Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1204: gift

It is indeed a very powerful ability to read the power. At least in this world, in all the worlds of warfare, it shows the aggression as much as the new human being. No, it should be said to be stronger than the new human being. The aggression, as Leonard said, is a bit different from a new human being like a warrior and a mage. .

One is to look at the level of one's own ability, the other is to look at the strength and weakness of one's own mental ability. If you want to make it clear, then the more complicated the explanation, the more you will read the power, the new human, the changer. The ability to describe the data is easy to understand.

After the data, it can be divided into the following individual items, perception, predictive ability, soul ability, mental sensing ability, physical interference ability, computing ability, global control ability, rhythm control ability, efficiency increase ability, and communication ability.

On the premise of driving the ordinary body and the same personal level, that is, without the solar oven, without t-link, without the Mie nuclear furnace, it is just like a strong attack. That's it.

The motivation of the motivational person is 7 points, the predictive ability is 5 points, the soul ability is 2 points, the mental sensory ability is 6 points, the physical interference ability is 10 points, the calculation ability is 5 points, the overall control ability is 6 points, the rhythm control ability is 3 points, and the performance is increased. Ability is 10 points and communication ability is 8 points.

The new human perception ability is 8 points, the predictive ability is 5 points, the soul ability is 10 points, the mental sensory ability is 10 points, the physical interference ability is 3 points, the calculation ability is 8 points, the overall control ability is 8 points, the rhythm control ability is 8 points, and the efficiency is increased. 5 points, communication ability 8 points.

Changer perception ability 10 points, predictive ability 0 points, soul ability 3 points, mental sensory ability 7 points, physical interference ability 0 points, computing power 10 points, global control ability 10 points, rhythm control ability 10 points, efficiency increase ability 0 Points, communication skills 10 points.

Of course, this is the score that Xiao Ran himself evaluates in his own opinion. Maybe others will have different ideas.

However, in this way, the differences and characteristics of the three blood vessels can be clearly seen. The changers can be regarded as extremely extreme, while the new humans are very balanced. The dynamics are those with large curves. In the first category, the total phase is similar, but if the motivation is combined with the blood of the changer, it will also have a strong complementary relationship. It is more complementary than the new human being. Of course, once the blood is used differently. The special equipment will be another situation.

Luo said that both new humans and those who are motivated have the ability to use t-link and mental skeleton, and cross-use can play 85 percent of the performance, which is more than forced to push the bulls. In particular, t-link can also be used as a mental skeleton, and there is no difference in performance.

Therefore, Xiao Ran has also decided to strengthen the blood of the motivated person. The last sigh of hesitation also gives Xiao Ran more hopes for the blood of the motivator. In the performance of the world, the dynamism can be assembled by itself. The body, the realization of instantaneous movement, the additional ability is indeed very good, at least changers and new humans can not do this.

When I saw that Xiao Ran’s expression changed suddenly, Luo also guessed Xiao Ran’s thought and said, “You have decided to strengthen that blood?”

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "After really facing the body of the a-level body, I feel that the blood of the changer is insufficient for the battle. The auxiliary is stronger than the combat type, even if the explosive ability is not bad, after all. It is a real battle blood, and it will take more than two years in this world. Maybe an enemy that is difficult to deal with will run out, so it is necessary to strengthen that blood."

"This is also good. If there is no way to get the blood of a new human being, it is indeed a good choice to read the motivator. It is not that the new human being is better. We only know more about the new human being, but the difference between the two is not Especially large, coupled with the blood of your changer, may also increase some of the abilities to the same level as new humans after the strengthening."

Luo nodded and said, and at the same time took out a tablet in his hand and looked at Xiaoran and continued: "Then the next step is to design an initial design for the body."

At this time, Luo’s team communicator suddenly rang. After he stunned, Luo connected the team communication. Listening to the sound in the communicator, Luo’s expression suddenly became quite happy until the communication was hanging. After the break, he said to Xiao Ran: "It was Kruze. It was really a coincidence. He had already started a marriage with the people of Freedom. Fry said that he was ready to take a gift. The newly-built body of Taiwan was sent over. It seems that the body that you had previously won, called Gulton, was called Gigatin?"

"Another Kruze also sent the information about the new type of machine they were researching. He also sent a lot of researchers. He made some self-proclaimed inhibitors and gave it to him. By the way, let me see. What exclusive technology can be used as a gift."

"You have arranged and arranged yourself." Xiao Ran waved his hand, but he didn't mind Kruze's decision. Since he decided to marry and Fry would also integrate into the earth, he would have a big gift. Naturally, it will not be stingy, but it is better to make decisions by Luo Lai in terms of technology.

"Exclusive technology, if you want to give Fry the words, I am afraid that it can not be used for other people in a short period of time. Kruze also wants to let Frido have some self-protection ability by exchanging technology. "Luo caught the hair and looked a little embarrassed, and Leonard smiled softly: "What is so good, gn-t type solar furnace is not very suitable, in addition to λ-driver is also very good, In addition to some material technology, I will hand over the information of the gat series to the other party."

"Gn-t type solar furnace has little threat to us. At the same time, λ-driver has a way to restrain it. Material technology is even less meaningful. As for the gat series, only the parts need to be selected. Anyway, once you wait until Xiaoran and that person. The matter of the princess is fixed, it is not equal to the left hand to the right hand, and ultimately it is not dependent on our support. These are no different, but it gives the enterprise that is called Kruze a development opportunity, and ultimately we are profitable. I believe they should understand which technologies can only be used by themselves and which technologies can be commercialized."

Xiao Ran nodded and felt that Leonard was really good. He said: "That's it, but let Kruze give the other party a voice, the gn-t type solar furnace can only be used for personal use, and λ-driver is also the same."

"Okay, just do it." (To be continued...)

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