Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3359: Spaceship War

The figure shook,

Has shown a behemoth,

Five miles long,

With a roar,

Has rushed into this circle of fire,

Grabbing with two claws,

Only then took some materials,

With space protoss,

Shook his body,

Turned into a giant with a height of hundreds of feet,

Touch this circle of fire,

The thunder fire shot hundreds of miles,

A reminder of the law,

Some materials were collected. . .

Show the original body,

Rushed into this circle of fire,

Got some materials,

Most were injured.

The Three Hundred Yuan Ying monk made a fierce blow,

After a long time,

These materials,

The materials in these five hundred miles of mountains,

All have been charged.

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi, Ten Thousand Swords, Volcano Thunder,

These few people,

Drive the flying sword onto a huge boulder of a thousand miles,

Reach out,

A canyon appeared on the boulder,

The main hall appeared in the canyon.

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi, Thousand Swords Spreading Mountains, Volcanic Thunder, Sky Thunder,

These people entered the hall,

In the main hall,

Is already the same as the normal plane,

"In this universe,

But even the **** battle on the wasteland can't match. "

Sky Thunder Speaker,

"It seems that after this space eruption,

I want to find such mountains,

Not that easy,

There are many monks here,

There are huge materials appearing,

A monk has already collected it. "

Tsing Yi Speaker,

"So, the precious material we found.

Not big. "

Ten thousand swords and sashan speakers.

"Materials are mined here.

Much easier than fighting the wasteland.

The powerful cosmic thunder fire,

Not as much as one-tenth of the Dao Fa of the Bloody Battle of the Wasteland. "

Volcano Lei said.

These people brought out wine and food,

Eating and drinking.

Collected materials,

Most of it needs to be refined,

For the maelstrom of thirty million miles,


Need to use Taoism to see,

Let's talk about eating and drinking.

When the five series of rules are integrated into the metaphysical god,

Far from being rushed like Jin Dan or the Flower God with Diamond.

Where to,

All have a certain enjoyment,

After eating wine and food,

Everyone took out the furnace,

Start the preliminary refining of the collected materials,

While refining,

The airship is fully open,

Detect these thirty million miles of vortex,

Three days passed.

After preliminary refinement,

"Within our detection range.

No material came out. "

Volcano Lei said,

"It's so easy,

Those monks,

There is no need to stay here for hundreds of years. "

Wan Jian said.


Looking at his spaceship,

"Within the spacecraft's detection range,

There are not many precious materials. "

Tsing Yi said,


30 million miles in the whirlpool,

Precious materials on the periphery,

Not much anymore.

"Look into the whirlpool,

The spatial fluctuations in the range of thousands of miles,

It is not often seen. "

Sky Thunder said.

Several people gathered the hall,

Got on the airship,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly towards the whirlpool,

Said to be inside the whirlpool,

It’s just the edge of the whirlpool,

Go deeper.

The spaceship flew 500,000 miles,

"Boom and boom----"

Three thousand miles of thunder fired over,

A reminder of the airship Dao Fa,

Mountains and rivers revolve,

After half a tea time,

Three thousand miles of thunder fire passed,

The mountains and rivers sent by the spaceships,

It was blasted a lot.

Compared with the edge of the whirlpool,

"A lot of thunder and fire, much more powerful."

Wan Jian said.

Only then did you see that the good material is compared with the edge of the vortex


Each airship is reminded of the law,

Start to collect these materials.

After a day,

Thunder blasted over,

This thunder fire,

Not as good as last time,

There is still a range of thousands of miles!

"This kind of thunder,

Come with the power of everyone,

It's not easy. "

Wan Jian said,

These people’s ships move forward,

In this whirlpool,

The universe is even more profound.

Traveled 500,000 miles,

"Look, among those huge rocks,

It has good materials. "

Sky Thunder said,


Thunder and fire,


Thunder Fire may bring better materials.


From the last time they ate and refined the materials,

Already has three million miles,

Commissioner Qian’s flying ship,

Can't detect such a distance,

Not to mention other people's ships.

The fleet of these people,

Speeding in that direction,

At this time,

A dozen spaceships appeared in the distance,

Taoism is fully open,

Flew towards the group of boulders,


In this fleet,

Has been detected in this group of boulders,

Has good materials,

The spaceships of both sides,

Rush towards the boulder,

Thousands of miles away from this boulder,

The spaceships of both sides,

Less than a thousand miles away,

The fleet over there,

Thunder was hit,

Ten thousand feet thick, five feet thick artillery fire,

The flying ship blasted over here.

Five feet thick artillery occupies half,

The spaceship here,

Dao Fa urges,

Artillery fired,

The fire from the spaceship,

That the mind can control,

In an instant,

Commissioner Qian's airship for these people.

The artillery fire.

And the opponent's artillery fire.

Suddenly chopped.

In a bang,

A huge fireball exploded in the universe,


In the fire from the opponent,

With half the gunfire,

Towards the airships of Committee members Qian,

Boom over.

Commissioner Qian’s spacecraft,

Mountains and rivers swirled.

Three feet thick thunder fire,

Has turned into sparks in the sky,

On other people’s ships,

Tsing Yi, Thousand Swords Spreading Mountains, Sky Thunder, Volcano Thunder,

But it is the Dao of Divine Mind’s full force to urge the spaceship,

Or turn into thousands of mountains to revolve,

Or it turned into thousands of thunder and fire!

This was the artillery fire that blasted the opponent's spaceship.

Turn into sparks!

The flying ship in Tsing Yi,

Blast towards the opponent with all his strength.

In an instant,

Spaceship gunfire,

Have crossed thousands of miles,

Banged over,

Most of the spaceship gunfire,

The artillery fired by the opponent’s spaceship blasted away,

Tsing Yi’s spaceship gunfire,

But it hit the opponent’s ship,

In a bang,

Thousands of miles of mountains released by the opponent’s spaceship,

Was bombed by a third.

Ordinary spaceship battle,

It is no longer a single shot that can blast the defense of the opponent's spaceship.


The power of Tsing Yi’s spaceship,

Still has the upper hand.

Thousands of swords spit the mountain, soaring thunder,

Divinely reminded,

The spaceship fired past,

Shenmin controls the artillery fire,


In an instant,

Have crossed thousands of miles,

Blasted onto the opponent's ship,

In the loud noise,

This spaceship,

It turned into a huge fireball and shot,

The mountains surround the monks,

Burst out of the fireball,

Charged toward the other flying fleet.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Divinely reminded,

The airship is facing the other airship,

Three shots in a row,

This flying fleet urges Dao Fa,

Burst into the sky,


The whole ship,

It turned into a huge fireball and shot.

The opposing ship,

Boomed wildly,

In an instant,

Thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-square-meter” airship shot

The spaceship has many features,

Thunder broke out!

A look at Wan Jian,

The combat power of your own spaceship,

Down by one third.

I opened a grocery store these years,

I collected a lot of precious materials,

There has been a lot of improvement in the level of refining equipment.

Continuous fighting,

But in ten moments,

The other party was at a loss,


There was a communication coming,

"It is mined here, and part of each is mined."

Generally speaking,

The level of the spaceship and the embodiment of their respective Taoism,

this time,

Tsing Yi, ten thousand swords spreading across the mountains, skyrocketing thunder,

Volcano Lei said,

Nodding again and again.

This whirlpool,

But there are thirty million li!

Divinely reminded,

Flew towards the boulders,

After a day,

The material in this boulder has been mined.

The fleets of both sides exhibited,

Speeding in different directions.

"We people, in a **** wasteland,

Out of the **** battle wasteland,

Spaceship battle,

They are all relatively powerful! "

Volcano Lei said,

"Go to rest where you used to eat."

Ten thousand swords and sashan speakers.

"it is good."

Member Qian said.

The spaceship turns,

Speeding toward the original boulder,

Here, release the main hall,

After another thirty days,

Respective ships,

Have been able to fight,

Only then did it flew toward the collecting material.

After a year,

They have traveled five million miles into the whirlpool,

Thunder blasted over,

This time the thunder fire,

But it is thousands of miles,

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi, Thousand Swords Spreading Mountains, Sky Thunder, Volcano Thunder,

The spaceship turns,

Speeding towards the distance,

With a touch on the edge of the thousands of miles of thunder and fire,

Three thousand miles out of thunder and fire,

Just take a look,

Everyone's ship,

Commissioner Qian’s flying ship,

The urging method is the same as before,

These people’s airships,

Dao Fa of urging,

Has been blasted by one third,

Everyone said,

"Continue toward the depths of this vortex,

Thunder Fire is stronger,

The precious materials harvested,

not many. "

The universe is different from the **** wasteland,

The spaceship drove all the way,

Generally, what materials are there,

Dao Fa urges,

It can be detected clearly!

"The power of these thunder and fire,

It has surpassed the battle with the flying fleet. "

Tsing Yi said.


There are not many battles with other monk ships,

Against the cosmic thunder,

But it is already more difficult!

Commissioner Qian, Tsing Yi, Thousand Swords Spreading Mountains, Sky Thunder, Volcano Thunder,

The spaceship turns,

Drive out of the whirlpool.

After half a month,

these people,

Already sitting,

Drink tea in the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

The wine and food are brought up,

This guy had a big meal together,

Then they went back to their own courtyard,

"Blood Battle Wasteland, compared with the general plane,

It’s already a relatively deserted plane,

Compared with the universe,

Feeling **** war against the wasteland,

It's already pretty good. "

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Said with emotion,

Began to combine these materials,

Refining as a magic weapon!

Commissioner Qian went back to Xia Dian,

Banao greeted him,

Commissioner Qian,

Give these materials to the past,

Talking to Banao

These materials,

Should be refined by those Taoist methods,

In that whirlpool,

Collecting materials for one and a half years,

Commissioner Qian said about these materials,

How to refine,

Refining by those Taoist methods,

There is a rough deduction result.

"These materials can probably refine a shield and a sword at the level of the gods!"

Commissioner Qian said,

This shield and sword,

Refined on Banao's original sword and shield!

Banao took the Taoist jade slips collected over the years,

Gave it over,

Commissioner Qian took these Taoisms, jade slips,

Deduced for thirty days,

This is the speaker~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The contents of these jade slips and Taoist books,

It is not enough for the deduction of the law, Tao and fruit. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Banao looked serious,

"The deduction of the law, Tao and fruit,

So mysterious? "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Talking to Banao,

My general deduction of these books,

Talking to Banao for a long time,

Commissioner Qian turned and left Xiadian.

Speeding toward the plane of teleportation array, (to be continued...)

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