Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3553: Xuan Jiang

This said,

Everyone releases a formation,

Cultivate to the level of transforming gods,

Everyone has a strong formation,

Formation urges,

Profound magic power,

Extend to the distance,

Everyone urged Dao Fa to deduct,

`Pig`Pig Island`Novel`

Just then Tanshan said,

"Thousands of miles away,

There is mana on the mountains,

Very vast,

Compared with ordinary mana here,

It is more mysterious. "

The chairman of the plane committee nodded.

"Look there,

Xuan Jiang is quite precious to copper slurry. "

Tan Hong said towards Honolulu,

"Keneng produces profound pulp."

Commissioner Qian arrived on the plane of Jiangshan,

Looking for copper paste,

There are copper mortar mountains on the plane,

Commissioner Qian’s deduction is more mysterious.

Tanhong and Honolulu,

Urge Dao Fa,

Thousands of miles away,

It’s different from the copper slurry mountain range,


Xuan'ao, but there are more similarities.


Take out all kinds of wine and dishes,

After eating,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

For these monks,

Half a day,

Got there.

Dao Fa urges,

The passage appears,

Walk to this side.

These monks walked by,

In Taoism,

It appears to extend thousands of miles of mountains,

This is the structure of these planes,

"Sure enough, it is mysterious. I can practice here.

Up. "

The real volcano sighed.

"Come here to practice.

The fire system refines the profound technique cultivation base,

There are many improvements. "

Zhentian said,

The real volcano and the trembling real person,

I talked about this mysterious place for a long time,

This mountain is mysterious,

It surpassed the real people of Zhentian and the volcanoes to cultivate the profound,


Mana urges,

The plane becomes mysterious,

At this time,

Mysterious separation,

There is a jade channel inside,

Walking along the passage,

There is a river,

Dao Fa urges,

Walk five miles along the river,

Show spring water.

There is no such thing as Taoism,

It's a real baby.

"This keneng is Xuan Jiang."

In the jade slips given by the main hall,

How about Xuanji. Said a lot,

"This is ordinary profound paste."

The Master of the Plane General Temple said,

"It's ordinary profound jelly, thousand years,

Only gathered these. "

Come out of the monk.

Dao Fa urges,


Fight towards the main hall of the plane,

Dao Fa urged by the main hall of the plane,

Blasted towards this fist,

The fist of the palace master,

It was not far from the fist that the monk blasted over.

On this fist of the palace lord,

Showing thousands of ripples,

The master of the palace points forward with this fist,

Ten thousand heavy ripples turned into ten thousand mountains,

The hall master shouted,

In the mountains,

Thousands of mountains appeared.

"The master of the Plane General Hall refines the mysterious method,

Practice year,

Can't reach so much effort. "

The real man on the volcano said with emotion towards the real man Zhentian,


The lord of the general palace of the plane urges boxing all over the mountain,

Wanzhong Mountains surround Wanzhong Mountains,


The main hall of the plane flew out,

In a bang,

Fly into the planes,

Fly out,

On this side,

Make a tunnel,

This just stopped.

"Returning monk!"

Honolulu and the Chairman of the Plane Committee said.

"Thousands of years ago, I practiced and returned to the void,

Thousands of years ago, adventurous monks came here,

It is much easier to get Xuanji than it is now. "

The monk said,

The Dao Fa of Honolulu urged,

Showing tens of thousands of mountains,

The mountains bloomed with flowers,

Stretched towards the horizon.

Dao Fa is more urgent,

Thousands of flowers gather towards the middle,

Turned into a flower,

This flower,

Unleash the profound flames,

Brilliant and beautiful,

Like traveling through the ages,

Blasted towards the monk,

"Transforming the gods to refine the mysterious method,

To your cultivation base,

Up. "

The monk said,

Dao Fa urges,

He banged towards the fist of Honolulu,

Double fists,

This punch from Honosan,

The flowers bloom thousands of times,

It burst out loudly,

Honolulu flew out fifty feet,


Step back,

Like a huge thunder!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

This is standing,

Compared with the main hall of the plane,

It is a lot stronger!

Chairman of the plane,

His eyes flashed like thunder,

"Returning to the Void is powerful and powerful!"


But it is Tao Fa urged,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Converge towards this person with fists,

It seems,

Like a half plane,

Towards this Void-returning powerful monk,

Boom over,

Mana, the chairman of the plane committee,

But it can transform half a plane.

Rebirth power,

Dao Fa urges,

Bounced toward the punch,


Loud like a thunder,

Chairman of the Plane Committee,

Was bombed into the plane,

Like the master of the plane's main hall,

Blasted out a tunnel,

It stopped after blasting out of the tunnel,

Rebirth power,

Towards Tan Hong, the volcano monk, Zhentian Zhentian looked over,

"These cultivation bases."

Tan Hong said,

"I don't know that Da Neng needs medicinal materials,

I have a lot of herbs here. "

This said,

The monk nodded,

"Yes, take out the medicinal materials and take a look."

The cultivation base has reached the power of returning to the void,

Various cultivation bases have naturally improved.

Non-mysterious plant Taoism,

Monks of this level,

Practice for ten years,

Can be practiced,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Mountain-like medicinal materials appeared in front,

Honolulu stood on the edge,

This medicinal material appeared,

This Void-returning power mysterious mana urges,

Around these herbs,

After watching for a long time,

Selected medicinal materials,

"These herbs."

Tan Shan and Tan Hong looked,

This monk chooses medicinal materials,


For the mountain flower plane and the shadow of the golden fruit,

Common precious medicinal materials.

Between waving hands,

Xuan Jiang from this mountain,

Flew towards Tan Hong,

"Jin Xuan Jiang."

"The hall needs profound pulp, but it's not a catty."

The cultivator Huashen said,

Tan Hong was talking to the monk who returned to the void.

"These medicinal materials are just ordinary precious medicinal materials.

Need to return to the virtual world. "

Tan Hong said,

"These herbs are useful,

It’s not that easy to close,

Let me talk to you. "

This rebirth monk,

Talking about the medicinal mystery and the plane Xuan'ao method,

This trick,

But it is even used by the mysterious method.

But a thousand words,

Tan Hong bowed his hand to the monk,

On the edge of the Huashen monk,

Bring out medicinal materials,

These monks took out the herbs,

Tan Hong almost has it.

If you say medicinal herbs Xuanao,

These monks' herbs,

Far inferior to Tan Hong.

On the edge of God,

This Void-returning monk took some medicinal materials,

The cultivator took out the medicinal materials,

There are mysterious and precious medicinal materials,

But in exchange for Jin Xuan Jiang,

The Void-Returning monk waved,


Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

"Go to the book on the main hall,

How does this profound paste come out?

This profound paste, for this adventurous cultivator,

true. "

"This, call people here,

Some for each,

Just as he needs Xuanji in the hall. "

Tan Hong said,

This profound paste, fire paste,

For the shadow of golden fruit,

It does a lot.

"After talking for a long time,

The fire pulp and the profound pulp are averaged out,

Get the Taoist book,

Call someone to see the same. "

Then flew towards the far plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Hall of Reception needs materials,

this time,

After the new year,

The main hall needs materials,

I have almost received it,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the coming mountains,

To the mountains,

The teleportation array appeared,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the teleportation array. (To be continued...)



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