Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3366: Elegant rough stone

The huge gap in mystery,

Let these five series of rules merge the monks,

Inspiring flying swords is like cutting a mountain,

A touch with the flying sword that Commissioner Qian cut over,

These five series of rules merge the monks,

As shaken by a huge thunder,

These ten or so masters of the integration of five rules,

Fly out wildly,

Touch the mine wall,

Compared with those three masters,

They all face into the mine wall,

Rumbling forward,

Ten mine pits were opened in the mine wall next to it,

It was created by the cultivators who merged these five rules,

This trick,

Like a million tricks,

Hundreds of rule-fusion monks,

Body shape,


Speeding around the mine!

Thousands of battles fiercely thunderous,


Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Turned around the mine,

Five miles deep beside the mine wall,

Commissioner Qian chose a pattern,


These monks,

Choose the texture,

Start mining.


There are still monks speaking,

"This top grade rough,

For a hundred years,

I haven't seen it in the Jieshi Conference. "


This top-grade rough stone,

For a hundred years,

At the Jieshi Conference,

Never appeared.

Commissioner Qian mined a hundred-mile pit,

Mined a rough stone,

Immediately urge the mana of the world beads.

one look.

This rough stone.

It is a relatively good rough stone,

From the rough stone I just got,

The difference is very far.

Commissioner Qian chose some of the lines he saw

The texture is good,

Mined patterns,

It's ok,

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

Body shape,

Has been out of this mine.

When I came to a pattern I saw,

This line,

Three miles deep into the rock wall,

No monks to mine,

other places,

The monk smashed the rock wall,

As every moment,

Thousands of thunder and fire have passed by!

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

Blasted past,


Drove out a three-mile mine,

Commissioner Qian looked at the lines.

After watching for a long time,

A reminder of the law,

Blasted past,

This time,

Blasted out a thirty-mile mine,

The lines of the mining area,

Become mysterious,

Drive more than a hundred miles,

Commissioner Qian mined a rough stone,

The pine flowers and dragon patterns on the rough stone are good,

World Pearl Mana urges,

one look,

This rough stone is good,

This is more satisfactory,

This mine,

Not in vain,

At this time,

Member Qian’s communication array sounded,

one look,

It was sent from Wanjian Sashan.

"Old money, I heard that there is a mine,

Out of the top grade rough,

Have a tough fight! "

Commissioner Qian said,

"I have reached this mine,

You come here quickly,

Maybe you can get a good rough. "

Wanjian nodded,


"Old money."

The sound of ten thousand swords spreading across the mountain,

Appeared at the mouth of the pit where President Qian was mining,

"Wan Jian, choose a pattern for mining."

Commissioner Qian said,

It only took three days for Wanjian to come here,

Commissioner Qian came out,

This is five hundred miles,

In the mine,

Nice texture,

Not much,

This is a pit of high-grade immortal stone,

Commissioner Qian was urged by the spirit,

Deducing the lines in the mine,

After a long time,

Only then chose a pattern,


At this time, away from the place where the high-grade immortal stone was out,

Already has three hundred miles,

This time,

This time,

Commissioner Qian mined more than one hundred li pits,

Mined a rough stone,

Take a look at the world beads,

This rough stone,

Put it on the calcite conference in the jieshi hall,

Can be ranked to the front,

At this time,

Next to the rough stone where the top grade fairy stone was mined,

Has become a big pit with a radius of three hundred miles,

Commissioner Qian chose the pattern again,


This time, three hundred miles were mined,

The texture becomes ordinary,

Unable to mine rough stone,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Back to the original mine,

After watching for three days,

Fa Jue urges,

Keep banging,

This is towards a line,

Open a mine,

this time,

More than a hundred miles from the mine,

Mined a rough stone,

one look,

This rough stone,

Slightly better than usual.

This time rough mining,

Less than half a year,

The monks walked out of the mine one after another,

Speeding towards Red Wolf Town or Hanshan Town,

Commissioner Qian is in the mine,

Urge Dao Fa to walk,

At this time,

Wan Jian Sa Shan came over,

"Old money, harvest rough stones this time,

Not bad,

The veins here,

about there.

This vein is good,


There are so many monks. "

Commissioner Qian,


After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian only found a rough stone,

one look,

This rough stone,

It's already average,

In order to mine this rough stone,

Commissioner Qian has gone through five already mined


Looking towards the mountain of ten thousand swords three hundred miles away,

"Ten thousand swords to spread the mountain, how is the harvest."

Wan Jian Sashan smiled,

"Passing through mines mined by others,

There are already ten,

Unable to mine rough! "

Ordinary rough,

For the cultivation of Wanjian Sashan,

There are not many Taoisms that can be enlightened,

For Commissioner Qian’s cultivation level,

Ordinary rough,

Rule fusion,

Commissioner Qian can have a lot of insights,

"Continue mining."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Old Qian, your cultivation base is higher than mine,

But so hardworking"

Wan Jian Sa Shan said with emotion.

Body shape,

Walk towards the mine next to it.

In the mine,

Wanzhong Mountain came over,

Walked over,

Monk mining,

A thunderous roar,

But it is getting less and less,

this day,

Commissioner Qian was spreading his voice to Wanjian,

"You can go back to Red Wolf Town."

From Chairman Qian to here,

It has been a year and a half,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan,

Back to Red Wolf Town,

The deduction of the fairy book,

Still going on,

It has made a little progress.

Sit in the grocery store in Wanjiansashan.

Wan Jian Sa Shan Shan Yin,

After a long time,

In this grocery store,

A lot of monks came,

The skylight is coming,

Tsing Yi is here.

"To the banquet."

Wan Jian Sa Shan said to the waiter,

The waiter came up to the banquet,

The monks ate and drank together,

"This time, I got out of the pit of high-grade immortal stone.

You are talking,

Next to the mine,

There are others,

Valuable mine? "

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

These monks,

Some have been mined in the mines they came out of.

These monks said,

Speaking of night,

Out of the Wanjian Sashan grocery store,

"Wan Jian Sa Shan, this one next to you,

It's the master of transforming gods. "

A monk said towards the mountain of ten thousand swords,


Many monks looked over,

Wan Jian Sa Shan knows the master of the **** of transformation,

Fighting fiercely in the mine,

Many monks already know.

"Of course, this time we will mine rough stones together.

Not bad. "

Wan Jian said,

Walking in strides.

For three consecutive days,

Wanjian Sashan is a grocery store,

Set a banquet,

Talked for three days,

"Old money~www.wuxiaspot.com~Go to the mine where we last mined five thousand miles

Quarrying rough stones,

how is it? "

Wan Jian said,

Mined top grade rough stones,

Wan Jian Sa Shan and these monks,

All became active.

The deduction of the fairy book,

For three years,

It’s almost ten years,

Commissioner Qian nodded,

He came to fight the wasteland this time,

Originally, more rough stones were mined. (To be continued...) ()

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