Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3504: Giant Rock Refining


Swinging a sword can cut through the mountains for five hundred miles,

Commissioner Qian opened the thousands of miles of river,

If you cut with a flying sword,

For Commissioner Qian,

In less than three moments,


Commissioner Qian cut open the thousands of miles of river,

It took thirty days.

Different mountains, valleys,

Commissioner Qian all urged the deduction of Xuan Dao Fa.

Only then did it drive along the deduced river.

Commissioner Qian’s Feijian urges to send it out, not like Ben Lei,

It is very mysterious.

Some mountains,

Out of the river,

Not more rushing,

It’s a magic weapon

Put it on the river,

This river opens,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The river is coming,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Many mountains passed by the river,

Shrouded by Taoism.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Realizing, drove out the river, the river rushed,

This mysterious face,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian walked toward the side five hundred miles away,

Dao Fa urges,

In the rumbling thunder,

The river is open,

Some mountains, bypassing the edge of the mountains,

Some mountains use magic weapons,

The river goes half a circle on the mountain,

This just passed.

Three rivers were opened,

Half a year later,

At this time,

There is Tao Fa, galloping towards this mountain.

Saw three rivers opening here.

"This is the monk,

Open three rivers here.

Open a manor here to grow medicinal materials.

It's only fifty miles away from the river.

The crop growth is relatively ordinary,

A place suitable for planting precious medicinal materials,

Here, more than fifty miles away from the river,

Not even more. "

A monk said,

It's in the giantshenzhen restaurant,

Those adventurers who drink often.

Sword Jue urges,

Thunder fire blasted toward the river formation.


The formation flame ripples flicker,

This thunder is gone,

With flames,

Shot out from the formation,

As fast as lightning,

This monk,

Urge to issue shields,

The shield becomes three feet,

One block against this thunder,

Thousands of miles of mountains rushed out of the shield.

The magic weapon refined by Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

"Boom----" Ran the giant epicenter.

Thousands of miles of mountains and crashing into pieces,

The monk on the side took a look,

The monk urged to issue a shield to fight against himself,

Can fight for a long time,

This is where the strong set the magic circle.

And the monk on the side,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly away towards the distance.

Fly away three thousand miles,

Then I talked to the monk nearby,

"There are many manor monks on this big river.

Some monks have passed over a hundred years,

The precious medicinal materials grown here,

Not as good as elsewhere. "

"However, the three rivers that this monk opened,

It looks very good. "

The monk on the side said,

Yuan Ying Flower God level,

Dao Fa is more mysterious,

These three rivers came out,

All feel good.

They said, the owner of these three rivers,

Taoism is very high,

Speeding towards the distance,

Many Yuan Yinghua **** monks who came to this huge rock mountain,

All went to Giants Town,

Comprehend this giant mountain,

Out of five rivers,

Commissioner Qian faced these rivers,

Branch out,

These branches,

But it leads to the hillside,


Set up some spring water,

After these are done,

Five rivers look,

And this mountain is even better,

As natural!

After a year and a half.

The five rivers opened by Commissioner Qian,

Three hundred thousand miles of mountains,

Are covered by the great Zhoutian formation,

Committee member Qian released the other courtyard.

The circle urges,

The river is surging from the big river,

The plane is transpiring,

Very mysterious.

Refining this mountain.

This time refining,

Thirty years have passed,

The mountains shrouded by the great array of Zhou Tian,

Become lush,

Refining the profound formation for thirty years,

The effect came out,

Compared with the ordinary mountains of Juyan Mountain,

It has become a lot better.

However, Commissioner Qian is not here.

Plant medicinal herbs.

As the monk who came here said,

Refined here for thirty years,

Not as good as Xiadian and Baihe.

If you grow precious medicinal materials here,

Need to use a lot of materials for refining,

It's better than here everywhere.

this day,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the mountains.

There are mountains here,

The mystery gathered,

The Dao Fa urges the great money plane,

Within a radius of 300,000 miles,

Debut method,

Converge towards here,

Commissioner Qian is here to urge the exercises for 30 days,

Dao Fa urges,

There is an incomparable Taoism.

This law appeared,

After a long time,


In the middle of the valley,

Someone appeared.

Dao Fa urges,

In an instant,

Five thousand miles in radius,

This person has been psyched.

"Transforming the gods and practicing profound cultivation,

There is such a way of refining the plane's profound way,

Not bad. "


Reach out,

Within a hundred miles of this valley plane,

A mountain appeared,

This mountain immediately released profound magic power,

Facing the Qian Tian committee,

Refine the past within the envelope.

"This mountain, here, has been refined for ten years!

Here, many precious medicinal materials can be grown.

of course.

And the Juyan Mountain plane is the best for medicinal materials. "


Dao Fa urges to send it out, as if to reach a mysterious space.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Go around this mountain,

But in an instant,


Commissioner Qian's spirit rushed up.

Divine Sense urges the magic power of refining profound,

Blasted towards this circle,

In this circle.

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual thoughts urged mana,

Poke three feet into the circle,

It took half a year!

This magic circle, the ancient temple on the plane of Birui,

The ancient building that let Honolulu go,

More mysterious,

Wanli magma from Banao,

Banao is only capable of urging divine power,

Found fifty feet of magma,

Commissioner Qian thought.

The exercises are fully urged,


Ten years have passed.

The Dao Fa that Commissioner Qian felt,

But it’s like passing by to this mountain,

Divine Mind urges mana,

Peering into this mountain,

Blast past this mountain,

Commissioner Qian’s spirituality and profound magic power,

Turned into thousands of thunder and fire,

However, these thousands of thunder and fire,

But I didn’t see it after a long shot,

This is the magic power of transforming gods to refine the mysterious method!


This mountain is missing,

Commissioner Qian received credit, ‘

But out of here,

Speeding toward the giant town,

Arriving in the restaurant in Giant Town,

The waiter served wine and food,

Commissioner Qian ate and drank,

After eating and drinking for a long time,

Ordinary **** monk,

If you come to comprehend this mountain,

But I can comprehend this mountain three feet deep,

Master Infant Master of Rule Fusion,

Come to comprehend this mountain,

This mountain surface,

The rule-fusion monks can't comprehend it.

Commissioner Qian then flew toward the river in the mountains of 3,000 miles.

In the mountains,

At this time,

The mountains by the five rivers,

Has more than half,

It has become more mysterious and lush,

It seems,

It's similar to the good medicine garden in Xiadian,

in this way,

At this time, precious medicinal materials can be planted,

Use ordinary materials,

Slightly refined.

Next to Xiadian, a nice medicinal garden,

But three thousand years have passed.

Commissioner Qian is walking here,

Urge the mystery of the plane, drive out the river,

Commissioner Qian has grown a lot of medicinal materials here,

However, there are specialty medicinal materials of the Giant Rock Mountain,

Not many medicinal materials suitable for growing here,

At this time,

These herbs are long and lush,

Compared with the common medicinal materials grown on Juyan Mountain,

Of the same year,

The effect of medicinal materials has become quite good!

Walked on the mountains,

The mountains by the five rivers,

Most of the mountains,

The types of medicinal materials suitable for planting have increased,

General medicine garden,

Achieve suitable for growing more medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian, Jin Guo’s Shadow Transformation God refining level to refine,

Need a lot of precious materials!

Commissioner Qian looked at,


The mountains here are still suitable for planting,

It is similar to the specialty medicinal materials of the giant rock mountain plane,

Medicinal materials with different effects,

Unlike Banao said,

In Wanli Magma,

I planted snow medicinal materials,

in this way,

The magic circle in Wanli magma,

It is the real mysterious magic circle.

Commissioner Qian went to sit in the other courtyard,


This ten-year comprehension,

Commissioner Qian said about practicing Xuan Dao Fa,

Learn a lot!

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the circle,

The teleportation array flew towards the giant rock mountain plane,

After thirty days,

Ruixian plane, in the summer palace,

Commissioner Qian’s stronger Jin Guo’s shadow appeared,

Commissioner Qian said about this enlightenment,

"That mountain is no worse than Wanli Magma's inner circle."

Banao said,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Begin to deduct the Book of Hua Shen Tao and the Book of Return to Void,

Ten years later,

Dao Fa deduction,

Has improved a lot,

In the Summer Palace,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Urge the mysterious,

Becomes more mysterious.

Began to deduct the fairy book,

This time,

Thirty years have passed.

"For the deduction of the fairy book, not much improvement,

Deduction of the method of returning to the void,

Improve a lot. "

Commissioner Qian said,

this is,

Monk Huashen walked to the Summer Palace,

Repair base,

And Banaobi,

Much difference,

"The body, 300,000 medicinal materials have been collected.

Most of them are common herbs,

Suitable for planting on the plane of Giant Rock Mountain. "

The monk said,

The plane of Ruixian,

Build the summer palace,

There are three mountain villas where spirits converge,

This villa is hosted by the shadow of Jin Guo.


The shadow of this golden fruit transforms God into cultivation,

Refining magic power,

Compared with the ordinary monks,

The cultivation base is quite high.

"The five rivers on the huge rock mountain plane are surrounded by mountains,

Banshan will host you.

Can't compare with natural mountains,

However, these common medicinal materials are grown.

After three hundred years,

There are still many effects. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The mountains by the five rivers,

The mana of Commissioner Qian,

Not comparable to that powerful mountain array,


Can be used to grow some medicinal materials,

Suitable for planting medicinal materials on the plane of Giant Rock Mountain,

Mountain Flower Plane, Medicinal Materials of Golden Fruit Shadow Manor,

But I took out one hundred thousand,

Left medicinal materials,

Banshan is heavy to the ordinary plane of cultivation workshop city,

Purchased common medicinal materials,

Quite a lot, they are sold by the cultivation sect.

Commissioner Qian and Banshan reiterated,

Banshan re-emerged in Xiadian,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding past the teleportation circle towards the main hall of the plane.

After thirty days,

The board is heavy, stepping out of the teleportation array,

This is the plane of Giant Rock Mountain.

Dao Fa urges,

Flew over to the villa set up by Commissioner Qian,

Arrived in the villa,

Banshan was heavy and took a look at the medicinal materials planted by Chairman Qian.

Urge Dao Fa,

Here, planting facilities began to be placed,

Planting facilities urged,

Only then opened the medicinal field.

Yaotian opened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is where medicinal materials are grown.

Planting medicinal materials,

In the manor of the mountain flower plane and the shadow of the golden fruit,

Without using evolutionary fluctuations,

Common medicinal herbs,

But it is using plane fluctuations and cultivation methods,

After performing these,

After a hundred days,

Only then did the medicinal materials grow well,

Banshan Zhong looked at this,

The mountains by the five rivers,

But some medicinal materials are planted! (To be continued...) ()

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