Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3566: Wan Huo Pu

"For the cultivation of fire mana and mysterious mana,

But it is not as uneven as Wannianhuo,

Wannian red ginseng, cultivated for three thousand years,

Can be planted,

How can there be so many Wannian fire ginseng. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Indeed, Wannian medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying used alchemy,

But take some from Wannian medicinal materials.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Urge the superplane communication array,

Let the shadow of the Huashen Cultivation Jin Guo come to ten thousand volcanoes.

"This is called Wan Huo Pu."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Tan Lian, the shadow of the golden fruit, has cultivated to transform the gods,

I have cultivated profound magic power,

Nice to come here. "

Tan Hong said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Talk to Tan Lian."


This ten thousand fire pulp,

Closer to the fire pulp,

Deduction of Dan Fang began,

Tan Lian is here,

Deduced ten or so prescriptions,

"This ten thousand fire pulp is more single than copper fire pulp,

Not as good as copper fire slurry,


For various prescriptions, using this ten thousand fire pulp is similar to using copper fire pulp. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Not much difference,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo’s shadow alchemy level,

Plant Taoism level.

You can deduce it yourself.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

On the surface of Wan Volcano,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the sword fighting plane.

This formation, around five hundred miles,

"Here. Formation transformation.

Fire medicinal materials can be planted.

Other medicinal materials are inappropriate to grow here. "

Tan Hong said,

"Yes. Other medicinal materials are grown here,

Not as good as the ordinary plane. "

Tan Lian said.

Dao Fa reminds,

Zhou Tian’s mana formation,

Five hundred miles toward this,

Wind around,

Commissioner Qian and Tan Hong.

Wanhuo slurry is refined here,

The renovation here is almost the same,

After thirty days,

Various irrigation facilities have been constructed,

Zhou Tian Dazhen,

Can produce a lot of water,

At this time,

Tan Hong and Tan Lian,

Take out various fire-based medicinal materials.


After planting these herbs,

"Various plane fluctuations and plant ways.

You come to show it. "

Tan Hong said to Tan Lian,

Tan Lian nodded, "I grow medicinal materials most of the time.

Refining materials, now, began to refining mysterious magic power,

Plant these fire-type medicinal materials,

Of course. "

The Shadow of Jin Guo, Commissioner Qian,

The cultivation base is not high,

Planting medicinal materials, alchemy, refining materials,

Tan Hong released the spaceship,

Fly toward the plane of sword fighting,

Tan Lian Dao Fa urges to issue,

Give these medicinal materials the wave of planes,

Fire medicinal materials are grown here,

Not as good as planting medicinal materials on the plane of Thunder Mountain,

Many planes are similar to Ten Thousand Volcanoes,

The shadow of Jin Guo opened a medicine garden,

These planes have a lot of volcanic magma,

other aspects,

But it is far inferior to ordinary planes,

Fire medicinal materials planted,

Far inferior to planting medicinal materials in the place where the aura of ordinary planes gather,

Plant medicinal herbs,

This is how Tao Fa urges,

Cultivating mysterious powers,

Profound magic power,

Thirty years passed quickly,

this day,

Profound Taoism,

Flew towards the sandalwood refinement,

Tan Lian walked towards the main hall,

Collect the manufactured 10,000 fire pulp,

Send it to Honolulu,

Alchemy for each shadow of golden fruit,

Wanhuo effect,

It’s stronger than ordinary monks receiving various treasures in their adventures,

Ordinary plane,

Mysterious plane within a thousand miles,

It’s not necessarily possible to be able to interact with Chairman Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Compared with the refined hall,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Practice the Taoist method,

It's really quite mysterious,

Looking into the hall,

Ten thousand flames in this hall,

Quality has become more,

Tan Lian ate with Wan Huo Pu,

Compared to ten years ago,



Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

There are thousands of mountains in the hall,

Very mysterious,

In the mountains, mysterious formations are lingering,

Tan Lian watched for a long time,

Dao Fa urges,

Tan Hong appeared,

"how is it?"

Tan Lian explained the matter.

Tan Hong left the Red Iron Villa,

Dao Fa urges,

Release the airship, into the airship,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the plane of ten thousand volcanoes like lightning.

After three days,

Tan Hong arrived at Wan Volcano,

Dao Fa urges,

Looking at the Great Hall of Wanzhong Mountain,

"At this moment, the Great Hall of Ten Thousand Mountains,

Converging plane mystery,

Within five thousand miles,


This ten thousand volcano plane is very mysterious. "

Tan Hong said,

Dao Fa urges,

The super plane communication array is issued.

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian, Honolulu, Tantian,


Dao Fa urges,

Comprehend the mystery of this five-thousand-mile plane,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian, Tanshan, Tantian collect merits,

"The gathering plane array is more mysterious than before.

This converging plane array,

Compared with a thousand years ago, my own cultivation base urged

The gathering plane mysterious array is more mysterious.

On the peak of the **** of transformation, the method of returning to the emptiness is improved,

Refining the magic circle is mysterious. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Shan nodded:

"Indeed, but this ten thousand volcano plane is mysterious,

Compared with the ordinary edge plane,

Be tougher. "

Having said that,

The production of Wanhuo pulp has improved even better.

The shadow of golden fruit alchemy.

Wanhuo pulp is produced in the Hall of Ten Thousand Volcanoes.

Separate from the copper flame,

Only then can alchemy be used for most.

"Wan Volcano, just come here for cultivation,

Compared with ordinary planes, it is inferior.

Such a plane, the plane has mystery. "

Commissioner Qian said,


Tan Shan said,

Commissioner Qian and Tan Hong. Honolulu,

Cultivating here,

This practice,

After five years,

this day,

Commissioner Qian, Tan Hong, and Tan Shan collect merits,

"For the mystery of this ten thousand volcano plane,

A lot of insights. Look at the herbs grown here. "

Commissioner Qian said.

And Tanhong, Honolulu. Tan Lian went to the medicine garden to watch,

This medicine garden,

It's almost the same as the medicine garden on the ordinary plane,

Commissioner Qian, Honolulu, eating with medicinal herbs,

After three days,

Tan Shan said,

"This medicinal material is much stronger than imagined Chinese medicinal materials."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"It can't compare with planting medicinal materials on the plane of Thunder Mountain.


It is used to sell pill in the refining workshop, not bad. "


Commissioner Qian, Tan Hong, Honolulu,

Only then took out the spaceship,

In the spaceship,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly toward the plane of sword fighting,

When it comes to the plane of sword fighting,

Then flew towards the plane teleportation formation,

Tan Hong was urged by Taoism and flew towards Baishan Lake.

Arrived at Baishan Lake,

Has a training place,

Tan Hong went to the other courtyard,

Dao Fa urges,


Mysterious mana,

Gather towards Tan Hong,

Practiced for ten years,

Tan Hong urges the mysterious and incomparable Taoism,

Make a thunderous sound,

As if coming from thousands of miles away,

But it was extremely mysterious.

The entire Baishan Lake, as if boiling,

"This monk has a high cultivation base."

A monk said,

"This is Tan Hong, the lord of Red Iron Mountain,

The power of God. "

The monk on the side said,

Tan Hong collected Daofa,

Dao Fa has become more mysterious and its power has increased a lot,

However, compared with the Dao Fa of Chairman Qian,

It's not as strong,

"The cultivation base is good."

Tan Hong said,

Fire Profound Dao and Plane Profound,

Has a higher fusion, mysterious power,

Become more mysterious.

The power of Dao Fa has become stronger.

After receiving Dao Fa,

The boiling continues,

"I'm taking credit."

Tan Hong said,

Then I looked to the side,

At this time, many cultivators left the practice place,

Looking into the distance,

"Five thousand miles away,

The direction of the main hall of the plane. "

With that, the monk's Taoism urged,

Out of Baishantan,

Walked five thousand miles away,

On Baishan Lake,

Aiming at five hundred Taoisms,

Fly in that direction,

Flew three thousand miles,

Has escape method,

Flying over like lightning,

Shouting at Tan Hong from a distance,

"Tan Hong"

Tan Hong watched.

Mad war thunder,

Kuang Zhan Lei flew over,

"Out of the ancient hall over there,

Many monks went over to watch. "


And Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

In less than ten moments,

I saw a mountain,

There is a large hall with a radius of three hundred miles,

Tan Hong and Kuang Zhan Lei,

Flying towards the mountain,

Falling towards the front of the main hall,

"Tan Hong, fight thunder wildly."

Xuanhuojian, Wannian Yuguo came over,

At this time,

With Taoism,

Flew over like lightning,

Showing a trembling real person,

Seeing Tan Hong here,

Zhentian Zhentian came over,

Profound Fire Sword, Crazy Thunder, Wannian Fruit,

Arched his hand towards the mysterious fire sword,

"I have seen Zhentian real person."

Zhentian, but a god.

Zhentian Zhentian turned towards the mysterious fire sword, violently fought thunder, Wan Nianguo nodded,

He said to Tan Hong,

"This ancient temple Dao Fa,

Very mysterious. "

Xuanhuojian said:


There is a magic weapon over there,


"This is the monk of the Plane General Temple,

Fifty people,

Boom towards this hall,

Thunder and fire exploded in the hall,

This team of monks,

They were all shattered! "

Zhentian Zhentian looked over there,

At this time,

The lord of the plane's main hall has arrived,

Over there,

The flame flashed in an instant,

There are monks flying over here,

Showing a real volcano,

The real volcano talked to the master of the plane's main hall,

This is the way to transmit the sound here,

"True Zhentian, Tan Hong,

You haven't seen it for a hundred years, Tan Hong, you have practiced a lot of Taoism. "

Tan Hongxuan mana refining,

For Tan Hong,

But it’s a good level,

To the real volcano and the master of the plane's main hall,

But it is very mysterious,

The God of the Plane General Temple urges Dao Fa,

Wandering towards the hall,

Prosperous Dao Fa urges

In the main hall,


But sparks,

The main hall of the plane urges Dao law and mana,

not see,

At this time,

There are thousands of monks here,

Everyone's face is like iron.

At this time, there is a mountain,

There are monks,

Dao Fa urges,

The three hundred li hall shows,

The monk said to the hall,

"You, the hall, use it to show the plane."

At this time, in the hall,

There was a voice,

"Are you a real god?"

The monk in the mountain said,

"Indeed, a hundred years ago,

Cultivate a true immortal,

Your cultivation base is not far from the real immortal. "

"Say it's not far. Cultivation is really immortal,

How could it be that easy. "

The voice in this hall said,

"Are you not going to Wan Volcano?"

The monk in the mountain said,

"It is enough to have Chinese herbal medicine in the main hall."

The voice in this hall said.

The monk in the mountain nodded,

Thunder burst out from the hall,

Thunder and fire spread thousands of miles in an instant,

Going around the mountain a hundred miles away,

Thunder and fire spinning,

Building on the mountain, urging the Baili formation,

Turned into ash.

Three hundred miles of the hall revolving,

To the mountain,

Dao Fa urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in less than half a day,

Profound magic power,

Rising from the place where the aura converges,

Monks in the general temple of the plane,

There are thousands of thunder and fire in my eyes,

This building,

There is a very good spiritual gathering place,

To allow three monks to practice,

But it’s the Yuanying Flower God who can cultivate,

In this sword battle plane,

It can be said to be top grade. (To be continued...)



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