Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1205: New machine direction

The three waited for a while, and the information that Kruzer sent to Luo soon arrived and was received. The same information that Luo would sort out would let Kruze send it in person, and then the three talents would Together, I saw what Kruze sent. .

The body of the body called Gigatin was not sent directly, but the information of the body was first sent over, and the body information that Kruze studied on its own but did not really build was also made. In the hands, there are more samples of the two body data of Free.

The three did not really look at the two materials one word at a time, but picked out the places of interest and looked at them. It took several hours for the three talents to be deeper for the two bodies. Understanding.

Luo rubbed his eyes and said: "This Jijiating has four high-powered European steel extraction devices, time-stopping devices, almost 100 meters in size. It is really a large weapon prepared for the decisive battle. The destructive power is certain. Very powerful, no matter how you look at it, you definitely have a level of a, all using the technology of Free, this machine is basically equivalent to the technology of Free, and they give us this body is almost Give them all the technology, but the design concept is not suitable for you."

"As for the other Beisi Road, it is a bit interesting. Combining the test machines of Free and Earth Technology, according to the information, it is just that the project has not yet officially started to manufacture. There is only information and no drawings, but the idea is that It is worth learning. It is directly used to convert the European energy into a physical alternative to the real weapon. I think it can be used on your new machine, which is in line with your fighting style."

Leonard also said: "But if you want to use this kind of attack, you can't do without the Saichuang system that can only be used for Fry people. Can this be bypassed?"

Lazy and arrogant: "There is no difficulty. After all, it is just an energy and energy control system. The average person can't use it because the computing power is not enough. The talents with the blood of the blood have this kind of talent. For Xiaoran, it is not a problem. In fact, as long as the problem of system lock activation is solved, there is a solution to the problem in the data. How can Fry’s own technology have no solution? If it can’t be done, we will all Redesign."

"Well, these things need to be studied in detail. It is not that we two people can get it in a short time, or we should first rationalize the direction of the new body." Luo took a picture of the tablet that had been left for a long time on the table. Xiaoran said: "We have a problem to solve a problem."

"First of all, the size of the body. From the current situation, it seems that the body of twenty meters is not suitable. Not to mention more than ten meters. With the situation of your a-class pilot, you will definitely meet more super in the future. The body, I think the size of the body must be expanded, and the larger the space, the more space it can operate, of course, the more powerful it is."

Xiao Ran thought for a moment and nodded: "It is true that in the future, I will definitely encounter more super-systems and more demanding tasks and environments. It is indeed a certain advantage if I have a larger body. I think it should be about 50 meters or so. It would be a good fit. If there is a body shape against Judika at the time, it will be easier to solve the battle."

“Uh huh.” Luo responded by inputting the shape data into the computer, and said, “Of course, not every situation applies to the general type, so the body of the standard body must also be taken into consideration, according to the darkness of the sky. The practice is still carried out in a combination of properties. Since there are fifty meters, it is possible to hide a normal body inside, so the deformation structure needs to be taken into consideration."

After recording all that was said before, Luo asked again: "How do you think about arming?"

Xiao Ran: "The gn dragon cavalry is of course necessary. After all, this kind of arming is very helpful in dealing with low-level enemies and interference. The beam saber is also necessary. In addition, there may be cases where the beam weapon is invalid, so the entity I am afraid that the sword needs to be prepared."

Luo thought and thought: "I don't think it is necessary for the physical sword, or the simple physical sword does not need to exist. After all, once the Eugene extractor is used, it can be regarded as the physical sword with the degree of materialization of the European energy. Attacking, the sword-shaped arm of Gigatin and La Forte Cranz is good, can be far and near, and you have a very good experience with that kind of weapon."

Xiao Ran nodded: "You can do it, it is not appropriate to modify it."

Luo Luo did not lift and said: "The solar furnace must also exist. Even if you only need to play the role of your changer, you must have a solar oven. How much do you think is appropriate?"

Xiao Ran raised his hand and erected four fingers: "Four, I can now achieve the same frequency of four solar furnaces."

"Understand." Luo continued to write on the tablet, saying: "The same frequency of the four solar furnaces is almost the same level of a-level energy, but the solar furnace is not aggressive enough, the penetration ability and heat energy are not On other energy sources, it is normal to be unable to break the shield of Judika before. If the main energy source, the European steel extractor, propeller, energy line and system must be redesigned. The upgrade of the solar furnace must also be considered. among them."

"The gn dragon cavalry can only be regarded as a low-level weapon in the armed configuration. With some beam guns to complete the underlying armed configuration, the small-yang electronic guns may only be regarded as low-level armed forces. It can bring a large part of the armed compensation. In addition, the special armed with t-link system should also be able to support some middle-level armed forces, but it is still necessary to carry out experiments including senior armed forces. I will pay attention to this. Try to match the most appropriate armor."

"There are many aspects of defense, vps armor, energy conversion armor, pin point defense system, beam shield, particle shield, and dynamic position defense. The body is too big to load more things. I will plan well in this regard. Uncertainly this body will become a body with strong defense capabilities."

"Progress and mobility, gn particles, brilliant transmitters, high-powered propellers, these are nothing to say, probably this is how to look at the world's advancement technology research."

"The skeleton of t-link should also be synchronized, so that the problems to be solved are many. The 50-meter body, structure setting, gravity adjustment, coordination, and heavy tasks."

"Well, considering more situations, it seems necessary to prepare something similar to the angel's length, almost the height of five or six meters can be randomly mounted to the right place..."

Xiaoran and Leonard both listened to Luo's self-speaking words, but also looked at each other and shook his head. (To be continued...)

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