Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3503: 5000 li

"Look at that place in the legend of the giant god.["

A monk said,

The monk in the restaurant nodded,

"I have been talking about it for half a year,

This magic weapon is the magic weapon in the legend of the giant god. "


There are hundreds of monks in the building,

Out of Giants Town,

Towards the distance,

Urging Dao Fa, speeding past like lightning.

Flew thirty thousand miles,

To the mountains,

Three thousand miles of mountains,

Separate from the middle,

There is a big river,

Passing through the mountains,

Pent towards the distance.

"The giant **** urged the sword art to cut away these three thousand li mountains."

The monk said,

This big river is a hundred miles wide.

"Father of God, spread out five hundred miles of mountains, it can be done.


Bring these three thousand li rocky mountains,

Cut open the wide Baili River,

The Void-Returning monk can't do it. "

A monk said,

This is the day,

He and Banao arrived at the peak monk of the common **** of transformation on the same mountain,

"How effective is the herbal essence?"

Banao said,

"The medicinal essence works well,


For refining the mysterious method, the effect is not great. "

The cultivator at the top of the transformation **** said.

The monk took out the magic weapon,

"This magic weapon has been used here."


Hundreds of monks are urged by Taoism,

Thousands of miles of mountains surround,

Speeding towards the river,

Three thousand miles of mountains,

Most of the day.

Hundreds of monks passed by Dao Fa.

But there is no place for cultivation.

Watched here for ten days.

Hundreds of monks,

Most of them are Yuan Ying monks.

This was driving towards the giant town.

This time to the legend of the giant god,

It’s been five hundred years in Giants Town,

In the broadest terms,

Took out the magic weapon used in the legend,

This time I couldn’t explore the treasures in the legend of the giant god.

Banao spent more than half a year in Giants Town.

The town of Titan is deserted a lot,

Banao left Giants Town.

Toward the giant rock mountain plane teleportation array, speeding past.

After thirty days,

Ruixian plane, Xiadian,

Ban Ao, Commissioner Qian, the more powerful Jin Guo Ying,

Gathering here,

Pan Ao will be on the plane of Giant Rock Mountain, and the town of Giant God said.

"Let's talk about Banao's deduction.

The giant rock mountain plane, this time the deduction is over.

I gonna go see. "

Commissioner Qian said.

The shadow of Jin Guo nodded,

This was deduced,

Banao’s sentiment has the peak of transforming gods, returning to the void and refining formations.

In this way, the Taoist book of transformation, the Taoist book of returning to the void, the deduction of Taoism,

The deduction unfolded.

It has been deduced for ten years on the book of Hua Shen Tao,

The deduction of the Taoist method of the peak of the **** of transformation and the method of returning to the void has improved a lot,

Only then began to deduct the fairy book,

Practice while practicing,

Thirty years have passed since this deduction!

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo's shadow and Taoism are more mysterious.

"This deduction has improved the opposing side by a lot."

Tan Tian said,

From the last deduction to now,

Tantian most of the time,

Practicing in Huashan,

At this time, Tantian’s plane is mysterious,

There is a big improvement.

The deduction of the fairy book reached its peak,

"Thirty years have passed, the deduction of the fairy book,

No more than three hundred words.

Unless there are more fairy books.

Otherwise, it is more difficult to move forward with the fairy book deduction. "

Tan Shan said,

"Three hundred years have passed, but the Immortal Book Hall has not appeared."

Commissioner Qian said,

Banao walked out of the Summer Palace,

When I arrived at the state capital, I set up a banquet and came over.

This banquet has hundreds of dishes,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying ate for a long time,

"I'm going to look at the giant rock mountain plane."

Out of the summer palace,

Dao Fa urges, like electricity,

Flew over to the plane's main hall plane,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the giant rock mountain plane teleportation array,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly towards the giant town,

Arriving in Giants Town,

Commissioner Qian left,

After three days,

Out of the giant town,

Speeding past the three thousand li river in the mountains like lightning,

Arrived by the three thousand li river in the mountains,

Commissioner Qian is like a Qi training monk,

Walking by the big river,

Three thousand miles of rivers,

But there is no training place for cultivators above Jindan cultivator,

Ordinary people on this huge rock mountain plane,

There are living along the big river.

In the mountains, there are mountains that can be cultivated by the river,

In the big river,

It has a lot of production.

Commissioner Qian has been here for more than half a year,

I chose a good mountain,

Said it is a good mountain,

It’s just a place where ordinary golden pills are refined,

Commissioner Qian waved,

Release the other hospital,

In the other courtyard,

Dao Fa urges and cultivates,

I don’t even plant medicinal materials,

This huge rock mountain plane is relatively ordinary,

Special medicinal materials from the plane of Giant Rock Mountain,

Ban Ao took it back to Xia Dian and deduced the prescription.

For Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo’s shadow of the gods,

These herbs,

The effect is no more than the medicinal materials planted in the manor of Qian Da Committee and Jin Guo Zhi Ying.

Commissioner Qian released his spiritual thoughts, fully comprehending the mystery of the plane,

this time,

But in three days,

Mysterious plane with a radius of five thousand miles,

Gathered towards the Qian committee.

On ordinary planes, Commissioner Qian’s spirit is released,

Can perceive the mystery of the plane in a radius of five thousand miles.

Three thousand miles of rivers in these mountains,

And surrounding,

They are all shrouded in the thoughts of Qian Qian.

Half a year later,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

The other courtyard expanded for thirty miles,

Mountains and rivers with a radius of five thousand miles,

Shown in this other courtyard,

And really average.

This is the practice of the Master Qian's profound cultivation level.

In the mountains and rivers,

With mana gathering and rushing,

This is the most esoteric deduction of Commissioner Qian.

This time,

After thirteen years,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the law,

Among these mountains,

There are many fields, small rivers,

These rivers, small fields appeared,

The whole three thousand miles of mountains began to change,

this time,

After half a year,

Commissioner Qian began to deduct.


The fields appearing in the mountains, but the river is missing,

Commissioner Qian began to deduct,

After five years,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

this time,

These small rivers and fields appeared,

Tian, ​​a little more,

A small river,

It's a lot more,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The mountains, fields, rivers,


After half a year,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the issue,

Tian, ​​the river is missing,

This time,

Still can't achieve the best results,

This time, deduction,

After thirty years,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the other courtyard,

The plane is mysteriously deduced,

This time, the most mysterious deduction urged by Commissioner Qian was.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

Flew towards the three thousand li river,

The mountains on the edge of the three thousand li river,

Are relatively ordinary,

By the big river,

But fifty miles away,

The normal distance is not much,

Commissioner Qian went a hundred miles away from this big river,

Reach out,

Flying sword released,

Profound magic power,

Winding towards the mountains,

Not bang past,

A river appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ extending towards the big river,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

After half a day,

A hundred miles of river appeared.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The river channel extends far into the mountains.

This river extends thousands of miles away,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the issue,

On the side of the mountain, there is a pool of water,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the issue,

The river gushes from the big river,

The river appeared along this, rushing towards the mountains. (To be continued...) ()

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