Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3356: Refining magic weapons

I walked around in the city,

Received some materials.

"Bùcuò, a treasure like fire pulp,

However, the common materials here,

It is not very useful. "

Talking. ,

The real volcano and the trembling real person,

The refining level is average,

It's similar to the rule-fusion monk.

The cultivation base reaches the level of transforming gods,

Use the magic power of God,

Can refine more mysterious materials, magic weapons,

Come out of the shop,

Having said that,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward each other.

Zhentian Zhenren's practice place,

It is stronger than Mountain Flower Plane, Golden Fruit Shadow Sword Battle Plane Villa.

Red Iron Mountain,

Arranged the Convergence Plane mysterious magic weapon,

After three,

The Hong Tieshan practice place is not comparable to the Zhentian Zhenren practice place.

The real human volcano went to the Zhentian real human training place to practice.

Zhentian Zhenren's training place, the fire item mystery and the plane mystery merge

More mysterious.

Tan Hong arrived at Red Iron Mountain,

Dao Fa urges,


In Taoism,

Flying swords, and warhammers around,

Tan Hong urges mysterious magic power,

Refining flying swords, shields, and warhammers,

Nowadays, the magic weapon of the middle-class level of God,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo couldn’t make it,

Flying swords, shields, and warhammers have magic circles,

Refining with refining mysterious magic power,

An important circle in flying swords, shields, and warhammers.

Tan Hong uses the refining mysterious method to refine the mana.

It can't be completely refined.

Practice this time.

Used three,

Only then did Tan Hong receive his merits,

Looking at three magic weapons,

"Incite the refining of mysterious magic power,

Among these three magic weapons,

Mysterious magic circle,

But a little more.

Amending the law,

Dao Fa improved. For myself, it's quite ordinary. "

At this time,

The plane communication circle urges to send,

Tan Hong looked at,

It's Banao,

"It's refined."

Tan Hong nodded.

Out of the Red Iron Mountain,

Facing the plane circle,

Speed ​​past.

After ten days,

Tan Hong is here.

Banao took a jade box,

Tan Hong watched.

"A hundred jin."

"Bronze fire pulp and the shadow of the golden fruit are needed,

I'll give you a hundred pounds, Bùcuò. "

Banao said,

Took the copper flame paste,

Let the waiter serve wine and food, eat and drink.

"How is the cultivation level for refining the profound method?"

Banao said,

"Thirty years of cultivation, but improve the ordinary."

Tan Hong said,

With the real volcano, explore the main hall of the plane,

"If you can get back the precious material Bùcuò.


Can be more refined. "

Banao said,

"Really mysterious jade slips, collect some.

Transform the peak of God, return to the virtual,

It’s not that there are less than ten books on the Tao of Void Return,

Can finish.

Profound Taoism,

Write thousands of words of Taoism,

They are all relatively ordinary. "

Tan Hong said,

"It's true."

With that said, he took the shadow of the golden fruit and deduced the magic power of Lian Xuan.

Tan Hong flew towards the plane,

To the Red Iron Mountain,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,


In the furnace, burning this mysterious flame,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,


Flew towards the pill furnace,

Tan Hong practiced by himself,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

For Dan Fang,

Deduced major categories,

The shadow of each golden fruit,

The cultivation method is different,

For these major types of elixirs,

Still have different adjustments,

Tan Hong put the medicine in this pill furnace,

With the Qian member, Jin Guo Zhiying promoted the Laidan prescription,

There are hundreds of different kinds of precious medicinal materials,

These medicinal materials,

Refined for thirty days,

Then I took the copper flame,

Put it into the pill furnace,

Dao Fa urges to issue, but it is more mysterious.

The copper fire pulp and medicinal materials are fused.

This refining, but a hundred days have passed,

This is how Tao Fa urges,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

In the furnace,

Flew out a hundred pills,

This is Tan Hong refined the pill for himself,

Mountain-like herbs,

But there are hundreds of pills.

Tan Hong only accepted the pill furnace.

Using a pill,

Dao Fa is urging and practicing.

This is a class of drugs,

Practicing, take out the shadow of the golden fruit to push the jade slip,

For refining mysterious magic power,


Practiced for ten years,

Fly towards the middle of the city,

In the shop, the store manager came over,


He Banao went to the medicine garden,

The Bùcuò medicinal materials that Banao received last time,

There are a lot of medicinal materials for a thousand years,

Tan Hong took the fairy stone,

Collected these medicinal materials,

Flew towards the Red Iron Mountain,

These medicinal materials,

Various planes,

To use these medicinal materials,

The five hundred-year-old medicinal materials I took back last time,

But planted for a hundred years,

Many have become more mysterious,

Can’t compare with Thousand-year medicinal herbs,

It is quite mysterious.

This is how Dao Fa is urged and cultivated,

this day,

In the wind,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, with thousands of rushes,

, Turned into flowers,

Very mysterious.

Tan Hong Tao Fa received,


Used more than half,

Even the value of mysterious magic power cultivation base,

But it is more difficult to cultivate,

Tan Hong practiced profound Taoism,

Reached a rather mysterious level.

At this time, the distance from Zhentian Real Man Villa,

It’s been almost a hundred years,

Take an adventure at the ancient adventure place in the main hall of the plane,

Lei Fa, indispensable,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Zhou Tian’s mana formation,

Gather towards Tan Hong,


In the Red Iron Mountain Zhoutian formation,

With Xuanxuan cultivation as Taoism,

Zhou Tian’s mana formation,

Refining with the profound formation method,

This mana,

More mysterious,

Tan Hong Dao Fa,

Hundreds of days,

Refined by Lei Fa,


Fall into the Tanhong storage bag,

Hundreds of mines.

This rafa,

For the ordinary monks,

The power is stronger,

These minecraft,

Tan Hong refined tens of thousands,

Only then did these minecrafts be collected,

Tan Hong walked out of Red Iron Mountain,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the Zhentian Real Man Villa,

Arrived at Zhentian Real Man Villa,

Zhentian real person came out,

Hand over to Tan Hong,

"It's only been three years since I finished training,

Is preparing some adventure magic weapon. "

Tan Hong nodded.

A hundred years,

Tan Hong has refined all five magic weapons,

But three magic weapons,

More powerful.

Take out the magic weapon,

Dao Fa is slightly urged,

Shows thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.


The cultivation base cannot be reached,

This magic weapon can't be urged!

Tan Hong and Commissioner Qian thought,


Really got the magic weapon,

Mana can't be triggered.

He Zhentian walked into the hall,

The real volcano came over,

Tan Hong looked at,

The volcanic real person is mysterious, compared with the trembling real person,

It looks mysterious.

The real fire of the volcano is Taoism,

Originally attained, more profound and proud.

At this time,

The real volcano and the trembling real person,

It can be said that I have embarked on the profound practice of cultivation,

Commissioner Qian and the real person Huoshan, Zhentian real person said,

Flew towards the Red Iron Mountain,

Arriving at the side of the medicine,

Take out some herbs and eat,

Deducing the mystery of these medicinal materials,

These medicinal materials, and millennium medicinal materials,

Not far away, there are mountain flower plane plane fluctuations

And planting Taoism, both are being used.

At this time,

Has mystery,

Tan Hong deduced it for three years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and had many insights,

At this time,

Zhentian sent a communication,

You can go to the Plane General Temple to explore the plane.

Tan Hong left Red Iron Mountain,

The teleportation array galloped towards the main hall of the plane,

Arriving outside the main hall of the plane teleportation array,

Zhentian and Volcano came over,

Tan Hong looked at,

Flying swords and shields in the hands of Zhentian and Volcanoes,

For Tan Hong's level,

The improvement is not relatively large. (To be continued...)

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