Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3539: Master of Fire

"This is useful for refining the Yuan Ying magic weapon.

However, it is more difficult to refine. "

The monk said,

"It's three thousand miles away from here."


Talked to Commissioner Qian about where these materials were produced,

These materials,

it's here,

Production is relatively small.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flying towards the distance,

The flight speed is not relatively fast,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

Three thousand miles away,

At this time, it was three thousand feet deep in the canyon.

The canyon is three thousand feet deep, but there is a mountain.

There is a monk,

Dao Fa urges,


From five thousand feet deep in the mountains, a passage appeared,

Walk to the passage,

Five thousand feet away, there are money committees who need materials,

a bit less,

This person stretched out his hand, Dao Fa urged, turned into a big hand,

Grab past these materials.

Three hundred feet away from these materials,

Open the channel,

Become like ten thousand mountains,

On the edge of the material,

Big hands appear,

In the big hand, there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Dao Fa urges,

These materials,

In this big hand,

A big hand,

Showing a monk,

Looking at these materials,

"Yes, it can refine three pills."

This person is the member Qian,

Commissioner Qian’s method, alchemy level,

Refining once,

Material use. A lot less.

This material is not far from the law material.

For Commissioner Qian,

Refining is not difficult,

Fusion of refining materials and medicinal materials,

This is more difficult.

The monk looked,

Dao Fa urges,

The sword trick flashed,

It is as sharp as the profound and as heavy as a huge mountain.

Slashed towards Commissioner Qian,


The mountains burst open,

"Yes, Brother Yuanying Peak."

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa reminds,

A mountain turned into a sword,

Blasted towards this sword art,

This sword. Simple and remote,

Profound and sharp. As heavy as a huge mountain,

Jian Jue, and this sword,

Profound and sharp, heavy like a huge mountain, turning into thousands of petals,

Burst out,

This monk,

Felt like a huge force,

Three miles back suddenly!

This is just standing.

Profound and sharp, as heavy as a huge mountain and as thousands of petals,

Such swordsmanship,

Fight against the ordinary **** monks,

Be able to fight a hundred moves!

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Not bad."

This monk Taoism urges,

Quit thirty miles,

Dao Fa urges,

There are many long streamers in my hand,

On the long banner,

With thousands of monsters,

Dao Fa urges.

The long turn becomes bigger and three hundred zhang,

Like covering half of the sky,


The monster shouted,

Like a hurricane,

Within three hundred miles,

Screams a lot,

"The soul magic weapon."

Looking at the soul magic weapon,

The magic weapon of the soul chaser,

Commissioner Qian and the magic weapon of Jin Guo’s shadow,

It is refined based on the magic weapon of the soul chaser master god.

It was originally just a magic weapon for rule-fusion monks,


these years,

On the plane of mountain flower, the shadow of golden fruit has collected many books,

The profound soul dharma,

There are many.

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo’s shadow soul magic weapon,

The level has improved greatly,

Soul magic weapon,

Different from ordinary mysterious,

Deduction reached a considerable level,

Deduced upward,

Very mysterious.

This law urges,

But saw,

Qian Yuan is surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Very mysterious,

Powerful Soul Dao,

In the mountains and rivers of Qian,

Turned into a colorful mystery,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers revolve,

Colorful mysterious refining.

The monk's face was shocked,


Thousands of miles away,

Someone shouted,

Like a huge thunder,

"Who uses the powerful Soul Dao here."

Show the fire,

Suddenly burned half of the sky.

In an instant,


Looks like a fire,

Thousands of flames,

Keep burning.

Powerful Soul Dao,

Into this flame,

As if there are thousands of fire mysteries,

Into this flame,

But rushed three hundred miles,

There was a loud and noisy thunder,

Refined by this flame,

This soul chaser is terrified, this soul magic weapon,

How mysterious,

Fight against the cultivators of the gods,

To urge this magic weapon,

This man Yuanying Peak monk,

But a little bit,

This cultivation base and magic weapon,

It’s easy to reach the planes of the main gods,

Come here to collect materials,

But I met such a strong person,


This flame monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Urged a fire thunder,

This flame burst,

There is a circle of fire,

Thousands of huge thunders appeared in the circle of fire,

But a thunder,

This cultivator of the soul chaser urged the Dao Fa,

Thousands of thunders exploded!

Amidst the rumbling noise,

This monk was beaten ten miles,

Urged Dao Fa, crashed into pieces,

Most of the armor burst open.

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This is not what Ban Lei said,

Board mine and fire thunder knife, get Wanlishan,

The magic weapon of the Hundred Battle Hall,

Adventure on the plane of Exodus,

The monk who fought against Ban Lei,

Huo Xuan's cultivation base is relatively high.

This monk is lightning fast,

To grasp the magic weapon of the soul chaser master cultivator,

The rich committee member is here,

This refining monk Huo Xuan,

Want that magic weapon,

Do it yourself.

Wanli mountains and rivers appeared,

Going around this monk,

Thousands of thunder and fire appeared in the hands of this monk,

Boom towards thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,


Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Shattered by a third,

Thousands of thunder and fire, but it burst into the surrounding thunder and fire,

Bounced towards the monk.

There are thousands of flames in the hands of this monk,

Swirl towards this thunder,


Wan Lei roared,

The monk shook his body,

This is just standing.

Commissioner Qian took this long banner in his hand,

This monk Huo Xuan was furious,

"I played this."

Commissioner Qian took the long banner,

The magic weapon of the peak monk of the soul chaser **** Yuan Ying,

Commissioner Qian used it to comprehend,

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes,

"You didn't see me fighting?"

Commissioner Qian said to this person,

This monk of the soul chaser,

This is standing,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

This monk Huo Xuan,

Dao Fa urges,

Sword Jue is urging,

Showed thousands of fireballs,

Bounced towards Committee Member Qian,

Thousands of fireballs,

Enough to cut 100,000 miles,

Huo Xuan,

Originally, the fighting power was relatively large.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Thousands of mountains,

Open like flowers,

Rivers appear in the mountains,

Mountains appeared in the river.

Thousands and thousands,

The fireball hit the thousands of mountains,

Thousands of mountains, but the surface burst into red,

The gravel splashes.

This monk Huo Xuan was shocked,

His Huo Xuan, Huo Xuan is very mysterious,

Ordinary monk Taoism and this Taoism blast,

Ordinary monk Taoism,

Turn into nothingness.

Just now he fought with Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian Daofa is higher than him,

This sword tactic is fully urged,

Commissioner Qian urged thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

How to say,

Was bombarded by a third,

This time,

Commissioner Qian on the mountains,

But blasted a big hole.

Thousands of mountains swirled,

Blasted towards this monk Huo Xuan,

Thousands of mountains,

Turned into thousands of swords,

Very mysterious.

This monk Taoism urges,

Blasted towards the monk,

Thousands of mountains blasted thousands of waves,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Profound fireball ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bursts into thousands of sparks!

The monk urged the fire sword,

Boom with these thousands of mountains,

The fire sword burst out,

Three moments,

This monk Huo Xuan fought five thousand swords with Commissioner Qian,

Back three miles!

Dao Fa received,

Thousands of fireballs,

Converging towards the sword in his hand,

But it is Tao Fa urged,

Turned around and flew away. (To be continued...) ()

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