Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3367: Fight

These people said,

this day,

Gathered in the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Walking out of Red Wolf Town, his stature was reminded,

Flew towards the distance of the **** wasteland. . 23u. Watch the latest and most complete novel

Flew fifty thousand miles,

Fell towards a mountain,

Commissioner Qian was urged by the spirit,

This mountain,

Five hundred miles in radius,

The situation in Shenwuli,

It was displayed in the gods of the Qian committee.

Ordinary plane,

Commissioner Qian can detect four thousand miles,

This **** battle against the wasteland,

Commissioner Qian can only detect five hundred miles.

Deep five li,

"It's more ordinary here,

There is not even a mine. "

Commissioner Qian said more politely,

Rocks here,

For the **** wasteland,

Is very common.

Bloody wasteland,

There are quite a few ordinary mines.

"Here, it's similar to the mine where the top-grade rough stones appeared."

A monk wearing a fiery red armor said.


Member Qian heard,

There is a pit of top grade rough,

Commissioner Qian has never mined.

Member Qian heard,

Dao Fa urges,


Boom towards this mountain,


A fifty-foot pit appeared.

Thousands of swords spit the mountain, soaring thunder,

Volcano Thunder these people,

Dao Fa urges,

Boomed over.

The rocks here are ordinary,

Everyone blasted hundreds of miles,

This is the Yuan Ying Flower God with the fusion of five rules.

Commissioner Qian is a god.

This has such a powerful mana.

"These patterns. Some are good."

Member Qian heard,

Spiritual thoughts around,


The mine blasted by the sky thunder,

Already has a good pattern,

Starting from the surface of the plane,

Far away,

Commissioner Qian urged the law.

Fist and boom.

Blasted out a thirty-mile mine,

Divine mind probes the past,

Only then did I see nice lines,


The pit is mined here,

This is pretty good.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Divinely reminded,

But it started to deduct,

Stood for a long time,

Mined here.

It can already be mined along the lines,

Boom violently towards a line.

Opened a mine for thirty miles,

The texture is average,

Turn around,

Slashed towards the other lines,

Three mines were opened,

This was detected,

A good pattern,

Fist and bang,

Mined toward this pattern.

Mined for a hundred miles,

Commissioner Qian mined the rough stone,


The mana of the world beads urges,

Looking at the rough stone,

This rough stone is average,

However, ordinary rough stones,

Commissioner Qian was able to practice a lot of rules integration,

"I picked rough, but it's average."

Member Qian said.


The sky mines mining over there,

Body shape,

Has flown over,

Mining started here,

Pick ordinary rough stone,

These monks come,

one look,

"The pine flowers on this rough stone are red,

It seems that

What we said earlier,

Some truth. "

"Not bad."

A monk nodded,

This rough stone is average,

At the Jieshi Conference,

The five-system rule fusion monk,

Not necessarily willing to pay a high price,

This rough stone,

It's in the hands of a cultivator of God like Commissioner Qian.

The monks slammed their fists,

Blasted out a mine pit of more than 300 miles,

Except for member Qian,

A rough stone for the others,

None have been mined.

Shennian came over from afar,

one look,

"Not so."

Thousands of miles away, three thousand miles away,

A monk said.

"Open a thousand-mile pit,

Mined such a pattern,

There are many in the Wasteland of Blood War. "

They said,

Mined to 1,500 miles,

The sky thunder mined a rough stone,


The monks of this mining,

Go over and watch.

"Old money, the rough stone mined this time,

Better than the rough stone you mine. "

Ten thousand swords sashan speaker,

"Yes, master."

Sky Thunder said,

Committee member Qian Shijiezhu urged,

Looking at the original stone,

This rough stone,

It is better than the rough stone mined by yourself.

"It seems that the mine is good."

Commissioner Qian said,

I saw this rough stone,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Deduced the mine he had mined,

Deduced for most of the day,

Only then did it blast towards the lines,

Mined here,

This pattern,

Has become good,

At this time,

The mines these people have mined,

It can be compared to a normal mine on the Wasteland of Blood War,

Commissioner Qian opened a thirty-mile pit toward that side,

"This pit is good."

The voice came from thousands of miles away,

Ten monks,

Has reached the side of this mountain range.

Similar to Committee Member Qian,


The soaring thunder rushed out,

"If you want to open a mine, go to the side."

The mines mined by people like Wanjian Sashan,

Occupies half a mountain,

Over the mountain,

It can still be mined.

The words of soaring thunder,

That’s pretty good,

"Raw stone veins, if we talk about texture,

Not many can extend three hundred miles. "

There was a monk in a cyan armor,

"Huh. Huh. Huh----"

Body shape flashed.

The monks on the side of Wanjian Sashan,

Including Commissioner Qian,

It has all rushed out of the mine.

Stand next to the skylight,

Looking across the talking monk,

"What's the matter, competition chart, heads-up?"

He said,

"We are the same people here.

Five people each,

Whoever wins, who can fight next. "

Sky Thunder said.

"Who fights with me!"

A monster-like voice sounded,

Iron man,

Came out,

With a big knife in his hand,


Wanzhong volcano,

"I come."

Sky Thunder Speaker,

There is already a flying sword in his hand.

In a flash,

There seemed to be thousands of fire and thunder.

Across the plane,

The big guy roared,

Sword Jue urges,

Like Wanzhong Mountain,

Flying in the air,

Boom over.

The soaring thunder roared wildly,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of thunder and fire,

As swiftly as flying across the sky,

Bloom like ten thousand flowers,

With elegance in the violent,

Boom violently towards these tens of thousands of mountains,

Thousands of thunder and fire exploded,

The monks looked,

This **** battle against the wasteland,

It’s a cultivator who blends the five rules

Or the monk of God,

A good place to fight.

While watching,

While talking about the Taoism and Sword Art of both sides,

An exhibition of thousands of miles of mountains,

Cover three hundred miles in the air,

It is already stronger than the average Yuan Ying formation.

Thunder show,

Turned into three thousand thunder and fire,

Boom towards the mountains of three hundred miles,

Block after block exploded,

Three hundred miles of mountains,

Whirled towards the thunder and fire,

Three thousand thunder fires,

Touch the mountains,

But the mountains suddenly exploded,

"At this level, it is already a competition of Taoism."

The monks on both sides said,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

It's been a long time,

I have never seen such a battle.

The soaring thunder roared,

Three thousand thunder and fire,

Becomes extremely brilliant,

The color brilliance flickered,

In a bang,

Three hundred miles of mountains,

Already through most of it!

The big man roared,

Has jumped out of the circle,

A reminder of the double hair Taoism,

The urged sword arts method,

Toward their respective broadswords, they gathered in the flying swords,

This battle,

But it was soaring thunder.

"Thunder Fire Mystic is more powerful."

The monk on the other side said.


Ten thousand swords on the mountain side,

Come out a monk,

Holding a war knife,

The opponent came out with a monk holding a warhammer,

When both sides came out,

Immediately the Dao Fa is fully opened,

Flame mountains thunder and fire,

Tumbling and rolling,

Five hundred miles thunder!

Five series rules fusion master battle,

Taoism within five hundred miles,

Already almost.

Thousands of thunder fire sword shadows crisscrossed.

The monks who came out from Wanjiansashan,

But it urges flames.

"This time, fight with Dao Fa Sword Art.

It's more mysterious than the battle. "

Wan Jian said.

"Really put the five elements of the rules and the mystery out of the game,

Still more laborious! "

Sky Thunder said,

He won the first battle,


The complexion changes continuously,


After a long time,

The mountain-like warhammer hit,

The flame gradually receded.

Three hundred miles of flames are collected,

The monk who came out from Wanjian Sashan,

Has jumped out of the circle,


"I lose this battle."

In the **** wasteland, masters are everywhere,

Fight down,

The two sides are tied,

Commissioner Qian went up,

As the highest master of these people,

Of course it's a little bit of music.

These people are just adventure monks in the **** wasteland,

The other person came out alone,

Master of seven series of rules fusion,

It’s no wonder that I saw a dozen people like Commissioner Qian,

Mine here,

Come here with confidence,

This humanitarian law reminds me,

Shoot Dao Fa on the flying sword,

Shining the whole sky,

The whole sky seemed to burn.


Commissioner Qian said,

Holding a flying sword in his hand,

When the other person looked,

Shennian walked around Committee Qian,

As if looking at the boundless abyss,

This person is horrified,

Dao Fa is not urged,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords,

Very mysterious,

It blasted towards the member Qian.

These monks took a look,

This sword art,

It's like three thousand miles of rivers and mountains!

Commissioner Qian flicked his sword,

Three thousand miles,

Has been shaken up!

This man yelled,

Shield in hand,

Give all your strength,

Dao Fa of the whole body,

Rushing into the sky,

Like a flame of three thousand feet,

Commissioner Qian is another sword,

The shield jumped up suddenly,

Commissioner Qian Yijian,

Has been cut on this monk,

This monk,

Like being shaken by thunder,

Suddenly exited thirty feet!

The other monk,

Everyone is shocked,

This monk,


Nodded towards the monk here,

Turned around,

Speeding towards the distance,

There are ten monks here,

Body shape,

Have kept up.

Galloped thousands of miles,

These seven series of rules merge the monks,

Then I spoke,

"This person may be a master of transforming gods."

"Ah, to the master of the **** transformation in this **** wasteland,

One more person. "

These monks sighed.

After these five battles,

Within five thousand miles,

A lot of divine thoughts came over,

The battle between Commissioner Qian and the seven-faculty masters,

People like Wanjian Sashan have mined thousands of miles of mines,

On the distant mountains,

Monks came to mine,

The half of the mountain occupied by Wanjianshashan,

But no monk came,

Ten thousand swords and thunder, these five-system cultivators,

Started to dig a mining pit to the side,

There are already good lines.

"Ten Thousand Swords and Spreading Mountain, Master Transforming God,

Really tough. "

Have masters,

Say hello to Wanjian Sashan,

Wanjian has already harvested a rough stone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rough performance is average,

Wanjian feels good,

Maybe untie it,

For practice,

There is a lot of help.

"of course."

Wan Jian said.

"You have a good mine,

Come to me, fight, it's not a problem! "

This said,

"However, Brother Qian must have chosen first.

Brother Qian, don't you think? "

Commissioner Qian nodded. (To be continued...)

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