Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3507: Ten thousand monsters

Commissioner Qian urged the array to be sputtered,

More monsters,

Rushed into the formation,

A mysterious flame appeared in the formation,

Go around these monsters,

At this time,

Mountains in the distance,

Speeding over the sword tactics like lightning,

Fast as lightning, heavy as a mountain,

Rushed towards the formation,

"A monk is here."

The monk said in this sword art.

Sword Art Rotation,

The monster blasted over and thunder fired,

Slashed past like lightning,

The monster burst open,

There is a gap between Xuanxuan cultivation and giants,

Much better than the Qian Yuan committee.

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This person refines Huo Xuan,

This is in the Thunder volcano on the Thunder Mountain plane,

Under that magma,

Fighting the monk with Commissioner Qian,

There, it can be said to be the ancient cultivation center.

The Money Avenue Law urges the issuance,

Out of the formation,

Said to the man,

"You are not a Thunder Mountain plane, a master of Thunder Volcano's magma."

When this person heard,

Looking over at Commissioner Qian,

Can go to this magma monk,

Really not much.

"It's you? Profound cultivation has improved a lot."

This man said,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the issue,

"You can come to the formation."


This person urged Dao Fa, 30,000 miles in the mountains,

Very mysterious,

It was bombed by these monsters for three hundred miles,

This humanitarian law urges,

In the formation.

Immediately. Positions and combat channels appear.

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of swords,

Blasted towards the monster outside the formation.

Thousands of swords blasted past,

But blast off thousands of monsters,

At this time,

Giant, Qian's commissioner, this master.

Dao Fa urges,

The sword technique swept across the sky,

Bounced towards the monster.

Volcano mine,

He tried his best to urge Dao Fa, the power is not as powerful as the formation method,

Urge formation,

Boom at these monsters.


This formation, three thousand miles, sputtering like a volcano,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged.

In this formation,

There were hundreds of feet of thunder and fire.

Blasted towards this monster,

The power of this law,

Beyond the ordinary plane combat formation,


In the loud noise,

The monster thunder splashes,

Burst open,

This method slashed,

Boom off three thousand monsters!

Thunder spattered on more monsters,

Flew towards the distance,

Xuan Zhi and Xuan Mana,

Go around towards the thunder fire,

Thunder is gone,

Zhou Tian’s mana formation,

Can't reach the level of profound cultivation,

Power against these monsters,

Not as big as imagined.


In the sound of the huge earthquake, the large array blasted three thousand miles away,

This is the giant, the expert of Leihuoshan, the expert of Sanlianxuan, the committee member,

This combat power,

Far more than the ancient architectural gods fighting on the plane of Ruixian,

So, Commissioner Qian urged the formation,

Was bombed 30,000 miles!

Only then did it gallop towards the hall,

It looks like the main hall outside,

In the main hall,


A hundred thousand miles of mountains!

These mountains are one hundred thousand feet high and at least thirty thousand feet tall,

On the mountain, it is very mysterious,

In front of the mountain,

The main hall has mountains,

There are mosaics on the mountain,

"Place the cards in your hand on this mountain,

Can move the mountain,

There are Taoist books in the mountains here,

From the integration of rules to the return to the virtual, the level is stronger. "

Master Leihuo said,

But walked to the edge of the mountains,

Dao Fa urges,

Looking towards the mountain of 100,000 miles,

This time, Zhou Tian's big formation,

But these mountains,

Show up,

The mountains are so proud,

The mountains with mysterious power show up,

With mountains,

Mana is more mysterious than mysterious mana,

Looks ethereal like a fairy,

Giant, Leihuo master, Qian Daofa deduced,

After a long time,

They all deduced the mountain peaks that suit their Taoism cultivation,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward these peaks,


A monster appeared in the mountain,

As if covering the entire sky,

Fly towards the master of Sanhua God,

This book,

How can I take it like this.

Commissioner Qian immediately said to the volcano mine,

"Using the formation, come with me."

This is the strongest battle formation refined by Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhi.

Can fight on a plane,

Commissioner Qian was in the formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Hundreds of feet thick thunder and fire,

Ten waves violently.

The thunder is splashing,

Blasted out the channel,

The formation is flying fast,


The speed of this formation is not relatively fast,

At this time,

Giants and Thunder Volcano masters,

The distance is thousands of miles,

Seeing the respective peaks,

Seeing this committee member Qian urged the formation,

Speeding toward the biggest peaks.

"These largest peaks are beyond the method of returning to the void."

Thunder volcano master,

Toward the giant.

Sword Jue urges,

Three hundred monsters flew over,

Each Chinese sword,

Burst open,

"I can't move these 100,000 feet of mountains."

The giant said,

The giant himself is a monk at the Ancient Adventure,

I really know something about this soon.

These 100,000 feet of mountains,

At least five thousand miles.

After a long time,

Giants and Thunder Volcano masters,

Flew to the mountains of their choice,

At this time,

They looked at Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian urged the formation,

Thunder fire splashed into the sky,

More than a few hundred thousand feet of mountains,

Flew towards the more mysterious mountain peak,.

Commissioner Qian arrived in front of the mountain,

This mountain is one hundred thousand feet high,

Stretches for thousands of miles!

Commissioner Qian came out of the circle,

Dao Fa urges,

This time, the world pearl mana force is fully urged,

Show big hands,

A thousand feet wide!

Very mysterious,

Grabbed to this mountain,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

This huge mountain rises slowly.

At this time,

Giant, Thunder Volcano master,

Urge Dao Fa,

Come out big hands,

Seize the mountains,

Giant, the mountains moved by the masters of Thunder Volcano,

But fifty thousand feet.

Dao Fa, magic weapon,

Thunder volcano master,

Release the formation.

Moving this mountain speed,

It’s about the same as Commissioner Qian’s moving this mountain,

"This is Taoism manifesting in the mountains, similar to the fairy book,

The world bead has a lot of effect. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This mountain,

A hundred thousand times harder than Xuan Tie, ten thousand times heavier than Xuan Tie!

If this mountain,

Is a mountain on the ordinary plane,

Committee member Qian Shijiezhu urged,

Without this mana.

The master urges mana,

One hundred thousand thunder and fire,

From the monster,

Thunder volcano master, giant,

Magic weapon urges,

Block these 100,000 thunder fires.


Giant, around the Thunder Volcano master,

Thousands of fireballs burst,

Powerful and mysterious,

Less than half a day,

Thunder volcano master's shield blasted open!

Before coming here,

The Giant and Commissioner Qian said,

Bring the powerful magic weapon.

At this time,

The master of Thunder volcano,

Immediately urge the magic weapon,

Wan Lei detonated,

The magic weapon surrounding the giant exploded,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The giant brought out a magic weapon,

Thousands of miles of mountains urged,

Thunder blasted over,

Thousands of miles of mountains exploded.

Commissioner Qian,

The volcano mine urges the formation to the strongest!

Thousands of thunder and fire blasted out,

The magic weapon released by Commissioner Qian,

Wanli Mountain blasts open ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still supports it.

"This old money has a good formation.

This is the power of plane combat formation. "

The giant spoke to the Leihuo master.

"This powerful plane combat formation,

A lot of materials are needed. "

Master Leihuo said,

Ordinary mysterious iron spirit,

Let the Zhoutian Array temper for three thousand years,

Very mysterious,

Commissioner Qian refined the formation,

In this way, there are many magic circles. (To be continued...) ()

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