Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3357: 3000 rule fusion

This time, after thirty days,

Tan Hong, the real person shaking the sky, the real person of the volcano stepped out of the plane,

This face feels simple and remote,

Three hundred miles away,

With a huge canyon,

Extend far away,

Extending to the horizon.

There are plants growing here,

a bit less,

Hua Shen Dao Fa urged,

Within three thousand miles,

There are many peaks and valleys, extending into the distance.

On the edge of the 30,000 zhang mountain,

Is a deeper canyon,

"This face has a radius of a million miles."

The real volcano said,

From the canyon,

All kinds of flames, the mountains rushed up,

In an instant,

Some rushed into the distance,

Some rushed toward the edge of the canyon.

A thunderous explosion,

From the canyon,

Far, three thousand miles away.

"Here is ordinary rock, and the magic weapon is integrated with the five rules

almost. "

Zhentian said,

This said,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

The rocks here,

But it is almost the same as the magic weapon of the five rules fusion monk.

"There is not much difference between this place and the surface of the **** wasteland."

Tan Hong said,

With more plants,

Dao method detection,

With powerful beasts,

It’s better than Bloody Wasteland,

Dao Fa detected a hundred miles deep in the plane,

The rock here has increased its hardness by thirty times.

"This is not a rock, a very powerful material."

Tan Hong said,

The volcano’s real humanitarian law urged,

Speeding toward the distance.

Flew for ten thousand miles,

See the mountains,

Stretches for 30,000 miles,

The mountain has more than five thousand feet,

Thirty thousand zhang high mountains are everywhere.

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Here. The material is almost three thousand miles deep in the Bloody Battle Wasteland.

"Where is this, the mountains are so hard?"

Outside the **** wasteland,

Commissioner Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit have visited many planes,

I have never seen a similar plane to the three thousand-mile deep rock wall of the Bloody Battle Wasteland.

"This is the ancient battlefield."

The real volcano said,

"Here, there is profound fire.

Receiving profound fire, reach the peak of transforming gods. Or Rebirth monk,

Anything. "

Xuanhuo. Legend has it that the Thunder Mountain plane has,

For thousands of years, the Thunder Mountain plane has seen Profound Fire,

No more than ten people.

"Strong Xuanhuo, Void Returning cultivator can't practice it."

Tan Hong said,

"It's nice to be able to collect some treasures here."

Zhentian said,

Tan Hong, a real volcano. Zhentian Zhenren walked towards the mountains,

Inside the mountain,

There are many entrances,

"It really is a fortress."

Tan Hong said,


Tan Hong. Real volcanoes, real people shaking the sky

Dao Fa urges,


Deduced for three days,

Tan Hong, a real volcano. Shocking real people,

Each say the entrance,

Real volcanoes, real people shaking the sky, deducing the entrance,

Not far away,

Tan Hong pushed the performance entrance.

And the real person of the volcano,

Push the entrance,

Far away,

"Go to the master to push the entrance."

Zhentian said,

The real volcano said,

"Yes, this time the master pushed the entrance to the show,

Compared with last time, the harvest should be more. "

Master of God,

Dao Fa urges,

Walk towards the entrance,

The channel is thirty feet wide,

In the passage,

Walked a hundred miles,

Shilaizhang volcano,

Walked along here,

I saw Tan Hong, the real person of the volcano, the real person of Zhentian,

Dao Fa urges,

There are thousands of miles of volcanoes in the volcanoes,

Send out the fire sword ten thousand ways,

Towards Tan Hong, the real person on the volcano, the real person Zhentian blasted over,


Tan Hong didn't need to make a move.

Shaking innocent humanitarian law urged,

Surrounded by thousands of miles of mountains,

Fire sword

Blasted onto these thousands of miles of mountains,

But with 10,000 fireballs,

The volcano’s real humanitarian law urged,

Fire sword shot,

His fire sword,

Different from the opponent,

Very profound,

But ten swords,

Blasted onto the opponent's volcano,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Wanli volcano exploded,

Show the master inside,

These monks shouted,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

"Rule fusion monk."

The real volcano said,

The rule fusion monk, for the real volcano,

Can't be considered a master.

The three of them walked into the passage,

Dao Fa urges,

At this time,

There was a loud thunderous noise in the distance,

Master of God,

Walked towards the distance,

Dao Fa urges,

After thirty years of walking,

Seeing thunder fire coming,

The trembling real person appeared in the mountains,

The fireball burst,

Looking ahead,

Has a formation,

Boom towards the passage,


The monk rushed out of the passage,


Toward this formation urges thousands of miles of mountains to rush over,

In an instant, rushed into the mountains of thousands of miles,

These monks urged the formation,

With 300,000 times gravity,

Thousands of thunder and fire burst,

These monks,

Rushed into the thunder and fire,

It's like lightning,

In the formation,

Sword Jue urges,

Wan Lei flickered,

In an instant,

These monks rushed into the formation,

Shattered by a bomb,

But it turned into mysterious,

Rushed towards the rock wall,

In an instant,

From the rock wall,

Rushed out of the monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Wan Lei shot,

Blast towards this formation,

The cultivator of God is watching.

In an instant,

From the channel,

Rushed out of thousands of monks,

Boom over here,

In an instant,

In this channel.

It has a thousand miles of space.

"Space Dao Fa is really powerful."

Tan Hong said,

The real volcano and the trembling real person,

To urge thousands of swords,

Blasted towards these monks,

These monks rushing over,

Inspire Dao Fa, Fei Jian. Feijian urges Dao Fa,

Fight against these thousands of swords.

It broke into pieces!

The fireball shoots like a million flowers.

Less than half a tea time,

Thousands of monks,

Three hundred explosions!

"The three rules fusion monks occupy half,

For the rest, less than three rules merge. "

The real volcano said,

"Such an ancient battlefield fortress,

Create a guard based on three rules,

It's not that easy. "


Tan Hong took out a long banner in his hand, showing thunder and fire.


But thunder blasted,

The rushing monks exploded hundreds,

The long streamer in his hand swayed,

From these monks rushed out mysterious.

Fly toward the long banner in Tan Hong's hand,

In the long streamer,

Mysterious mana urges,

Refining these mysteries,

"Strong soul magic weapon?"

The real volcano and the Zhentian real person said,

The magic weapon of the soul appeared in his hand.


Toward these monks, rushed out and collected the profound and mysterious,

Received some profound things,

Dao Fa urges,


But half tea time,

Thousands of monks rushed over.

All burst open,


The magic weapon in the hands of the real volcanoes and the Zhentian real people,

With a loud rumbling noise,

The real volcano and the trembling real person,

The soul magic weapon burst open in his hand,

Rushed out of the monks,

Fly towards the rock wall,

"From these monks,

It’s more mysterious to rush out,


Ordinary soul magic weapons cannot be refined,

Refining something relatively simple and mysterious. "

The real volcano said,

At this time, I saw,

On the edge of Tan Hong,

Surrounded by incomparable Taoism,

"Tan Hong refined the profound magic power cultivation base,

Taoism is so high. "

The real person Tanshan Mountain said to the real person Zhentian,

At this time,

Just saw,

Tan Hong Dao Fa, with faint ripples,


The long streamer in Tan Hong's hand,

Still refining the mystery from the monks,

At this time,

The shouts shook the sky,

Three thousand monks rushed out from the rock wall,

Boom towards Tan Hong,

Tan Hong's hands,

Showing ten thunders,


Among these three thousand monks,

Showing ten fireballs,

These fireballs,

It’s like expanding thousands of miles in an instant,

It seems,

But it is slower,

These monks shouted,

Rushed towards the fireball,

It turned into smash in an instant,

Xuanao rushed out.

These fireballs,

With profound magic power,

Ten fireballs spread,

In an instant,

Filled the sky with a radius of thousands of miles,

At this time,

Rushed over three thousand monks,

Killed more than half,

At this time,

The long streamer in Tan Hong's hand,

There was a mysterious beast, bursting open,

Turned into a cloud of smoke, gathered,

Gathered half a beast,

Half animal and half smoke,

Make a loud roar,

This is the manifestation of Tanhong's refining soul and soul.

To refine from this monk,

Rushed out of mystery,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

These beasts burst open!

"These three rules, different rules merge,

In this manifestation of monks,

It's just an ordinary monk,

Rushed out of mystery,

More than practicing the Soul Dao Fa. "

Tan Hong said,

Seeing ten astral beasts exploded,

The long streamer swayed,

These mysteries rushed out of the long banner,

Rushed towards the rock wall,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,


"But it came out through insight into some profound ideas."

At this time, the formation in the distance,

Burst open,

There are a dozen monks in it,

The highest level, the five rules are integrated,

Such cultivation,

But I went to the depths of the **** wasteland to quarry the original stone,

Ten years have passed,

Mined ten rough stones,

not a problem,


Thousands of monks rushed towards these ten monks,

Thousands of swords. The thunder is shining,

The screams rang,

Blood spattered,

In ten moments,

Ten monks,

Killed more than half,

The remaining monks,

Speeding over here,


"Wh, eh, eh—"

Passing the Sanhua God,

Speeding towards the distance,

Thousands of monks,

Looking at the Sanhua God, paused,

The cultivator's sword tactic thunder fire,

It is tough.

"Well, look outside this adventure place.

The real volcano said,

There are quite a few shops for this noodle. "

This time, Tan Hong said,

The long streamer unfolds,

Tan Hong refines and writes the mysterious,

Go to Fang City to comprehend.


Sanhua Shinto Law urges the issuance,

Speeding towards the entrance,

Out of here,

Dao Fa urges,

Three thousand miles away on the mountain,

Has a town,

A hundred li radius,

The monks gathered in the town,

More lively,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the city,

In the Fang City.

Only then escaped the monk from the adventure,

In the restaurant,

Brothers Square City,

Many people gathered around,

These monks said,

"At that entrance this time,

Maybe the ancient adventure place,

The strongest channel.

The guards who rushed out were all rules fusion. "

Tan Hong said to the real volcano,

"Last time, how did you get there?"

"The guard is far less powerful this time.

The guard came out from the exit of the passage,

in this way,

There is a lot of flying space,

Which is like this time,

Last time,

I walked five hundred miles into the passage. "

The real volcano said,

Last time a real volcano came here,

Most of the guards are just above the level of diamonds.

With diamond flower god,

Is the most common soldier here,


Tan Hong and the volcano real person,

But walked towards the booth,

"This place of ancient adventure,

Far stronger than imagined. "

Zhentian Zhenren said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to receive it here,

This antiquity ventured out various materials,

After ten days,

Various jade slips, materials,

Tan Hong, the real volcano has collected a lot,

The real volcano accepted some,

Last time,

The real volcano came here,

It’s just that I have cultivated to the transformation of God,

this time,

Practicing profound techniques,

Here is the jade slip, material,

Gain a lot! ‘(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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