Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3545: legend

"This whirlpool appeared for an instant,

However, this thunder fire is more powerful. "

A monk said,

"You are a three-rule fusion monk,

All so,

Yuan Ying Xiuwei,

Braved the thunder and rushed inside,

That's not easy. "

There was a monk at the top of the Yuan Ying Flower God said.

"The three, transforming the gods into cultivation,

These three people, the peak monks of Yuanying Flower God,

Close to the peak monk Yuanying Flower God.

The strong among the monks on the plane of Thunder,

They all rushed past. "

"The man rushed to the edge of the whirlpool,

This vortex is missing. "

A monk said,

"This person's five rules merge,

Can't transform the gods, this person is the plane of Thunder

A famous master. "

A monk in the distance said,

Not far from the flames of this hall,

There is a monk with a serious face,

The five rules merge monks,

Rush into the flame,

Thousands of thunderous mountains,

Seeing the master of transformation, the powerful formation rushed over,

These five rules merge the monks,

Urge Dao Fa,


Distance that whirlpool,

There is a lot of distance to reach this hall.


In this hall,

But saw,

In front of the main hall,

There is a square and a mountain in the middle,

Thirty miles in radius,

On the mountain,

With monsters,

Sitting cross-legged,

The monk practiced with the mysterious.

Surrounded by this monster.

This mysterious. Very brilliant, very rich,

It seems,

The monk here,

All talking,

"The cultivation base is more than five rules and the monks use the cultivation place,

These are only available in the legendary ancient adventure place. "

This monster Dao Fa urges,

Look over here.

"Boom for thirty days,

These monks just came here,

In this hall,

Here, there are three hundred halls,

There are exercises, Taoist books, and magic weapons,

Which one do you want?

With this,

Go here monk.

Everyone said,

"Take the Taoist book."

This monk Taoism urges.

Turned into a monk,

Reach out,

Thirty halls,

With a brilliant formation,

"There are Taoist books in these thirty halls,

up middle down.

Think about that book, pass me,

You can exchange it with a baby. "


After ten moments,

Has a formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Slash towards this formation,

Wan Jian urged,

In the ten thousand swords, mysterious Taoism lingers,

The thunder and fire spread across thousands of miles, and the mountains stretched out,

The power of this formation,

With Monk Yuanying Peak,’

Not far away,

Commissioner Qian said,

This monk stretched out his hand and turned,

With this formation, the mysterious and mysterious swords blasted out,

Does not burst open,

Converge towards the middle,

Three instant swords,

Wan Jian was refined to gather,

Turned into a thirty-foot long sword,

Here monk,

Everyone has their eyes wide open,

This is the opponent's sword formation urging Dao Fa,

With these ten thousand swords, three moments,

Refining to make a big sword,

Commissioner Qian could not do it,

Real Thunder can't do it,

Ordinary Rebirth monk,

Dao Fa cannot reach this level.

This humanitarian law urges,

Thirty swords,

Blasted towards this formation,


Wan Lei shot,

Most of the formation was exploded,

The monk in the formation was exposed,

On the three monks,

"Boom and boom----"

The thunder fire burst.

The powerful sword art blasted past,

Come here monk,

Everyone stopped,

After a long time, the real person Hong Lei said,

"What kind of baby do you need?"

This monk,

Say the need baby.

Commissioner Qian listened,

There is copper paste in it.

This said,

Here monk,

After a long time,

Real person Hong Lei spoke to Commissioner Qian,

"Old money, how did I fight this person with you?

Baby he said,

It's all legendary. "


Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Out of the formation,

Standing with the real person Honglei,

Dao Fa urges the issuance, mountains and rivers, thousands of thunder and fire,

A sword and shield appeared in his hand,

Thousands of swords,

Slash towards this monk,

This monk Taoism urges,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

Three swords,

Commissioner Qian and Hong Lei blasted thousands of swords,

Shattered by a bomb,

Dao Fa urges,

Each made a sword towards Commissioner Qian and Zhenren Honglei,

The sword blasted out,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are urged on the shield


The mortal shield of Thunderbolt then blasted away,

Thunder Real Man’s entire arm,

Burst of thunder,

Commissioner Qian,

The shield urges thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

There was a boom,

But after an instant,

At this time, Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

The sword sent towards the monk slashed past,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Commissioner Qian Jian Jue,

Very mysterious,

Ten swords in a row!

At this time,

The monk issued this sword,

I don’t need to be urged by spiritual thoughts,

At this time,

The monk issued this sword,

Half of the explosion!

Shield Taoism is fully open,

Ten swords in a row,

But the sword of this monk,

Boom in half!

This sword,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Mined from the wasteland of blood war,

In the top-grade rough stone, that mysterious and ethereal mysterious.

Bloody wasteland,

It took a hundred years or longer to produce a top-grade rough stone,

This level is above the mid-stage of the Void Returning Monk.

The monk nodded to Commissioner Qian,

"So, you bring half of the treasures,

Take the Taoist book. "

This time,

The monk Huashen watched,

"This person has a high level of refining profound techniques."

Here is the cultivator of God,

The cultivation base is only slightly higher than the real person Hong Lei,

Is not the opponent of the money committee,

Real Thunder Thunder even made a sword to the opponent,


Here, the Huashen monks are fighting,


At this time,

The monks who came here said,

"It can be exchanged with a baby."

At this moment, the monk nodded,


The jade card flew towards these people,

"Take baby, come here with this jade medal.

The various baby needs are as follows—"

Speaking, said how much each kind of baby needs, waved,

These people were teleported out of the hall,

Outside the hall,

Three thousand monks looked over,

To this monk,

There are many monks on the plane of Thunder,

After going through it,

"The cultivator of God is not an opponent,

Legendary level baby? "

There are monks shouting,

Three thousand monks said,

At this time,

Real person Hong Lei spoke to Commissioner Qian,

Real Man Bang Lei accepted some,

The legendary treasure that this monk said,

If Commissioner Qian can bring out the legendary treasure,

Less baby,

Can reach half of what the monk said as a treasure,

Commissioner Qian is holding this book,

"Old money, if you can get the Taoist book,

I take half and the first half. "

The real person Hong Lei said,

"These legendary treasures,

I don't have it. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Then go collect these treasures, the ancient adventure hall,

How can it be so easy to find. "

The real person Hong Lei said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

This said,

The plane of Jelly Mountain is not a legend,

Copper paste was used before,

Go find it.

The Thunder Real Humanitarian Law urged,

Speeding towards the distance,

This monk Taoism,

Compared with stalactite giants,


Thousands of swords, skyrocketing thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Closed the formation,

I stood on the side,

Commissioner Qian came over,

Volcano Lei said,

"Old money, return to the blood and fight the wasteland,

These legendary treasures,

Can’t find ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s hard to receive it,

These five rules monks,

These legendary treasures,

Not even more,


Dao Fa urges,

The teleportation array flew toward the Thunder Xian plane.

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian, ten thousand swords smashed into the mountains, skyrocketed,

Volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

To the **** wasteland,

Walk towards Red Wolf Town. (To be continued...) ()

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