Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3541: Refined berries

Monk here,

Can't get the magic treasure of this temple,

Commissioner Qian looked into the distance,

Mountain berries, various colors,

This looks so beautiful,

This plane of the magma mountain,

Produces berries,

At this time,

The berries are ripe,

Is the year,

The best time on this plane of Jelly Mountain,

And Xuantian Huo,

Deduced here for ten years of soul magic weapon,

Commissioner Qian said about the various berries here,

All understand better,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

To the state capital,

But he walked to a shop.

The shop waiter came over,

Commissioner Qian said thirty kinds of berries,

"These berries,

300,000 catties each,

Dried fruits are fine. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Member Qian’s alchemy level,

That is very mysterious,

Ten years here,

Here berries,

Has a good essence,

The magic treasure of this ancient hall is hard to find,

Go here to refine some berry essence,

Commissioner Qian tried to refine berries,

That was the beginning of 300,000 catties.

The waiter listened,

Immediately yelled the manager to come over,

"A variety of berries, 300,000 catties provide----"

This manager said,

Look over,

Commissioner Qian took out the lower grade fairy stone,

"Use fairy stones."

This manager looked at,



I talked about Xianshi with Commissioner Qian,

Thirty days have passed.

Commissioner Qian is here.

Put various berries. I received 300,000 catties each,

Gave the fairy stone,

Low grade fairy stone,

But a thousand dollars,

Commissioner Qian went to the other courtyard,

Take out the pill furnace,

Dao Fa urges,

berry. Like a waterfall,

Flew towards the pill furnace.

Common fruit,

There are fewer effective essences.

Commissioner Qian refined,

Is still very slow,

this point,

The four diamonds are refined like this,

Refining profound magic power to transform the **** monk,


Still so,

Various 300,000 catties of medicinal materials have been refined.

After a hundred days,

Commissioner Qian took five kilograms of refined medicinal materials.

These essences,

The cultivator of the gods refines the pill,

All are available.

This is the Dao Fa of the Chief Qian, which can be refined,

The cultivating monk can use the essence for alchemy,

Ordinary Yuanying monk,

Rule fusion repair base,

Take some berries to make alchemy,

Refining the essence,

It may be so,


The cultivator of God transforms alchemy,

But it is difficult to use,

The cultivator of God transforms alchemy,

With these essences,

Need to be refined again.

Is deducing the pill,

Over the restaurant,

With a bang,

Someone said,

"Got the babe baby."

Commissioner Qian, this other courtyard,

Not far from the restaurant.


Commissioner Qian left the other house,

In this state capital,

There are hundreds of monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the main hall,

A monk with golden core combat power,

The monks above the Jindan combat power,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Three moments,

To the front of the hall,

I saw the main hall,

There are thousands of thunder and fire.

Commissioner Qian came down here,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom,"

More than 300 thunder fires,

It slammed into Committee Member Qian’s urging Dao Fa,

The master of refining Xuan Fa and transforming God urges Dao Fa,

The rumbling rocks splashed.

It is almost as powerful as the sword of Xuantianhuo Slash,

Commissioner Qian,

In these three hundred thunder and fire,

There is a golden core monk, with a diamond god, the Yuan Ying monk in the distance,

Yuan Ying monk far away,

Monk Yuanying,

Dao Fa urges,

Wan Jian blasted towards the Golden Core monk and the Diamond Flower God here,

Shinto law with diamond flower, shield,

Fully urged,

There was a thunderous sound on the shield,

The shield exploded.

With the golden core monks,

The diamond flower **** blocked many swords,

The golden core monk urged the magic weapon,

Brother Yuan Ying just urged the edge of the sword art,

This golden core monk magic weapon exploded.

Brother Jindan's arm exploded.


Flew towards the distance.

The three masters over there,

With diamond god, three diamond flower god,

Dao Fa urges,

Blast towards the Yuan Ying Huashen,

With diamond flower god, three diamond flower god, Yuan Ying flower god,

Dao Fa urges,

Thirty thousand to fly sword thunder and fire,

This Yuan Ying Hua Shen Tao law, the shield is fully urged,

Rumbling Long Dao Sword Art is urged,


This Yuan Ying turned God back ten steps,

If you cultivate total mana,

This Yuanying Flower God,

Not as good as these three diamond flower gods, three diamond flower gods,

"Take out the magic weapon for opening this hall!"

far away,

There are monks screaming.

These monks,

In order to fight for the magic weapon in this hall,

Commissioner Qian said to the tri-diamond **** next to him.

"In that hand is the magic weapon to open this hall?"

The monk shouted,

"Over there? Where are you from?"


Dao Fa urges,

Three thousand swords went to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian moved towards these three thousand swords,

With a punch,

Three thousand swords are three feet away from this punch,

These three thousand swords,

Immediately separated to the side,

This monk,

Urge to issue shields,

There are so many mountains,

To block the mountain,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The shield urges thousands of mountains, the shield,

And half of the monk's shoulder,

Crashed into pieces,

This monk flew thirty feet,


Flying towards the distance.


There is a magic weapon for the monks to urge them,

To release a flame towards this hall array,

In the loud noise,

This hall immediately revealed Taoism,

Covered the monk,

This law covers the monk,

Thousands of thunder and fire, from a distance,

Bounced towards the monk,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

This method spatters thunder and fire,

Like a volcano erupting constantly,

Once this law is collected,

The monk with a magic weapon,

In the main hall,

At this time,

The whole melee,

This just stopped.

Hundreds of ways to escape,

Speeding towards the distance.

After ten days,

This monk came out of the hall,


A monk stepped forward and asked.

"Did a mission,

Get this rule fusion book. "


Holding a magic weapon,

To this hall,

It’s a flower **** with a higher cultivation base,

The rules of Taoism, the repair is ordinary.

This monk, and his companions,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning.

Commissioner Qian was only able to urge the law,

Back to the other hospital,

Accept the other courtyard,

The teleportation array galloped towards the plane of the mountain

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian arrived on the plane of Ruixian,

Walk towards Xiadian,

In the summer palace,

Banao came over,

Commissioner Qian talked about this expedition to the plane of Jelly Mountain.

Give Banaoyu Jane,

There is an insight into the soul magic weapon of the soul chaser monk,

With the appearance of the magic weapon that the monk opened the hall,

"This magic weapon, let the shadows of each golden fruit see,

Can you find a similar magic weapon.


The Law Dan materials received this time,

Commissioner Qian came to refine,

Banao asked the waiter to serve wine and dishes,

Eating and drinking for a long time,

"Astral Dao and Astral Magic,

The shadows of each golden fruit cultivate by themselves,

The soul magic materials are not easy to collect. "

Banao said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This soul chaser monk Taoism,

Commissioner Qian and Ban proudly looked,

Hua Shen Tao Shu, refining Xuan Fa Tao Shu,

It’s all about soul training,

In fact,

This soul chaser master **** cultivator soul Dao,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo have not cultivated many mysteries.

Commissioner Qian arrived in the hall,

Dao Fa urges,

Pill furnace appeared, the flame was burning,

Commissioner Qian waved,

The medicinal materials flew towards the pill furnace. (To be continued...) ()

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