Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3565: Fire material

On this day, the superplane communication array rang,

Tan Hong looked at it, and Banao sent it.

"Ban Yue has arrived at the Baiyu Lou Lou on the working plane.

The people who have been enlightened longer than the Qian committee.

There are a lot of insights, come here to deduct. "

Banao said,

"Ban Yue went to the Dou Beast Lei Bai Yulou,

The comprehension is longer than the committee member Qian,

Banyue Xiuwei is not as good as Qian's visit to Baiyulou. ‘

Tan Hong said,

"I gave a lot of medicinal materials, a lot of copper fire pulp."

Banao said,

Tan Hong nodded.

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the plane teleportation formation,

After ten days,

Tan Hong arrived at the Summer Palace on the plane of Ruixian,

Walked into the summer palace,

After three days,

Commissioner Qian came here,

Banyue talked about fighting the beasts,

"Bronze flame, the master of the beast ring,

Compare demand,

Gave a thousand or three hundred catties of copper fire pulp,

To comprehend there,

It takes longer than the body to comprehend. "

Ban Yue spoke for a long time,

"Master of Transforming God, Master of Returning Void,

For Wannian medicinal materials, the same needs,

However, close to Wannian medicinal materials,

After thirty years,

The profoundness has increased a lot. "

Ban Yue said,

"Deduction Ban Yue Shen Wu."

Commissioner Qian said,

Hexiu is the shadow of the powerful golden fruit,

Facing Banyue, he was enlightened and deduced,

This time,

Ten years later,

After the deduction, 30 years of practice.

The Taoist book that Ban Yue brought over for comprehension.

The practice is almost the same.

The shadow of golden fruit urges Dao Fa.

Thousands of thunder and thunder were sent out one after another,

The urging of Dao Fa has not only become mysterious,

It has become much stronger.

This time, the mysterious Taoism converged,

The shadows of the golden fruit are gathered and firm,


The shadow repair of each golden fruit is different.

"Enlightenment of the fairy book. Still relatively slow,

However, for the deduction of refining mystery,

Improve a lot. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"I see, the hall of refining copper fire pulp,

Can be built,

The effect of Wannian medicinal materials is very mysterious,

It takes more than three thousand years to grow it. "

Tan Tian said.

"Refining this hall requires precious materials.

The shadow of each golden fruit is a magic weapon for battle.

Need a lot of precious materials,

Collect some materials,

This hall can be refined. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"These precious materials, ordinary large chambers of commerce,

All are relatively small. "

Tan Shan said,

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

"I will go to the plane of Ruqiu to see Ajan’s night market,

With these materials. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Shan nodded,

"Take some flowers grown in five thousand years of medicinal materials, and come over."

Commissioner Qian said,

Banao nodded,

When we arrived at Xiadian, Baihe turned around,

I put a jade box of medicinal materials for the former committee member,

Inside the jade box,

Flowers and fruits grown from five thousand years of medicinal materials.

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the teleportation array,

Here is the plane of autumn,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the square market opened by Ajan,

Flew past like lightning,

Far away, see,

Outside the city,

Hundreds of ways to escape,

Flew towards the distance,

Commissioner Qian went to Fang City,

The guard came over,

Commissioner Qian said: "Look for Ah Zhan."

The guard arrived in the square city,

After half a tea time,

Ajan walked over quickly,

"Old money, I haven't seen you for a thousand years."

When I got to the committee member Qian,

Ajan said,

"The cultivation base is profound."

"Azhan is good. The five rules are integrated."

Commissioner Qian said,

Today, Azhan Xiuwei,

But the five rules merge,

In the hall,

"Can you accept these materials."

Commissioner Qian said,

Gave Ajan Yujian,

Ajan looked,

"These materials, a lot of refining materials,

Very precious, in this city,

These materials are not much. "

Commissioner Qian took out the jade box:

"Thousands of medicinal materials grow in five thousand years,

Spend five thousand! All kinds of medicinal materials are available, take a look. "

This said,

Ajan took the jade box and looked at it.

Open the jade box and look at it,

These materials,

In this city, relatively rare,

Take some fruits and eat,

Gongfa urges,

After a long time,

Ajan nodded.

"Sure enough, five thousand years of fruit. Flowers,

There are various medicinal materials,

These materials, after thirty days,

Come here, old money. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

I talked about various Taoisms with Ajan,

Out of the hall,

When I went to the shop, I watched,

At this time, the materials in the market,

Commissioner Qian looked normal,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian went to Fang City,

Ajan took out a storage bag,

Commissioner Qian took the storage bag and looked at it.

I need the materials,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Put the materials away,

"Before, old money you came to Fangshi,

Fabao, collect medicinal materials.

Nowadays, old money you use medicinal materials for precious materials,

Those fruits and flowers are really good. "

Ajan said,

"If you need precious materials,

Those precious medicinal materials will come here. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Out of Fang City,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly toward the plane of Ruixian,

To the plane of Ruixian,

Tan Tian is still here,

Commissioner Qian and Tan Tian said,

"The hall, you can start refining."


Commissioner Qian, Tan Tian, ​​Ban Ao,

Dao Fa urges,

Reveal the pill furnace,

Profound flames are burning,

Various materials,

Flew towards the pill furnace,

After ten years of refining,

A great hall appeared,

In the main hall, there are thousands of mountains,

"Where is this hall?"

Tan Tian said,

"If you say fire mana, the Ten Thousand Volcano Plane,

Seems ordinary,

However, a world pearl appeared on the plane of Ten Thousand Volcanoes,

This hall, put ten thousand volcano planes. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"How about that world pearl?"

Banao said,

"That world pearl,

Fire mana occupies more. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urged, out of the hall,

After ten days,

Sword Fighting Plane Teleportation Array,

Commissioner Qian came out,

Dao Fa urges,

After half a tea time,

Tan Hong flew over from a distance,

Commissioner Qian and Tan Hong talked,

Dao Fa urges,

The spaceship appeared,

In the spaceship,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance.

After three days,

There are volcanoes everywhere on the volcanic plane,

This time, Commissioner Qian Dao Fa urged,

It is very mysterious to refine the magic power,

From the spaceship,

Explore the past towards the plane,

Commissioner Qian’s mana urged,

Deep in the plane of ten thousand volcanoes,

It was demonstrated in the Dao Fa of Chairman Qian,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian moved towards the depths of the ten thousand volcano plane,

"This hall, put it here."

Dao Fa urges,

Received the spaceship,

The mysterious Taoism lingers,

Flying out toward the depths of the plane,

This time, I reached a thousand or five hundred miles deep in the plane,

Dao Fa urges,

Release the main hall,

Into the old hall,

Dao Fa reminds,

The hall released the mysterious Taoist method,

Extends toward the depths of the plane,

After thirty days,

In the pit in the middle of the hall,

Showing the light red spring water,

Looking at the spring,

Commissioner Qian said,

"Sure enough, it's similar to the fire pulp baby."


Holding the temple baby, drinking,

Urging exercises,

Tan Hong took these babies and drank~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a hundred days,

Commissioner Qian and Tan Hong collected their merits,

"Xuan'ao is close to fire pulp, but not as good as fire pulp."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Fire pulp is a legendary treasure,

These pale red spring water,

In terms of overall mystery,

Not as good as Wannian Fire Ginseng. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Hong said. (To be continued...)



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