Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1164: Hesitate

After talking to Kiliam and Veretta about a moment about the motivation, Xiao Ran left the two and let the two took the Gulin dance on the New Gyor. The steel number of the confluence of the fleet allowed the people on the steel to deal with the control of the ancient forest dance, but also let Kiliam to appease and draw the members of the Ganglong team. The fastest update

By the time the Confederacy has surrendered, all the persistence of the Steel Dragon team has become meaningless. Even if a series of people from the Steel Dragon team refuse to join the wave of Xiao Ran, the Federation will still have a paper order to let them Listening to Xiao Ran’s orders, Kiriam actually told them in advance.

As for the ancient forest dance, Veretta certainly knows the true identity of the ancient dance, she will take the past to explain to the ancient forest color, you can also see if the people of the sr team can restore the ancient dance to normal.

After the two left, Xiao Ran waved a hand, and there was a bottle of sera with a faint glow in his hand. He looked at the blood in his hand and he was still in hesitation. According to Xiao Ran’s idea, it is most suitable for change. The second blood of the blood is naturally the blood of the new human being. The second is the blood of the adjuster that can be used to the extreme. One is the mental direction, the other is the physical orientation, but it is the adjuster. It’s still a new human being. I never thought that these two bloods were not found, but I was pleasantly surprised by the blood of those who read the motivation.

It is also very good to say the blood of the motivator, and it has great similarity with the blood of the new human being. It can greatly enhance the ability of supply, and at the same time, it has the dynamic position of the new human blood. The ability of the shield, this blood is also the core blood of the super robot war og, also belongs to the top blood ability.

However, in Xiao Ran's view, the dependence of the blood of the motivator on the t-link or similar system is too strong. There is no way to use the t-link system to exert all the strengths, but at the same time it is effective for the super system. The new human beings are different. Under any circumstances, they can exert their powerful strength. They can also see through the essence of things at a glance. They have strong predictive ability and are the power to bring the real system to the super department.

Xiao Ran already has a solar furnace limit of the blood of the changer. Adding a mindful bloodline that suffers from the t-link restriction will increase his dependence on the body, so Xiao Ran is also after the blood of the motivator. I don't really want to use this blood to strengthen myself.

However, in a comprehensive way, under the state of changer, the powerful predictive ability, powerful computing power, and precise spatial recognition ability possessed by the new human being are all faint. The only thing missing is the powerful force of the new human being. With the blood of the motivated person, this can be compensated or even strengthened. Combining the characteristics of the two blood vessels, even if it is not as close to the soul level as the new human being, it also has the same ability as the new human being.

"A-level pilots can only use three blood serums, at least until they reach a s-class pilot who has not yet had a clue. If you use the blood of the mind, you can greatly compensate for the inferiority of the blood of the current changer. At the same time, the full advantage of the blood of the changer and the motivated person should be stronger than the single new human being."

"But once the blood is used, the third blood pulse ability must be cautious and more prudent. After the two mental directions, you must obtain a body-oriented blood, adjust the blood of all aspects of the ability. It is not bad."

"In addition, it is not clear whether the motivator can use the super-environmental mental skeleton of the new human being. The actual increase of the combat power has no reference at all. The new human beings and the motivated people are all inspired by the special brain waves. The ability, in essence, should be the same. After all, it is also the thing that has been set in the same line. The similarity is definitely more than 80%. Maybe it can also use the mental skeleton. Maybe at least to me. The blood level can not be forced to start the mental skeleton."

Xiao Ran shook his head and took back the blood serum. Both blood veins belong to the top blood. But the thing that pushes the satellite is not enough to know whether the power can be done, or maybe the same thing can be done to a certain extent. Yes, after all, it is a kind of blood.

However, Xiao Ran knows more about the blood of new human beings, and there is also a complete technical support for the new human being in the legion. Naturally, it is more inclined to the new human blood.

However, the blood of the motivator can stimulate the super body, and the manufacture of shields is not something that the new human blood can do. It can only be said that although the two blood vessels are similar but each has its own advantages, in fact, no matter which one is strengthened, Xiaoran It is a good thing, and with the ability of the changer, it is possible to finely control the power of the use of roughening, so that other things that the motivator can't do.

Really speaking, in fact, the blood of the motivator may be more precious in Prometheus than the blood of new humans, especially for people in the real area. This is a **** ability to contact the super system. It's not as simple as the ability to bring the power of the real system to super power.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ran fell in a soft bed and closed his eyes. It takes a little time to return to the satellite integration. With this opportunity, he can also eliminate the fatigue caused by the battle. As for the blood, the incident is also certain. The plan is to take all the powers of the Steel Dragon team out and do a good job of researching it. If you can achieve his expectations, then there is nothing wrong with strengthening the blood of the mind. In any case, the blood of the change is the same. The ability to acquire the blood of a new human being.

Time flickered for a few hours, and Xiao Ran really fell asleep after closing his eyes, so he did not know about the arrival of the fleet in the satellite integration. Others did not bother Xiaoran’s rest. It is to let Xiaoran sleep in the room, as for those who are waiting for the satellite integration and those who are heavy, let them wait a little longer.

Until Xiaoran opened his eyes and felt that all the exhaustion was swept away, it was slowly tidying up and getting out of the room, and then Elsam, who had long been waiting for Xiaoran, took a small ride. The shuttle went directly to the home of the original Brownstein family of satellite integration.

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