Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3540: Jelly Mountain Plane

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

"Are you coming from the plane of producing profound stones."

This said,

The monk stopped in his way,

"Have you been to that plane?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Some monks have been there."

The monk nodded,

"What's the matter?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Do you have a black stone?"

The monk said:

"Xuanshi, on that plane,

Are very precious,

This soul magic weapon,

If you can comprehend,

This profound stone can be considered. "

Profound stone can transform fire mana into fire aura,

Reviving monks, cultivate to higher monks,

All value magic weapons,

The place where the fire aura converges,

Ordinary plane,

Really less.

Ban Xuan opened the medicine garden on the plane of Thunder Mountain,

The medicinal materials on the edge of the place where the fire aura gathers,

And medicinal materials where there is no fire aura gathering,

Grow for thirty years,

There are many gaps,


Ruixian plane Xiadian, Baihe, Luoxiahe,

Of medicinal materials reaching ten thousand years,

Looks quite a lot,

And the entire Xiadian, Baihe, Luoxiahe,

Compared with medicinal materials,

Still a very small part.

"Thirty profound stones, this magic weapon will comprehend with you."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Similar to the magic weapon of black stone,

In this ordinary plane,

That is the legendary level,

In the Chamber of Commerce,

It is difficult to receive. "

This monk Huo Xuan rolled his eyes,


This soul chaser **** Yuan Ying Hua Shen peak magic weapon,

Taoism is very high,

"The level is very high.

In Fang City, the Chamber of Commerce.

The same is difficult to receive. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"How do you come to these ordinary planes."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Of course it was through those ancient adventures."

The monk said,

I talked to Commissioner Qian for a long time,

This one says he’s a good black stone,

That said this is the soul of the main god.

Yuanying Flower God’s peak level is the main divine method,

Out of the shrine,

Where can I get it?

Talk for a long time,

Yuanying Flower God’s peak level is the main divine method,

Large chambers of commerce are hard to receive.

This monk Huo Xuan,

All major chambers of commerce have been there,

"Ten ordinary profound stones, three middle and upper profound stones."

This magic weapon,

Commissioner Qian and this monk,

To comprehend together,

"I will take some of this material."

Commissioner Qian said,


Huo Xuan monk Tao Fa urged.

Turned into fire,

To the distant mountain,


Profound flames linger,

Began to practice.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Profound and incomparable Taoism,

Surrounded by a hundred li,

Dao Fa urges,

These materials.

Gathered towards the Qian committee,

Commissioner Qian refined the level of Xuan Fa.

Within a hundred miles,

It's as if you're in front of Committee Member Qian.

A hundred li radius,

Only three hundred catties of this material were mined.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Walked towards the distance,

One step, out of a hundred miles,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian went three thousand miles away,

These materials,

Commissioner Qian mined five thousand catties.

Commissioner Qian deduced,

These materials,

It is suitable to use these elixir Jin Guo Ying,

Refining all these materials,

The shadows of these golden fruits,

Everyone can get thirteen pills of this kind,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying Medicine Garden,

After a thousand years,

Alchemy requires important medicinal materials,

The pharmacy is ordinary,

Can supply,

It's hard to practice the rule pill,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Most of them have refining methods,

Has a certain level,

But it is similar to the pill of law,

There is no small gap with the real law Dan,

It is suitable to use these pills to cultivate the shadow of golden fruit,

Everyone can get thirteen pills,

Commissioner Qian received these materials,

The whole mountain,

After these materials are mined,

Commissioner Qian arrived on the cultivation mountain of the Huo Xuan monk,

For these monks,

Half a year is just an instant.

Bring out the magic weapon of the soul chaser monk,

Put it towards here,

This monk Huo Xuan,

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of flames linger,

Turned into a volcano,

Bring out the black stone to the committee member Qian,

Dao Fa urged this long banner,

Began to comprehend.

Miles of flames,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Rushed into this long streamer,

This enlightenment, after ten years,

Compared with the battle with board mines,

This monk Huo Xuan is even more mysterious.

But it is worse than the Qianlong committee in refining the mysterious method.

Ten years of comprehension,

This magic weapon of the soul chaser monk,

Commissioner Qian and this monk,

After the comprehension,

Can practice the soul magic weapon,

This monk Huo Xuan and Commissioner Qian,

After practicing,

"The Soul Magic,

But it is mysterious.

Soul Dao, magic material,

They are very difficult to refine. "

Xuantianhuo said,

This monk Huo Xuan,

Called Xuantianhuo,

Xuantian fire came to this ordinary plane,

Collect all kinds of materials, medicinal materials,

Choose a place that suits you to practice,

Nodded with Commissioner Qian,

Xuantianhuo, galloping towards the distance,

Commissioner Qian,

Out of this mountain,

Walked away towards this face,

Still like an ordinary monk.

After three years,

Traveled most of the plane,

These materials,

But mining to a hundred catties.

this day,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the state capital,

To the state capital,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the restaurant,

In the restaurant.

Let the waiter serve wine and dishes,

Commissioner Qian took out wine and vegetables to eat,

After talking for a long time,

A monk said,

"There are monks,

In the mountains. Saw the main hall. "

This said,

Commissioner Qian looked over,

"There are three rules fusion masters,

Want to go to that hall,

Three miles from the main hall.

Urge Dao Fa,

Boom into the formation,

Nothing is going on. "

The monk on the side said,

This said,

Talking in the restaurant for a long time,

Many monks,

Out of the restaurant,

Said Dashan to the monk.

Gallop past,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Just like an ordinary Yuanying monk.

Speeding toward that mountain,

Speeding out five thousand miles,

To a mountain,

There is a hall on the mountain,

The monk galloped towards the hall,

Arrived at the edge of the hall.

Hundred-Lai Humanitarian Law urged,

Thousands of thunder and fire. In the sky,

Slash towards this hall.


Loud like a thunder,

On the edge of this hall,

But there is no waves,

Three hundred monks here,

The monks opened their eyes wide,

These hundreds of monks simultaneously urged Dao Fa,

The three rules merge the monks,

Can't catch it.

"Where is the ancient adventure place."

These monks said,

Such a powerful ancient adventure place,

Under the jurisdiction of the Plane General Hall and Plane Committee,

Can be said,

Legendary level.

They are in front of this ancient adventure,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This is the same as the jade slip obtained from Ruixian Plane,

The fairy hall above is a bit different,


In this hall,

There are various patterns.

On the plane of Ruixian,

The shadow of each golden fruit gets the magic weapon,

Opposite this hall,

The shadow of each golden fruit gets the magic weapon,

Different from the ornamentation on this hall,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Boom towards this formation,

Commissioner Qian’s sword,

Boom into this formation,

This sword spins,

Turned into a fireball,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

The monk on the side watched,

This formation spins,

This fireball,

Quality like a mountain,

Rock like a flame.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Blasted towards the fireball,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers, most of them collapsed,

Commissioner Qian took a step back,

Divine Sense came over,

"Father of God, take this baby,

Just come here. "

Commissioner Qian stood,

At this time,

There is an escape method in the distance,


Fly towards here;

Falling towards here,

Ten thousand volcanoes surround,

The monk is coming, the armor is gorgeous,

Show majesty.

Square face and big eyes,


Three hundred monks,

Arched his hand to this monk,

"See the master of the main hall."

This person,

It’s the master of the main hall of the plane of the Jiangshan Mountain,

This face,

It's called the plane of Jelly Mountain.

Commissioner Qian,

The cultivation base is the same as the cultivation base of the cultivator.

Three hundred monks here,

Fusion of rules,

But three people,

Ordinary plane,

There are really fewer people with a high cultivation base,

Immediately a monk stepped forward,

Arched his hand towards this person.

Talking about what happened in this hall,

This person looked at Commissioner Qian,

Dao Fa urges,

Show the sword art,

In the sword art,

With thousands of miles of flames lingering,

For ordinary monks,

Profound majesty,


Those masters of Yuan Ying,

The rule fusion monk said,

"This sword art,

Compared with the monk just now,

Far worse. "

Wanli volcano blasted to the Fashan formation,

The formation flashed,

This ten thousand li volcano,

Turned into a volcano,

In this volcano,

With thousands of miles of mountains,

Boom at this monk,

The monk felt,

The tremendous pressure, like ten thousand mountains,

A shield appeared in this man's hand,

There are many volcanoes on the shield,

Extends to the horizon,

The shield is urging, the volcano is so heavy,


There are monks shouting,


In the thunderous sound,


Burst out loudly,


This monk withdrew ten steps,

On the shield,

Showing a big hole,

It is one-third the size of a shield.

Three hundred monks this time,

My eyes opened wider,

And Commissioner Qian issued a sword to this formation,

Can't compare,

Commissioner Qian did not even release a magic weapon.

The master of the Mianzongdian,

Serious face,

Dao Fa urges,

Flying towards the distance,

At this time, someone said,

"This kind of ancient adventure place requires magic weapons to go."

The monk on the side said,

"To this hall, you need magic weapons,

There should be on this plane of the mountain. "

There was a Nascent Soul Transforming God who said,

"That's not necessarily, the Ancient Adventure Office,

But very mysterious. "

After talking for a long time,

Monk Taoism urged,

‘Fly towards the distance,

This hall appeared,

Looking for treasures that can reach this hall,

This is the point.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flew towards the far state capital,

At this time,

At this time, in the prefecture,

There are monks everywhere,

Some ancient treasures that I didn’t like before,

Slightly older,

The monks are guarding,

Commissioner Qian went around in this city,

These ancient treasures in Fangshi,

There is not the same pattern as that on the hall.

Commissioner Qian walked towards the restaurant here,

Went to the restaurant,

"Real people—"



All kinds of talking,

There are quite a few rare monks,

Came here,

The Master of the Plane General Hall shot,

Was blasted back ten steps,

This hall is an ancient adventure place.

After a long time,

Someone said,

"In ancient times, the Misty Hall did appear here,

However, that was 300,000 years ago. "


The monk in the restaurant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stepped out of the restaurant,

Speeding towards the hall,

This is, in front of the main hall,

There are three thousand monks!

Everyone holds various treasures,

Urged towards this hall,

From foundation building to three rules fusion monks,

After thirty days,

The treasure of three thousand monks,

Can't get into this hall.

The monk in front of this hall,

Only then flew away towards the plane. (To be continued)

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