Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3575: Kaihe Xuan'ao

For these candidates to host the fleet,

The elders of Honolulu and Shanhua plane talked for ten days,

this day,

Mountain flower plane,

Fifty or so ships lined up,

Looks majestic.

There are monks here,

Daofa urged towards the spaceship,


In the loud noise,

The flying fleet shrank in an instant,

In the storage bags of these monks,

These monks,

It is the presided over the spaceship monk, the level of each Taoism is quite high,

At this time,

A monk walked over,

Various monks,

Jindan level,

These monks,

Is to assist the presiding crew of the spaceship,

Today’s mountain flower plane, do these auxiliary,

All of them are up to the standard,

These monks walked towards the teleportation formation on the Shanhua plane,

Planar Teleportation Array urges,


After half a day,

These monks walked out of the rock mountain,

Panshishan general manager, deputy general manager,

With the monk,

Welcome to the teleportation front,

this time,

It's Honolulu leading the team.

The director, the deputy director, set up a banquet,

The mountain flower plane monk went to the banquet,

Had a big meal,

Then I walked out of Rock Mountain,

Dao Fa reminds,

The spaceship appeared,

Each ship has a length of one hundred feet,

Majestic and majestic,

Dao Fa urges, surrounded by thousands of miles of mountains,

Drove to various places in Fendao Country,

Less than half a day.

The flying fleet reached various mountains and rivers.

Dao Fa urges.

Bounced towards the mountains and rivers,

Today’s flying ships, used for planting,

But still able to fight,

Flying Fleet Dao,

It is a relatively high rule of law,

Daofa blasted towards the mountains.

Like thousands of people at the same time.

Showing the river, on the edge of the river,

The river is muddy, converging towards the edge,

There is a strong river bank.

Dig rivers for mortals,

It's not that the monk urged the sword art

It's as simple as being able to cut out a mountain,

There are a lot of particularities,

The river flows over,

Fusion with the river. The integration has reached a considerable level,

On the edge of the river.

Has a considerable impact,

in this way,

It's not bad that there is a place for monks to practice.

The airship urged the launch, thirty feet deep in the river, thirty feet on the edge of the river

All changes do,

It’s almost as long as this river has flowed for five hundred years,

This magical mystery,

in this way,

This river flows over,

Use the airship to urge Dao to refine,

The place where monks practiced,

More mysterious,

This river opens,

Are relatively slow.

At this time, there is a way to escape like electricity,

Speeding towards the place where the flying fleet opened the river,

The mountain flower plane sent a fleet to open the river,

The Ruixian Plane Committee is here,

It was Jian Zhentian who came,

Jian Zhentian watched for a long time toward the airship to release Dao Fa.

Going out of the river towards the spaceship,

Dao Fa urges,

The airship drove out of the river, on the edge of the river,

With thirty meters of earth, there is a sword-making in front of the sky,

Jian Zhentian Dao Fa urges, surrounds this soil,

After watching for a long time,

When the river is opened in this way, the river water affects the river course and the riverside

Can reach the highest,

Ordinary rivers,

Impact on the river, the edge of the river,

Reach this level,

At least, three hundred years ago,

This level of river building,

To urge the flying ship, refining with the mysterious way,

Creates a place of practice,

Xuan'ao is pretty good.

Jian Zhentian himself,

Three rules are being merged,

To urge Dao Fa to build a river, can’t reach this level,

Fighting Taoism and mortals using Taoism,

The difference is far,

Jian Zhentian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the Ruixian Plane Committee,

To the Ruixian Plane Committee,

Jian Zhentian walked to the hall,

There are monks,

Drinking tea in the hall.

Seeing Jian Zhentian walking over,

"Panshishan Fleet, what is the level of river opening?"

This said,

Jian Zhentian Dao Fa urged,

"This is from driving out of the river,

Get the soil. "

This monk is the chairman of the Ruixian plane,

The chairman took Yang and looked at him.

Dao Fa urges, lingers,

At this time, the chairman of the Ruixian plane had the Dao Fa attainments,

But the five rules and rules merge,

Practice the integration of five rules,

Less than a hundred years.

After watching for a long time,

This flying fleet issued Taoism,

Xuan'ao fusion China has relatively high rules of Taoism,

The level of Taoism is very high,

The chairman went to open the river,

It's just this level.

The chairman said,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

Half a day,

To the open river,

The mystery of the river that the spaceship opened,

The speed of opening is relatively slow,

There are mountains, you need to go around,

In the distant spaceship,

Immediately came the Profound Dao Fa,

Looking towards this mountain,

The river runs from this mountain,

How to open,

In this spaceship,

This is Honolulu’s method of transforming the gods.

The monk in the spaceship,

Dao Fa urges,

Controlling the airship method,

Toward this mountain, slowly blast past,

The chairman looked into the distance,

There is a flying ship, three hundred feet long,

On the side of the airship, the detour method,

Profound and mysterious, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, vast and magnificent,

This spaceship urges Dao Fa,

Surpassed the chairman himself to urge Dao Fa,

The chairman flew towards the spaceship,

To the side of the spaceship,

The spaceship opens,

Come out monk,

Out of the spaceship,

Handed over to the chairman,

"Rock Mountain in Honolulu."

The chairman handed over to Honolulu,

"Chairman of the Ruixian plane."

This is when I watched the Dao Fa,

Tanshan urges Dao Fa,

Than this flying ship urges Dao Fa,

More mysterious,

"Magic of God."

The Ruixian Plane Committee, the God of God Master Slashing the Fire Sword,

Inspire Dao Fa, compared with Honolulu,

Tanshan urges Dao Fa to be more mysterious.

Tanshan said towards the mountain hall,


And the chairman, walked towards the hall from the air,

In the main hall,

The waiter serves tea,

The chairman is drinking tea,

"Look at the Dao Fa of Fen Dao Country

It took a lot of effort to open the river in the whole country. "

Tan Shan nodded,

"The river is fully open, refined with a flying ship for ten years,

The place where these monks gather,

Will show up.

After drinking tea with the chairman for a long time,

After these rivers are opened,

The chairman came to have a look.

The chairman walked out of the hall,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

After ten days,

The spaceship opened the river far away,

But a hundred miles,

This day, in the hall,

The waiter went to the banquet,

There are banquets in the entire hall.

The flying fleet came from a distance,

Stopped towards the sky above the hall,

Presided over the flying ship monk,

Fly out from the spaceship,

Flew towards the main hall,

To the banquet,

While eating, talking about opening the river all kinds of soil, mountains,

If there is a river flowing through,

What kind of Taoism is used to refine,

How can we create a place for monks to practice,

Halfway through this banquet,

Refining rivers with Taoism,

A place for monks to practice,

This is the real profound way,

The monk at the banquet said,

"This time to open the river here, to the plane of mountain flowers

One hundred years of cultivation does not necessarily have this effect. "

The monk said.

After the banquet,

Tanshan was just talking.

Drove out the river, the river flowed through,

What kind of Taoism is used to refine,

What effect will it have,

This said,

After talking about ten days~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xuan'ao Dao, specific to each mountain, each river,

Has a higher mystery.

The mountain flower plane monk stood,

Hand over to Honolulu,

"The head of Taoism is mysterious."

This is out of the main hall,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the flying fleet,

These ten days said,

How to open the river,

These flower gods with diamonds have a lot of insights. (To be continued...)



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