A reminder of the magic weapon,

Rushing like a giant thunder,

These monks,

Fly to the distance!

Such a powerful blow cut,

Ordinary Yuanying master,

The aftermath of the explosion of the Link Road cannot be blocked,

Immediately flew away towards the distance.

Commissioner Qian thoughtfully reminded his own Taoism,

Such a powerful fireball,

Commissioner Qian felt,

Urge Dao Fa by yourself,

It's like walking forward with a mountain.

The Taoism of the Transcendental Stage,

In this huge fireball of thousands of miles,

Turned into 50,000 sparks,

Such a huge pressure,

The mighty power of Commissioner Qian,

Can only do this,

Every spark,

Even the materials and boulders were collected together,


Member Qian yelled,

Dao Fa urges,

Fifty thousand flames,

See useful materials,

Wrapped towards the material,

Other Taoism in the huge fireball,

Touch the flames of Commissioner Qian,

Other Taoism immediately burst into thousands of fragments splashing,

This flame,

Wrapped with materials together,

Turn into a flame, including materials rushing out!

Collected in the storage bag of Commissioner Qian,

The mysterious mind of the transformation stage,

In an instant,

Have scanned these materials,

A lot of materials,

It can be used as a material for fusion and refinement of Shinto law,

Banao’s god-changing flying sword,

Most of the materials are gone!

Three hundred Yuan Ying shot together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Qiang power committee member of the power of God,

Without the ability to monopolize this material mountain!

The circle of fire suddenly spread,

Some monks,

There are not many materials,

A reminder of the magic weapon,

Urges Tao Fa,

Resist hard against the huge fireball,

In the loud noise,

People bring magic weapons,

In this universe,

Was bombed three hundred miles! (To be continued...)

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