Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3544: Xuan Xuan Huo

"I use ten five rules to integrate the monks to use the medicine

Here you are, how? "

Commissioner Qian said,

To the magic weapon of the Great Hall of the Jangshan Plane,

Ban Xuan just took thirteen three rule fusion monks

Use elixirs.

"Old money is a master of alchemy."

Volcano Lei said,

Xuan Huolei nodded.

"Of course, other monks will come,

The elixir is at least 30 pills. "


Take out a jade slip,

To the money committee,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Take out ten pills of medicine to the past,

Sky Thunder said about the mine,

"With the help of the **** wasteland stone,

Practice for a hundred years,

Still can't upgrade to the convergence of the six rules. "

Sky Thunder said,

Soaring Thunder cultivated in place this time,

Practiced for a hundred years.

"Where is a good mine,

Take a look inside a good mine. "

Commissioner Qian said,

And soaring thunder, volcano thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Speeding towards the mine,

The jade slip that Xuan Huolei gave over,

There are thousands of words,

It can be said to be a good book,

In the pit, mine the rough stone and watch.

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Call the Chief Qian to open a mining pit,

Nice mine.

Half a year later,

Commissioner Qian only finished reading this book,

Copper paste is very mysterious,

Commissioner Qian said,


"Boom and boom----"

Baizhang mine blasted past.

A piece of rough stone in the mine.

Commissioner Qian held the rough stone.

World Pearl urges to watch,

Good rough,

This time rough mining,

After five years of mining,

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcano thunder, mysterious fire thunder.

Out of the mine,

Flew towards the Red Wolf Town Jieshi Pavilion,

To understand the stone hall,

The waiter came over,

Talking to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the Jieshi Pavilion,

There is a monk beside the Jieshi Pavilion,


"There is a book related to copper pulp.

Thousands of top grade immortal stones.

Get it in the plane adventure,

Practice Taoism. Not very useful. "

This person, the six rules fusion monk,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Xuan Huolei held it,

It’s a classic collected by Xuan Huolei himself,

Regarding copper paste,

That one, but the real one,

Dao books related to copper paste.

Commissioner Qian took out his storage bag,

There are thousands of top-grade immortal stones inside.

That monk,

Give the Dao Shu.

Commissioner Qian held the Taoist book,

Walk towards the table of the sky thunder,

To this table,

Eating and drinking.

After eating the feast,

Talking about mining rough and harvesting,

After ten days,

Red Wolf Town Jieshi Museum,

There is a stone conference,

this day,

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

To the understanding stone conference.

Committee member Qian Shijiezhu urged,


The middle rough stone is good,

The Jieshi Conference began,

Used 100 million top grade immortal stones,

Only then took this rough stone,

After the Jieshi Conference,

In their respective courtyards,

After a few days,

Xuan Huolei found a good mine,

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Out of Red Wolf Town,

Fly toward the depths of the **** wasteland,

This time I went to the mine,

This pit, compared with ordinary pits,

A lot tougher.

Compared with pits that produce top grade rough stones,

That's pretty ordinary.

this time,

Three years have passed,

Lines in the mine,

Become ordinary,

Commissioner Qian and these monks,

Out of the mine,

For Commissioner Qian,

The harvest is ordinary.

this day,

Sky Thunder is here,

Wan Jian Sa Shan found a noisy ancient adventure place,

There are masters blasting this ancient adventure,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Let me talk to you,

"Tell me, what about the ancient adventure place?"

Commissioner Qian said,

Sky Thunder said for a long time,

Commissioner Qian nodded:


Bloody wasteland,

Commissioner Qian took a long time,

Stop going to the ancient adventure place,

Sky Thunder said,

This ancient adventure place is called Xuan Xuan Huo,

Dao Fa is very powerful,

It seems more powerful.

After a long time,

Volcanic thunder, skyrocket thunder,


Walking out of Red Wolf Town with Commissioner Qian,

Teleport the array towards the plane,

Speeding past like lightning.

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Step out from the plane teleportation array,

This is the plane of Thunder,

Just walked out of the teleportation array,

Outside the teleportation array,

Hundreds of Taoism urged,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning,

There are monks of Jindan, the **** of flowers with diamonds, and monks of Yuan Ying,

Release all kinds of magic weapons.

"All came to Xuanxuanhuo's ancient adventure place."

Sky Thunder said,

"Xuan Xuan Huo Ancient Adventure,

No magic weapon is needed, but,

To the ancient adventure,

Strong Taoism. "

Volcano Lei said,

"Five rules are integrated to the upper level,

Dao Fa is very powerful,

Bloody battle against the wasteland **** of level Taoism,

Can play against each other. "

Xuan Huolei said,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards Xuanxuanhuo's ancient adventure place,

Commissioner Qian, Sky Thunder, Volcano Thunder,

Dao Fa urges.

Flew towards the distance.

Flew thirty thousand miles.

This is the middle of the plane.

From a distance,

Thunder fire rushed far away,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Spread all over the world.

Look over,

There is a mountain,

There are hundreds of monks,

There are less than ten monks in each group,

Some hundreds of people.

Dao Fa urges,

Bounced towards the main hall in the mountain,

On the middle mountain,

Has a hall,

The grand hall is magnificent,

Has a height of hundreds of feet,

Stretched towards the horizon,

But this mountain range is not out.

Above this temple,

Burning flames,

This flame. But it's like a stone

The boulder is as soft as a flame, and shoots. jump,

How does it feel?

There were a hundred thousand thunders in an instant,

Blasted onto this flame,

The flames burst,

Like a rocky mountain collapsed into a hundred pieces,

Blast the rock mountain and turn it into a thunder,

In an instant,

With a speed of more than 5,000 kilometers,

The speed of each member of Qian’s committee,

But beyond this speed,

The fire and thunder hit the monk to urge the formation,

Here monk,

The cultivation base is less than the integration of three rules,

All urged the formation,

This fire thunder and formation urged to slash thousands of miles of mountains,

Thousands of miles of mountains,

It exploded.

This thunder fire blasted thousands of miles, three thousand miles in the mountains and mountains,

Then it exploded,

Strong formation,

Ten thunders, thirty thunders,

The formation bombed one third.

The formation level is poor,

Ten thunder,

The entire formation exploded.

Commissioner Qian, volcanic thunder, skyrocketing thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

I've only been here for less than half a day,

No shot yet.

Some formations were blasted away,

Monk inside,

There was a scream.

There are monks rushing out of the formation,

Flew towards the distance,

"Incitation formation."

Sky Thunder said,

Commissioner Qian, Huo Lei, Xuan Huo Lei nodded,

At this time,

There are about thirty monks,

Flee towards the distance.

The Sky Thunder took out a formation to urge it,

In the mountains,

Commissioner Qian, Huo Lei, Xuan Huo Lei,

Escape towards the formation,

In an instant,

Commissioner Qian, Huo Lei, Xuan Huo Lei,

Stand in the formation,

At this time,

In this hall,

There was thunder and fire rushing over,

Boom into this formation,

Still surpassed three peaks,

Rushed over a hundred miles,

Then it exploded,

The mountains were blasted into pieces,

Shooting towards the sky.

There are hundreds of monks here,

These monks in the sky thunder urged the formation,

Among the strongest,

At this time,

Sky Thunder urges the formation,

Sword Jue urges,


Blasted on the flames outside the hall,

In the loud noise,

Flames on the edge of the hall,

However, the flames were raised for a long time,

Not even Thunder Fire.

"This formation urges flames,

Bombed on the **** wasteland,

Able to shoot at the flame three thousand feet! "

Sky Thunder opened his eyes,

Monks in the formation,

Looking at Commissioner Qian,

"This hall flame,

To me, it's more mysterious. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The flames outside this hall,

If you talk about combat power,

Far more than Shanhua Zhoutian!

At this time, Commissioner Qian had been to many planes of war with the main hall of planes,


It is the most powerful battle array.


Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

In the skyrocketing thunder formation,

Showing ten thousand swords,

Wan Jian gathered towards the middle,

In an instant,

Turned into a hundred-zhang long sword,

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,


This hundred-zhang long sword,

Thousands of mountains, surrounded by thunder and fire,

Very mysterious,

At the flames outside this hall,

Boom over,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Wan Lei shoots!

Ten thousand thunders,

Circling this area for five thousand miles,


This is only three hundred meters away from the thunder and fire,

"This is an ancient adventure against Xuanxuanhuo,

Boom cut the most powerful thunder. "

Hundreds of monks said,

Among hundreds of monks,

There are more than ten monks who do not urge the formation,

I urged Dao Fa to slash,

These monks,

The cultivation base is very high,

At this time,

Watching this thunder and fire,

The look changed,

At this time, Commissioner Qian said to the monk in the distance,

"Boom Lei."

This person,

It is the real person who is the master of transforming gods,

"Old money?"

Real Man Bang Lei looked over,

"Daofa mysterious."

The real person Hong Lei said,

"Mr Hong Lei, your Taoism improves quickly."

Commissioner Qian said,

"This flame is very mysterious,

I have been here for three days,

This is the strongest way I have seen. "

The flame itself,

Flame power,

Exceeded Commissioner Qian to practice Flame Dao Fa.

Real Man Hong Lei has been here for three days,

Talking to Commissioner Qian,

The flame outside this hall,

But it weakened a lot,

Commissioner Qian slashed for most of the day.

At this time,

Three hundred monks came,

Most of Jin Dan,

In an instant,

With thirty thousand thunder,

Boom towards this formation,

in this way,

After three days,

At this time,

Compared with Commissioner Qian,


There are three thousand monks above the golden core!

After three days,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The flames swirled,

In an instant,

Hundreds of monks, formations,

Rush towards the whirlpool,


Three figures,

Rushed into the flame vortex,

There is a real person inside,

These three people,

Then, three people charged in,

These three people, the peak monks of Yuanying Flower God,

Close to the peak monk Yuanying Flower God.

Skyrocketing thunder formation,

Followed and rushed over,

This is the formation,

The fastest way to rush,

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

With five bones and forehead fusion peak cultivation base,

Higher than these people,

That is close to the peak of Yuanying Flower God or the monk of Yuanying Flower God peak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such a master urges the formation,

Can surpass skyrocket thunder, volcano thunder, mysterious fire thunder urge the formation method,

The soaring thunder formation rushed into the whirlpool,

Rushed over following this formation,

But there are five formations,

Profound flames,

Suddenly co-authored!

Shouting outside,

The flame reached the level ten days ago,


This flame is extremely mysterious, like a huge mountain,

It's level ten days ago! (To be continued...) ()

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