Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3506: Shan Col House

The entire state capital, mostly Fangshi,

Various shops, restaurants,


There are many adventurers.

Commissioner Qian and Volcano Leighton issued a reminder,

But after flying three hundred miles,

Arrived at the Immortal Col.

Many monks are walking here,

"There is no magic weapon, here,

But there is no fairy treasure. "

Volcano Lei said.

Commissioner Qian is here,

Surrounded by mountains, it stretches for thousands of miles, which is really nice.

Mountains thousands of miles away,

It’s the mountain where you and the fire fairy grass adventurer companion got the Taoist book to the Qiand Committee member,

In the evening,

Commissioner Qian and the Volcano Thunder Law urged,

To the state capital,

Went to the restaurant,

Volcano mine let the waiter serve dishes,

Commissioner Qian and Huo Lei ate and drank,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

At the edge of the restaurant,

A monk finished eating and stood,

Walk towards this side,

But it looks slightly taller than ordinary people.

Commissioner Qian immediately spoke to that person,


This person,

It is the Giant Mountain, the Three-Zhang Giant.

The giant looked at Commissioner Qian,

"Old money? Good cultivation base."

Dao Fa urges,

The mountains appeared,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

It's just a half-foot mountain,

The volcano is watching,

This mountain is like thousands of miles,

Very mysterious.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flowers appear,

But the petals are heavy.

It's incomparable with the weight of 300,000 petals.


The volcano mine looked at,

On this flower,

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, so mysterious,

The mountains rushed towards the flowers,


The petals of the flowers burst,


The hundred petals shoot completely,

Commissioner Qian retreated.

in this way,

And the cultivation of giants,

Difference in comparison garden,

Seeing that 30 petals remain,

The flowers flew towards Committee Member Qian,

But it is shaking,


The giant looked over,

"Yes, the cultivation base of the profound practice,

Very good. "

Commissioner Qian for these three hundred years.

I got the Taoism in Xuan Xuan,

Comprehend the mysterious magic circle.

Cultivating profound magic power is very mysterious,

And the Giant Dao Law,

The hundred petals are left with thirty petals,

The flowers flew halfway towards Commissioner Qian.

This made the giant say: "Yes."

"What's the matter here?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"You urge the Dao Fa to have thirty levels, which is not bad.

I'm here to do something. "

The giant said,

"I have an adventurer,

From here in the mountains thousands of miles away,

The monk’s practice place, found this book,

It has the method of transforming gods and refining profound methods,

Not bad,

I am here to take a look. "

This giant listened,

After eating for a long time,

This is what I said to Committee Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian listened,

Thought for a long time,

"I have a strong formation, go and see."

The giant nodded,

Commissioner Qian said to the volcano mine,

"You go back to the other yard."


Out of the restaurant with the giant,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning.

Flew thirty thousand miles,

To the mountains,

The giant went to a mountain col,

Reach out to urge Dao Fa,

A passage appeared in the mountain,

The giant and the Qian committee walked toward this passage,

Walked three hundred feet,

Arrived in the hall,

On the edge of the hall is the other courtyard,

The other courtyard is a place for cultivation,

The place where the aura gathers here,

A radius of three feet!

In the hall, sitting a monk,

There is a waiter on the side,

The giant walked over and talked to the monk for a long time,

The monk took out the jade slip,

To the Qian Yuan committee members,

"The herbs inside,

How much do you have? "

Commissioner Qian took this jade slip and looked at it.

It's all medicinal materials, usually a thousand years old.

Commissioner Qian said,

"There are 30 types of medicinal materials here, which can be used for a thousand years."


Talking about these herbs,

These herbs,

It is the shadow of each golden fruit, collected by everyone.

Some herbs,

a bit less,

For Commissioner Qian,

Normal function,

In this jade slip,

But they need these herbs,

The monk nodded, "Yes."


The giant came over,

Come out of this courtyard with Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The mountain is still a col.

The giant and the Qian committee member took out the state capital,

Gallop past,


The giant walked to the nearby mountain,

Dao Fa urges,

Release the other courtyard, walk to the other courtyard,

Commissioner Qian went to the Huolei Courtyard,

Talking to the volcano mine,

The volcano mine listened and nodded,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian went to Xiadian,

Dao Fa urges,

Ten days,

Thousands of herbs,

Appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian collected the medicinal materials,

Dao Fa urges,


The teleportation array flew toward the plane.

Arrived on the plane of flying fairy,

Commissioner Qian went to the giant,

To spread the voice far away,

Volcano Thunder walked out of the other courtyard,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding over here like lightning,

Giant, Qian's Commissioner, Volcano Thunder.

Flew towards the distance like lightning.

Arrived at that mountain.

The Giant Dao Law urged.

In the mountains, another courtyard appeared,

Giant, Commissioner Qian, Volcano Thunder,

Walked to the other courtyard,

The monk and the waiter were sitting.

Commissioner Qian gave the medicinal materials to the past,

This person has seen medicinal herbs.

After watching for a long time,

Then I saw Commissioner Qian,

"This medicine is good."

Take out a card and give it to the money committee,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This card is better than the magic weapon made by the committee member Qian with mysterious magic power

Ten times stronger.

The monk reached out to urge the hair,

The teleportation array appeared,

Commissioner Qian, giant. Volcano mine,

Speeding toward this teleportation array.

After a long time.


There is a plane in front of me,

Commissioner Qian, giant, and volcano mine,

They stood on the mountain,

The plants on the side,

Three hundred feet high is common,

A lot of thousands of feet high,

"This face is very far away."

Volcano Lei said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"This face, I look over,

It feels like you can't see the side. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Saying, suddenly,

The monster leaped towards here,

The radius is ten feet.

Compared with a plant that is three hundred feet tall and a thousand feet tall,

This monster is ordinary,

Volcano Thunder Sword Art urges to send,

Blasted towards the monster,

Volcano Thunder Sword Art,

As fast as lightning,

Crashed like thunder,

This monster was shot out thirty feet,

Volcano Thunder looked serious,

"My sword art, can't blast this monster to pieces!"

The giant said to Commissioner Qian,

"Incitation formation."

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The Zhoutian Great Array unfolds,

Giant, volcano mine,

In the formation.

The giant said,

"There are legal treasures here, natural ones."

This said,

"Legal treasure?

If you can find the treasure,

Comprehend the Taoism of returning to the virtual world,

It can be said that a lot of progress has been made. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The real magic circle of returning to the void,

Commissioner Qian had seen the Juyan Mountain.

That magic circle is urging,

Commissioner Qian has been enlightened for ten years,

The magic circle is truly mysterious,

Can't comprehend.

The circle is flying in the mountains,

Speeding out thousands of miles,

The behemoth flew over,

Three hundred feet long.

Flew towards the circle,

Commissioner Qian was urged by the spirit,

Ten thunders at this monster,

This monster Dao Fa urges,

Show mana,

Mysterious and mysterious,

Blasted towards this thunder,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

In the loud noise,

This huge thunder,

Bombarded by monsters,


Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are extremely mysterious,

Boom to this monster to inspire Dao Fa,


The thunder fire shot three thousand feet,

Shining incredibly,

This monster urged Dao Fa, showing a whirlpool,

Blood spattered,

The monster shouted like thunder,

Speeding towards the distance,

"This monster is of the level of profound cultivation."

Commissioner Qian said,

Urge to refine the Xuanfeijian, this monster is just flying,

This is Commissioner Qian who has seen the highest cultivation base.

The formation speeds three thousand miles,

Commissioner Qian tried his best to urge it,

Zhou Tian Array urged,

"There is no rule treasure."

Commissioner Qian said,

The giant looked into the distance,

Three thousand miles away,

With buildings,

"There are, but no treasures,

The guards who came out there might be the guards during the rebirth period. "

The giant said,

Commissioner Qian looked 3,000 miles away,

There is a building there,

But three hundred zhang,

Thirty miles in radius,


Give the Qian Yuan committee a very simple feeling,

Urged towards the Zhoutian Array,

In the Zhoutian Great Array,


Thousands of thunder and fire!


Commissioner Qian said,

This thunder fire,

The law of thunder and fire,

The principles of the practice of Chairman Qian,

And this thunder,

Can't compare.

Commissioner Qian urged the formation,

Speeding three thousand miles,

The giant said,

"Go over there."

Formation urges,

Fly over there,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

See a mountain,

It’s 30,000 feet long and 3,000 li long,

Surrounded by mountains,

Has a quaint architecture,


The giant said,

Commissioner Qian urged the formation,

Flew towards the surrounding building with the mountains.

Flew into the building within a hundred miles,


In the mountains,

Rushed out of a large group of monsters,

But half a foot,

Fly over here,

"In that building,

In the hall, the card held by the monk,

Can have a role. "

The giant said,

Just finished,

These monsters reached out to urge it,

Thousands of thunder and fire,

Boom over.

"Xuan Fa?"

Commissioner Qian said,

These monsters released,

Is to refine mysterious magic power,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

This formation,

Wan Lei shot,

Blasted towards this monster,

The released Dao Fa cried,


Like thousands of thunder and fire bursting,

Commissioner Qian’s formation,

Urge thunder,

And these monsters,

The released Dao Fa cried,

The thunder fire emitted by this formation,

Blasted wildly,

But three thousand thunder and fire,

Blow on these monsters,

Thunder fire blasted away,

The monster just turned away,


Dao Fa urges,

Flew over,

this time,

Commissioner Qian looked serious,

His formation,

But it’s not practicing profound Taoism,

It’s a more esoteric rule fusion of Taoism,

This is the strongest formation that Commissioner Qian can come up with.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Thunderfire blasted out of the formation,

Blasted onto the monster,

Five thunders in a row,

The monster exploded

Commissioner Qian’s formation spurred thunder,

Against the surface of the wasteland,

The power of the urging thunder fire is almost!

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Wan Lei blasted out,

The monk Lianxuan urged thunder and fire,

Very mysterious,

Wan Lei blasted out,

Most of the thunder fire hit the monster,

These monsters,

In the rumbling noise,

These monsters ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ went down three hundred!

At this time, these monsters ignited thunder,

Boom into the big battle,

In the loud noise,

This formation,

Been bombarded for three thousand miles!

At this time, amidst the loud rumbling noise,

There are these monsters,

Flying out of the mountains,

"At least thirty thousand!"

Volcano Lei said.


Much stronger than the Bloody Wasteland! (To be continued...) ()

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