Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3365: God of War

It seems that thousands of mountains are pouring over,

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder of Jian Jue,

Thousands of mountains blasted away,

Commissioner Qian has full mana,

But it feels difficult!

The shield in his hand suddenly urged,

On the shield,

Tens of thousands of mountains,

Turned into a circle of fire,

Flew past this cultivator like a lightning bolt,

Commissioner Qian blasted over with thousands of swords,

This person is holding the shield in his hand!


The figure is another meal,

Commissioner Qian Yijian,

Like flying immortals outside the sky,

Has been cut into the mountains,


On this monk,

Thunder splash!

He screamed,

Body shape flashed,

In an instant, it has gone thousands of miles away!

Monk Huashen defeated!

The monk who was blasting the thunder and fire at the drum horn medicine field was shocked

Body shape,

The formation walked towards the distance,

Inside the bulging medicine field,

Suddenly rushed out of the three swords,


The whole sky,

All paused in general. . .

In the battle, the flying sword flashed ten thousand times,

Just flew three miles away,

These three flying swords,

Has come over,

Compared with Wan Jian Jue, the three swords

Like a mountain and a rock,


This formation surrounded by tens of thousands of mountains.

Suddenly it has been cut into by these three swords!

As if there are thousands of thunder.

Shoot in this battle.

A huge fireball appeared,

Turn into thunder and fire!

In the formation,

The seven-line rule fusion monk who presided over the battle,

Sword Jue urges,

Sword and shield in hand,

Rush out!

The power of the three swords,

By his sword and shield.

Blocked a lot,


Half-seat formation,

Has turned into thunder and fire,

Hundreds of golden pills in the formation,

There are less than fifty people left!

Tan Tian, ​​Banao, Banxian,

This is the sword art!

"Take me a sword and come here."

Tan Tian said.

Look at this formation.

Towards the distance,

Flew past at the speed of ordinary Jin Dan.

"This formation. There is already a fusion of three rules.

In general, how can there be an array of three rules fusion. "

Banao said,

Tan Tian nodded,

The three of them flew towards the drum corner medicine field,

Commissioner Qian has already arrived in the Gujiao Medicine Field.

"The body, the fairy book, really extraordinary!"

Banao said.


The other golden fruit shadows said,

"Such a god,

How long has it not cultivated?

The ontology has been advanced for more than 300 years,

Has been able to overcome,


Did you urge the law and Tao fruit? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"There is no urging rule, Tao fruit,

Cultivation fairy book,

The rules have been integrated into the Tao fruit,

The cultivation way is very mysterious! "

This battle,

There is no urging of the law and the fruit,

"The fairy book is mysterious and extraordinary,


Want to practice fairy book,

The rules of its own fusion of Tao and fruit,

Need to reach a relatively high level.

I go to fight the wasteland,

The rough stone of the **** wasteland,

Regarding the practice rules fusion Tao fruit,

The effect is good. "

Commissioner Qian said.

A few golden fruit shadows nodded,

"So good."

Get the Xuan'ao Dao Shu,

Deducing nature,

Comprehend the mysterious rules and manifest the fruit of the debut,

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

Ordinary esoteric books,

It will take several years.

Tantian gave jade slips,

This is these years,

Taoist books and jade slips collected.

Commissioner Qian went out of the Drumcorn Medicine Field,

Flew towards the plane of teleportation formation,

Arrived at the plane of teleportation array,

All talking,

Around Sledgehammer Pass,

With a strong battle formation,

Watching the thunder and fire explode,

It may be a master of rule fusion fighting,

A blink of an eye,

Drum horn medicine field battle,

Ordinary Jindan monks,

It’s like looking at ten thousand mountains,

Like electricity,

Towards the town of Red Wolf,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

"Old money, here comes, seat."

Wan Jian Sashan greeted enthusiastically.

Commissioner Qian is here,

Fight against the master of transformation.

"Will you go mining?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Old money, I practiced for a few years,

I have a mine here,

Not bad. "

Wan Jian said,

Said a mine.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Out of Red Wolf Town,

The figure urged, and flew toward the depths of the **** wasteland.

Flew thirty thousand miles,

Inside the mine,

This look,

Divine Mind extends five hundred miles of mines,

Three nice lines.

"Slightly better than the average mine,

It's already pretty good. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Body shape shook,

Has reached a pattern,

A reminder of the law,

Bounced towards the pattern,

Bloody wasteland,

A monk who transformed into gods like Commissioner Qian came over,

The same blast towards the lines.

This mining,

Mined for a year and a half,

Commissioner Qian only picked three rough stones.

this day,

Commissioner Qian is taking out wine and vegetables to eat,

Three thousand miles away.

There was a thunderous roar.

Commissioner Qian thought.

Body shape reminded.

Has been out of the mine,

Flew towards that place.

Three thousand miles away,

There are dozens of mines,

Seen from afar,

With sword tactics thunder fire rushed into the mine,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Flew towards the mine.

Where am I surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Commissioner Qian was three thousand miles deep in the plane.


Monk mining,

Usually come to the depths of the plane three thousand miles,

Three hundred sword tactics thunder blasted over,

The mountains and rivers beside Commissioner Qian,


These sword tactics thunder fire,

Quan turned into sparks flying in the sky,

More than three hundred sword arts thunder fire rushed over.

This time.

Blasted to the mine next to Commissioner Qian,

There was a loud noise.

More than fifty feet deep was shot on the edge of the mine,

Ten feet deep mine!

Commissioner Qian took a look,

In the distant mine,

Was blasted out of the pit,

Some monks stood in the pit,

Flying sword with shield in hand!

Looking towards the mine in the distance,

When I saw thunder and fire,

Commissioner Qian didn’t use any shields,

Urge Dao Fa to spin,

Thunder Fire Sword Art,

Has turned into sparks in the sky,

This is a master!

Commissioner Qian was stunned.

Have walked over,

"Why are you fighting here?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"A good mine was found over there,

Many mining teams,

The battle started. "

These people said,

these people,

But it’s the same as Commissioner Qian,

It's only been a long time here.

Commissioner Qian said to them,

The mine blasted suddenly,

More than 300 thunder fires,

Has rushed over frantically.

Commissioner Qian’s tactics turned.

More than 300 thunder fires,

Has exploded frantically,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Speeding over there.

Three miles forward,

Thousands of thunder and fire blasted over,


In the loud noise,

A mile wide mine opened out,

Revealing the already mined mine,

"There is a rough stone!"

In this pit, a rough stone appeared,


Ten Dao stature,

Rushed towards the rough stone,

Body like electricity,

Commissioner Qian has removed this rough stone,

Get it in your hands.

Ten Dao stature,

Sword Jue urges,

The sword tactics thunder and fire 30,000,

Boomed towards Committee Member Qian.

There are more flying swords in Qian Da's hand,

Sword Jue urges,

The sword tactic thunder fire issued by the opponent,

Touch Qian Dafeijian,

It should have exploded like a huge thunder,

this is,

But they flew towards the mine pit one after another,

But in an instant,

Next to the mine,

Another fifty-foot-long mine blasted out,

Seeing these monks,

Sword Art is only collected!

A master of this level,

But they can’t fight against each other,

Turned around,

Ran towards the side of the violent mine,

Commissioner Qian’s mind,

Looking into the depths of the mine over there,

Thunder and fire swords with more than 50,000 tactics,

Like a rainstorm,

Constantly cross and slash,

There was a monk standing in the pit,

A burst of thunder came,

The pit wall ten feet deep,

Has been shattered

This man urged his shield and flying sword,

Taoism is fully open,

The mountains are full of thunder and fire,


Thousands of thunder and fire came in the distance,


The mountains and rivers thunder and fire on this person,

Flashing and exploding,

Thousands of fireballs are blooming,

The man screamed,


Commissioner Qian took a look,

At least there are more than ten mining teams,

Booming wildly here.

"That pattern is nice—"

Commissioner Qian watched thousands of thunder and fire explode on the mine wall.

Member Qian said.

The mine wall within a mile radius,

Was quickly blasted to pieces,


All parties urging Dao Fa,

Can be detected with divine mind,

A rough stone inside,

This rough stone,

The epidermis was bombarded a lot,

Show off,

Mysterious and mysterious,

It's like the vast sky,

Hundreds of thunder and fire blasted above,

But it's not hurting at all,

"This is the top grade among the rough!"

Such rough stones,

Commissioner Qian has ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ based on the revision of Commissioner Qian,

Can't comprehend it,


Hundreds of figures,

Rushed out of the pit,

Rush towards this rough stone,

Everyone is shocked,

There are so many monks here,


Immediately hurry up,

This top-grade rough stone,

Has been taken by Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian took this rough stone in his hands,

Three body shapes,

Lightning generally blasted towards Commissioner Qian.

These three,

There are seven rules of fusion cultivation base,

This is a master of blood war wasteland mining.

Commissioner Qian for mining,

Rarely fight these masters,

This time,

But I met,

Commissioner Qian has more flying swords in his hands,

A master of this level,

Dao Fa Sword Art,

Is already very mysterious,

Practice upwards,

Is already at the level of transforming gods,

Sword Jue urges,

Urge three swords,

Every sword,

There are thousands of swords,

Blasted towards these three people,

In an instant,

Member Qian’s Feijian,

Touch this man’s flying sword,

These three people think,

Like being bombarded by thousands of huge thunders,

Thousands of huge thunders,

Every huge thunder,

Like a huge mountain!

Between the thunders,

Very mysterious,

"Boom, boom, boom—"

In the epicenter,

These three figures,

Flew out wildly,

Flew to the stone wall a hundred meters away,

Touch the mine wall,


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