Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3574: Fen Dao Guo Kai He

Refining of Huashen materials,

The mountain flower plane, still slowly,

Tan Hong refined this mountain,

Take out the flying sword,

Dao Fa urges,

This mountain flew towards the flying sword,

In an instant, flew into the flying sword,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urges to issue,

Mystery is released in the mountains,

Extending towards the mountains in Feijian,

The mountains emit big flames,

Burning thousands of miles,

This is the realm in Feijian.

This is the way to accept it,

This is the method of the gods,

Practiced in the flying sword,

The power of the flying sword has increased a lot,

this day,

Xia Dianzhong,

There is a crowd coming,

The camel is pulling the cart,

Surrounded by hundreds of guards,

Looks more majestic,

Arrived at Xiadian,

Someone came over,

Dressed in official clothes,

This is a high official,

At the gate of Xiadian,

This person looked,

Take out the greeting card and come forward.

After half a tea time,

With a waiter coming out,

Said to these officials,


The official nodded,

And the waiter, walking towards the entrance of the main hall,

Walked into the hall,

Precious plants,

Some reach five feet high.

"Middle Cultivation School,

It's nothing more than that. "

In the main hall,

Banao sat,

Seeing this official coming,

Banao nodded.

The waiter comes over.

Serve the officer and waiter with tea.

To this officer. Give a fruit.

The official said,

Fen Dao Guo, the population has grown over the past millennia,

I heard that Xiadian has precious medicinal materials,

I want to come to Xiadian,

There are grains for mortals, and the yield is relatively high.

That said.

Banao drank tea for a long time,


Said to the officer and the waiter,

"follow me."


Walk towards the medicine garden,

In the herbal garden,

After thirty years of walking,

This officer, foresight,

In the medicinal garden.

There is a plant,

Grain grows on it.

In Hefendaoguo,

More than half of the edible grain,

The grain has a fist,

Close to the height,

The grains growing on it,

Is Fen Dao Junior High,

Growing grains three times.

"How about this plant."

The officer looked,

Nodding repeatedly:

"Very Bùcuò."

Banao said,

"However, this grain,

In the ordinary field of Fendao Country,

Can't grow so tall. "

Produced, less than half. "

Banao said,

"Isn't this about the same as ordinary plants?"

The man's face changed,

Produced in less than half of the regions,

The conditions are different,

"Compared with ordinary crops, but a little more yield."

This man looked at the crops beside him,

This crop is planted in Fen Dao Country,

Seeing, production also tripled,

However, plants have big fists,

Talking to Banao,

This plant is planted here,

Has this output,

Arriving in ordinary fields,

Ordinary fields cannot support such high plant output,

This official has disappointment on his face.

"If you can gather mystery,

Most of the Fen Dao country,

Anyone can grow this plant. "

Banao said,

"Open the river, which river to open?"

The officer listened,

His face turned into joy.

Banao took this Taoist book,

This method, Banao and Huo Lei Kuang Dao,

Open the river,


Banao deduced against the Fendaoguo river, field and mountain,

Wrote this book,

Open the river to Fen Dao's country and gather mystery.

Nowadays, the Dao Fa of Banao far exceeds the Dao Fa in this Dao Fa.

This person looked,

"Most of the rivers in Fen Dao Country have cleared.

On the river, within a hundred miles,

There are many more buildings. "

"These buildings?"

This man said,

"This is the refining hall, used to refine the fields."

Banao said,

Fire Thunder Knife Knife, extremely returning to the void,

Refine vast fields,

Need to urge the incomparable magic circle,


How can Banao have this power,


The mountain flower plane is used to plant Taoism,

There are many buildings and facilities.

It is suitable to transform these fields,

This transformation,

Use these buildings to gather the mystery of the plane,


Transform these fields,

Flying away the mountain flower plane building,

This field of the country of swordsman,

Still better than normal,

"Most of the rivers in the Fen Dao country were transformed

This, I take this back to the capital. "

This man said,


This person stood, arching his hand towards Banao,

Hold the fruit,

Out of the Summer Palace,

Hold a jade box and pack the fruit,

After three days,

National Capital,

Majesty Hall,

With officials sitting,

In front, the mountains, rivers, fields,


Those who practice this law,

It is the Feixia sword,

Enshrined in Fen Dao Country.

At this time, there were quite a few rivers between it and the river.

The original river course,

More diversions,

On the edge of the river, go up,

Showing many buildings,

"These buildings include most of the fields in Fen Dao Country.

A lot of fields were opened. "

Feixiajian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Banao urges Dao Fa,

Rotating towards these fields,

Various plants appeared in these fields.

Has a half height.

Various grains. Same as Fendao country grains,

Various plants produce grains,

It's three times the normal grain,

These officials said,

That said, after a hundred days,

this day,

Feixiajian came over.

"Look at the three rivers first."

The man with majesty said,

Took jade slips,

Feixiajian looked at these three rivers,

There are many mountains on the edge, and there are few fields.

For Fen Dao Nation,

Production is worse than normal.

Feixiajian nodded,

Take the jade slip and leave the capital.

Dao Fa urges,

Fly towards Xiadian.

Where does Banao come from this method,

Those renovated fields,

This building has the same power as Feixia Sword,

Feixia Sword’s mana is now beginning to deduce the fusion of rules,

Banao took out this formation,

These buildings,

Similar to the fleet.

Less than,

Arrived at Xiadian,

Give this jade slip to Banao,

Banao nodded,

Feixiajian said:

"Banao, you Dafa,

A lot of places can be created. "

Banao nodded,

"Kaihe, Feixiajian is indispensable for help.

Created by these spiritual gathering places,

With Feixia sword practice. "

Feixiajian nodded, rather happy,

He arched his hand towards Ban Ao and walked out of the Summer Palace.

Banao Dao Fa urged,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian and Xiuwei are the shadow of the powerful Jin Guo,

Arrived at Xiadian,

This time, I will not deduct the Xuan'ao Daoshu,

Speaking of Fen Dao Guo Kaihe.

After talking for ten days,

"If Fen Dao Nation can open the river like this,

Monk Huashen, Monk Yuanying,

Cultivating in this place of cultivation,

Each has its own understanding. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Yes, it is used to renovate the fields

At least, three diamonds are required to host the flower god.

Today, the mountain flower plane, thousands,

This transformation can create many mysterious places of cultivation planes.

Just let these diamond flower gods practice,

Now practicing, the mystery of the Fusion plane,

There are many benefits. "

Tan Shan said,

Thousands of flower gods with diamonds,

These cultivation places need a lot.

"With diamond flower god, there are many Yuan Ying flower gods,

However, there are fewer rule-fusion monks. "

Banao said,

"These monks of the mountain flower plane,

Compared with ordinary monks,

Slightly faster. "

This said,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi nodded,

"This matter, Honolulu and the elders of the Shanhua School said."

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Shan nodded,

Dao Fa urges super plane arrays,

After half a day,

Tanshan stepped out of the plane,

Walk towards the Great Hall of Shanhua Plane,

In the main hall,

Tan Shan said, "Come here."


The waiter came,

"Please come over, the elders,

There is something to say. "

The waiter nodded,

After a cup of tea,

An elder of the mountain flower plane,

Walked towards the main hall,

When I arrived and sat in the hall,

Tanshan said: "Monk of the mountain flower plane,

There are thousands of flower gods with diamonds,

Looking for a place to practice Bùcuò is more in demand. "

This said,

The elders nodded,

"That's the case, but the place where a larger spiritual energy converges,

It's not easy to find. "

This said,

Tan Shan said,

"Ruixian's plane and the kingdom of swordsman,

Has a radius of thousands of miles,

Fen Dao domestic,

Small river,

There are many.

If you connect these rivers,

Open rivers and mountains,

Can create some cultivation places,

All monks, from Jindan monks to Huashen monks,

Practice here,

Everything. "

This said,

The elder said,

"Take out the jade slip and take a look."


Tanshan took out the jade slip,

Dao Fa urges,

The country of Fen Dao, with a radius of thousands of miles, appeared,

The original river and mountains,

Building appears,

"These buildings, the original flying swords,

Transformed for farming. "

The elder said,

The Shanhua plane was the first to create the Yuanying Flower God's mighty flying ship,

Partially modified for farming,

For the use of scattered stations on the Shanhua plane,

There are many cultivation places on the mountain flower plane,

It's just a farm with a radius of thirty miles,

These farm transformations,

Use a spaceship.

These spaceships release the Taoism,

On the edge of the mountain and river,

Was transformed by this law,

Changing on the edge of mountains and rivers,

"Zhīdào uses the airship method to produce a lot of materials suitable for farming."

The elder said,

"Transform the field, proceed like this,

To create a place of practice,

Renovation of the river has a place for practice. "

Tan Shan said,

Dao Fa urges,

Mysterious Taoism,

Around the river, the mountains gather on the edge of the river,

After a long time,

There are hundreds of mysterious gathering places,

"These places,

It’s incomparable to the place where natural aura converges,


Three diamonds and above,

Cultivating here, for the mysterious plane,

Have quite a sense. "

Tan Shan said,

These elders watched,


"The three-diamond flower **** mysterious fusion,

With sentiment, the three rules are combined with the monks to practice here,

Still have sentiment. "

These monks said,

These elders,

The five rules merge and are practicing,

"All these flying fleets are sent to the Yuan Ying Flower God to preside,"

The elder said,

"This, Yuan Ying Huashen, powerful,

Most of the three-diamond flower **** host can be,

A flying ship built on the plane of mountain flowers,

It is very mysterious for farming. "

This said,

The elder nodded,

"Shanhua plane flying ship.

Very mysterious,

Ordinary Jindan monks preside over the airship,

Can host this transformation,

Send a monk above the flower **** with three diamonds to go,

If there is a fight,

Can leave the station immediately. "

Speaking, began to select candidates,

It is said that the flower **** of three diamonds can go to host,


Elders, Honolulu,

The person who speaks out,

Most of them are four-diamond flower gods, and the level of fusion of profound and mysterious is quite high.

The perception of Taoism,

Even ordinary monks can’t compare ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the entire transformation is completed,

Practice here,

The mystery of the plane of perception and cultivation,

Compared with the ordinary Sanli Sanzhuang,

More mysterious.

In this way, not only is it easier to cultivate the Nascent Soul,

Cultivating the Nascent Soul,

The practice rules blend the monks,

Have gained a lot,

Rule fusion monk, true powerful monk,

For the mountain flower plane,

Are relatively few, (to be continued...)

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