Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1163: Mindfulness

"According to the latest instructions, the integrated EFF, the d-Army and our satellite united forces will be integrated into a new army. The existing EFF officers, d military officers, and satellite-integrated officers will break up. To the different units, the highest command power must be in our hands."

"But neither the federation nor the d can enter the high-level command. The commanders of the various military bases will be assigned in a coordinated manner, while the majority of the middle and lower commanders will use the federal and d people. And a new trump card unit will be set up to bring together the ace and d ace personnel, and the commander of this ace unit will also be the captain of the big iron captain currently being captured by us. The officer will be served by the staff of d."

"I think these are enough to show you that we have no glimpse of the earth, just to protect the sincerity of this home. It is because our satellite integration controls everything, but the military also deliberately left behind for you. The influence, but I have to remind you that you should never make a hindrance at any time, otherwise the ending is definitely not what you want to see."

"Military expenses, military supplies and other military consumption are all borne by the three parties. This is the case with the military. The following is the reception of all the federal military factories and research institutions. This part must have no room for negotiation in our control."

Looking at the man who was not controlled by the devil, but who was biased towards satellite integration during the meeting, it was a rare one to say so many words, and this person is also known as the federal right. The person who was selected after the highest composition.

The bomber’s attack on Paris did bring about a lot of damage. The intermediate and low-level commanders sacrificed many people in the battle against the vanity messenger. Even senior government officials, presidents and senior officers also had dead people. But among these dead guys, it is not that El Elf took the initiative to take the opportunity to do it.

This point, El Elf knows that the middle-aged general sitting in front of Al Elf is also aware, but the middle-aged general is as clear as in the meeting just now, at least four people have been treated by Alère. The control of Erf, even his son is in the control of El Elf.

He knows that if he vetoed the proposal for satellite integration, then there are only four people in the conference room who can safely go out. Even those who use the projection meeting will be assassinated in the shortest time. At the same time, the result is that the federation is controlled by satellite integration, and it is completely controlled, and these people will die worthless.

The elder nodded and sighed: "I want to say no, what can I do? There is such a means, there is such a force, and Zardak of d is willing to believe in you, and I can only pray." You really are for this earth."

"You can rest assured at this point." El Elf stood up and glanced at the elders and said: "The federal side still needs you to be responsible. The EFF will leave the local garrison after the restructuring. Take control."

The elders waved their hands, and El Elf turned away from the conference room after seeing it, and then sent a message to conclude the mission in the Federation.

From the Leybir fleet to Paris, the Federation made the final decision more than an hour before and after, and sent the decision to Rebir, then a team entered the flagship of Rebir and began to discuss conditions and Specific implementation methods.

The battle at Pluto Island was over when the federal decision was sent to Rebiel. Baihe’s own strength was not revealed until the end of the battle. Especially after the arrival of the fleet of Kruze, it became more and more effortless and almost became a soy sauce.

With the help of the Kruze Fleet, there is no threat at all in the production of Judika by Meteorite III. Under the leadership of Amro and Xia, all the new humans will unite their strength and work hard. With the help of Zhengshu, Zengjia, Bian and others, a wave of attack broke the shield of the Rock III, and finally the final blow was made by Amro and Kathy in Kruze. Under the reminder, the Meteorite III is run directly from the middle.

The attack left the sky with only one color, and the pink beam was ejected from the front of the two bodies, breaking through the sea and disappearing into the distance.

However, Luo seized the opportunity to rush to the meteorite three before using the waste recycler in the beam hole. At the same time, he used the skill of the waste recycler. He chose to make a decision without thinking about it, and then began to quickly evacuate and watched. The collapse of the Meteorite III in a minute eventually turned into a huge explosion, directly turning the entire Pluto Island into a dust that was completely sunk in the sea.

Regardless of the federal surrender or the meteorite three was broken and then recovered, two things that were good news for Xiao Ran were also passed into his ears in the first time. They simply told the whole staff to return to their posts and let Kelu After the squadron went to the federation and cooperated with General Rebir to receive the federal army and other things, he continued his conversation with Kilim and Viletta.

The conversation of the three people is completely centered on the topic of reading power. Veretta itself has a certain motivation, and Kilim as a strong man with a mysterious past has a certain degree of predictive ability. As a result of his dynamism, he is developing, and he has a lot of understanding of the motivation.

There are also some things about the emptiness messenger and the Balma empire in the middle, but they all extend on the topic of dynamism. Until after a long chat, Xiao Ran has a little understanding of the motivation.

The power of reading, the ability to intervene in the movement of the material system through the mind, the ability to manipulate matter through the mind, is explained in this way, and according to Kilim, virtually every human being has a strong motivation to read. Weak distinction can only be made by strong people, but no one can change the level of life in daily life.

All the motivators must be able to get through the t-link system, but it is not excluded that people who are too motivated can trigger supernatural phenomena, that is, things like the mind shifting.

According to the data of the sr plan, the source of the motivation is the special deep brainwaves of human thoughts, which are related to human thinking but have nothing to do. The explanation is very complicated and Xiaoran does not understand, but the motivation can be used to control objects or It is an operation aid for the mobile weapon. When it is pushed to the extreme, it will become a super strong force that can interfere with reality. You can use a protective cover called the dynamic field, which can enhance the performance of the body through the t-link system. Wait, this aspect is related to the battle of the driving body, Xiaoran can understand.

This kind of explanation makes you feel awkward. With his own understanding, it is the strength that will make the will and the idea come true. If the person who has the power of reading is very strong, he can do it without driving the body. The similar ability brought by the system is like turning the λ-d day ver into blood, and then feeling stronger through another system, but the λ-d day ver can be irrelevant to the motivation, it is pure The impulse and the power of the will, although similar in effect, are quite different.

In this way, the external performance of the dynamism is similar to that of the new human being. It is only that the new human beings can touch the soul level and can bring extremely powerful spatial cognitive instinct and powerful computing power. What the power does not have.

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