Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3352: Mountains bloom

"If you can get the profound book,

All can see,

The materials obtained from here are different,

Can be replaced with different materials. :3w."

Zhentian said,

"Receive fire pulp, Tan Hong, Zhentian real person, Volcano real person,

If the strong come,

How about that? "

Tan Shan said,

"In this way, Tan Hong, Zhentian, Real Volcano,

Around the fire pulp,

Fighting while collecting fire pulp,

Chairman, Honolulu, Lord of the Palace,

Not far from the fire pulp,

Can urge the formation of battle. "

Zhentian said,

After talking for a long time,

Take out the table,

Served wine and food,


"Flame, the legendary baby,

The poorest baby.

There are still such strong people! "

The real volcano said.


Zhentian said.

Zhentian real person and volcano real person,

Are all casual cultivators,

To be able to cultivate to transform the gods,

There are many topics to talk about,

After talking for a long time,

Zhentian real person and volcano real person,

Cultivate to the level of transforming gods,

Legendary treasure,

But I haven't seen it three times.

After eating for a long time,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning,

Five thousand miles,

Less than half a day,

These monks,

Flew over,

Six hundred miles away,

Dao Fa burst out frantically,

Like a behemoth.

Speeding over here.

These gods monks.

Dao Fa urges,

Sword Jue rushed to the sky,

Profound and fierce,

Slash towards this Fa,


The thunder fire rushed to the sky,

Such a powerful way,

Shattered by a bomb,

far away. There are monks standing,

His eyes flickered like thunder,

"This time the adventurer is a master."


Dao Fa urges,


Flew over six hundred miles,

Bounced towards Zhentian Zhentian,

Shaking innocent humanitarian law urged,

In the thunderous sound,

Five swords in a row.


On the edge,

Xuan'ao extremely sword tactics blasted over.

This monk urged the sword tactics to be violent,

Before the six cultivators urged to issue sword tactics,

The profound sword art became slow,

Thousands of thunder and fire,

Flashing and erupting on this sword art.


In the thunderous voice,

This sword tactic is crushed!

Thirty miles away,

Taoism flickers,

This monk is holding a flying sword,

His body seemed to be surrounded by thousands of flames.

This flame,

Like a mountain, 300 thousand miles of huge mountains extend,

Stands magnificently,

Like a river, like a river of 30,000 miles,

Pentium roared,

Like a cloud, a Benz spews, like a herd of thousands of animals.

Six monks of the gods,

Look at this law,

Everyone looks serious,

Dao Fa urges,

Six monks,

Everyone slashed out three thousand swords,

These three thousand swords blasted out,

As if flooding the entire plane.

This monk Taoism urges,

Wan Jian blasted towards this Six Transformation God monk Tao Fa,



This method rushed to the limit.

Such a powerful monk blasted ten thousand swords,


This monk Taoism urges,

Three hundred miles away,

Seeing these six monks rush over,

Three moments,

Arrived at the edge of the flame formation,

Profound and incomparable Taoism,

Blast towards the flames,

Liuhuashen shot,

This formation immediately began to rumbling loudly,

The monk looked serious,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning.

Liuhuashen shot,

The speed of this formation immediately slowed down,

Profound Dao Fa rushed into the formation,


This formation,

After a cup of tea,

Burst open,

The transcendent monk's spirit urged,

"Sure enough, there is fire pulp here."

Zhentian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Urged towards the fire pulp,

The real volcano, Tan Hong immediately urged Dao Fa,

Facing these flames to urge Taoism,

Not slower than the shocking real person,

Just then Tanshan said,

"This time there is more fire pulp than last time."

The Master of the Plane said,


The chairman of the plane committee immediately spoke to Zhentian Zhentian,

The members of the Plane Council immediately spoke to the Zhentian Zhentian,

"How much fire pulp is there?"

Not fighting,

Zhentian said,

"With Tan Hong and the volcano, the flame pulp I can get,

But a hundred pounds. "

The legendary treasure of fire pulp,

Are very heavy,

"Hundreds of pounds, get the Profound Olympic Book,

I can't read much,

You flipped through, that's even less. "

The chairman of the plane committee said,

"I really got the Taoist Book of Returning to the Void, and I read some good ones."

Zhentian said,

"There is profound paste."

"The level of Xuan Ji is higher than that of Huo Ji.

Want to find Xuan Jiang,

It's not easy. "

Tan Shan said,

Xuantianhuo said,

Profound Jelly, more than ordinary Profound Stone,

More mysterious.


far away,

There are three ways to escape,

Speeding over like lightning,

Arrived here, the building fell,

Showing three monks,

Dao Fa urges,

The flames soaring into the sky,

The whole sky is like burning.

Honolulu. Master of the Plane General Hall.

Chairman of the committee committee.

"These three. The monk on the side is similar to the real volcano."

The Master of the Plane General Temple said,

"The monk in battle armor has a better cultivation base than these six monks

Slightly tough,

However, it is not as good as this master. "

The chairman of the committee committee said,

"So, it can be a battle."

Tan said,


The real volcano formation urged,

Ten thousand volcanoes,

Around the volcanic mountains,

The three monks opposite,


Sword Jue urges,


Thousands of swords,

Like a huge thunder,

Towards Honolulu, the main hall of the committee members.

Chairman of the plane,

Boom over.

Monk Huashen shot,

The sword tactics urged, it was like a thunder,

Swordsmanship like flying mountains outside the sky,

To the chairman of the plane committee,

The Chairman of the Plane Committee Dao Fa urged,

A sword and shield appeared in his hand,

Bumped wildly at the other party.


But it was against the middle cultivator,

This monk,

Dao Fa cannot reach this strongest master,

But it’s higher than Tanshan’s cultivation base,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Deduced the Taoism,


Dao Fa urges,

Ten thousand mountains,

Turned into thousands of flowers,

Thunderous swords blasted over,

This is a huge mountain turned into a flower,

Has a profound magic circle.

Wanhua absorbed mana in an instant,

Very mysterious,

Then it exploded,

Wanhuahu made sky petals,

The petals become boulders,

On the boulder,

Showing flowers,

Such a powerful change,

The monk Huo Xuan's cultivation base exploded,

Thousands of miles with fireballs,

Facing the mountains, flowers appeared,

Can't be absolutely blasted.

Within half a day of fighting,

Honolulu retreated,

But for ten years,

"Your doctrine is not as powerful as mine,

Profound, but very mysterious. "

The monk said,

"Huo Xuan can cultivate your level,

Not bad. "

Tan Shan said,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying push for a mysterious fusion

The level is very high, the combat power is shown,

This Huo Xuan master, Huo Xuan cultivation is profound,

Taoism is powerful,

At war with Honolulu,

Fighting for half a day,

Honolulu only retreated ten miles.

Chairman of the Board of Directors,

Fight the opponent,

Retreated a hundred and thirty miles,

Shield in hand,

Inspire mana and transform the mountains,

Boomed to smash!

The shield was shattered by a third,


Chairman of the Plane Committee,

But there is a mysterious magic weapon,

The shield was shattered,

Fight this monk,

Even hit three swords,

Thousands of thunder and fire burst out from his body,

Shoot three thousand feet!

But it is surrounded by mysterious mountains.

Fight the monks with the main hall of the plane,

But it was blasted back thirty miles,

At this time,

The main hall of the planes brought out a magic weapon,

Dao Fa reminds,

The magic weapon blasted out the flames,

This flame is extremely mysterious,

The other monk,

The shield urged thousands of miles of volcanoes,

One gear toward this flame,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Wanli volcano,

It burst out loudly,

On this monk’s shield, a deep pit appeared,

At this time,

Dao Jian Jue flew from a distance,

Wan Jian urged,

As if flying across the sky.

This monk’s sword tactic is urged,

Turned into ten thousand volcanoes,

Sword Jue urges thousands of volcanoes,

Can't be urged to finish,

Crashed into the epicenter,

The sword art was blown away,

Flying sword passing by,


In the loud noise,.

Thousands of volcanoes were exploded,

A big hole appeared on the battle armor,

But the real volcano came,

"The fire pulp here has been mined."

The real volcano said,

Monk of Sanhua God,

How mysterious is that.

After a long time,

The fire slurry here has been mined.

This monk Taoism urges,

Rushed towards the master,

"This time the adventurer is more powerful."

The master of the giant,

Arriving at the profound plane of the universe,

Still not everywhere.

Was talking,

Zhentian Zhentian flew over here,

Sword Jue urges,

Across the sky,

Booming over here.

At this time,

Tan Hong flew towards Tanshan,

Dao Fa urges,

Turned into ten thousand mountains,

Thousands of flowers bloom,

Thousands of flowers,

Converging towards the flying sword,

Turned into an epee,

Slashed towards the opponent in Honolulu,

Honolulu rivals,

Dao Fa urges,

Turned into a flying sword,

Very mysterious,

Slash towards this sword,

And Tan Hong Feijian,


In the loud noise,

Tan Hong took a step back,

This monk,

It swayed three times,

"Daofa mysterious."

The monk said,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Turned into three thousand swords,

Booming towards the monk,

At this time,

Tanshan urges Dao Fa,

Turned into three thousand swords,

There are thousands of miles of mountains on the sword,

Bounced over here.

Tan Shan and Tan Hong shot,

But three hundred tricks,

This person is back again and again,

At this time,

This master looked at the cultivator fighting the plane committee.

Chairman of the Plane Committee and Zhentian Zhenren,

Fighting against the opponent,

Still a disadvantage,

At this time,

Tan Hong nodded to Tan Shan,

Tan Shan nodded.

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Slash towards the monk,

That monk,

Dao Fa urges,

And Tan Hong's sword confronted,


Like a giant thunder shot,

The monk is shaking!

The sword art spins,

Profound magic power,

Boom over,

Tan Hong Sword Jue urges to issue,

Harmony with the profound and mysterious,

Thousands of mountains gather,

Slash towards this monk,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Tan Hong stepped back.

At this time, this monk,

But it's the Taoist law,

Out of the war circle,

At this time,

These six cultivators,

This is how Tao Fa urges,

Flying past towards the distance.

Flew five thousand miles,

Then it fell towards the mountains,

"The fierce battle, the fire slurry received, more than half,

With profound pulp, it is more difficult to harvest than fire pulp. "

The Master of the Plane General Temple said,

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tanshan said,

"Walk along here,

The place where Xuanji is produced,

May go deeper towards this side. "

This said,

Zhentian said,

Urge Dao Fa,

Showing thousands of miles of mountains,

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of miles of mountains,

Unleashing profound magic power towards the distance. (To be continued...)



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