Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1365: Preparation before the mission

When the beam flies out, the beam that should have been green has completely turned blue at this time, and the beam that flies out seems to carry terrible energy, perhaps because the energy is too horrible, and so This caused a distorted view around the beam.

And this beam just flew away from the dawning body less than ten meters away, and it disappeared into the eyes of everyone, and rushed into the twisted passage of the golden sword tip.

For a moment, Nazi only felt that her scalp was numb, and she did not expect that her hasty attack would also bring her a huge threat. The twisted passage she made turned out to be the best way for others to attack her.

In a hurry, Nazi can only choose to close the position distortion immediately, and control the body to release the hand-held golden sword, and hurriedly control the body to quickly sideways, and keep the shield in front.

Although Nina’s movements, even if the positional distortion is turned off, the beam that Xiaoran’s attack still appears in front of her. The first thing that appears is a huge light spot, but it’s not enough time. The beginning of the infinite extension eventually led to a burst of barriers that broke through. It also seemed that the crushed space forcibly hit the front of the Knight's machine.

A huge explosion appeared in an instant, and the light generated by the explosion made the people present unconsciously close their eyes. After everything subsided, the Knight's machine of Nazi appeared again in front of everyone.

However, the knight machine that appeared this time was not as bright and beautiful as before. The left hand with the shield has completely disappeared. The armor of the body is full of pits and squats, and it is full of traces of high temperature and high heat.

In the cockpit of the knight, Nazi is also unbelievable. I can't believe that only a class a pilot can do this.

"I have the blood of the person who is thinking about the power, and I have the corresponding efficiency equipment. Your body can interfere with the physics, but the power I have is also the same. All I have to do is break your position. Of course, without them. The help, want to use such an attack is not a simple matter."

Nazi opened her mouth and finally said calmly: "You are right... You are the only one who has the same strength and the ultimate result is that I am only fleeing."

Xiao Ran slammed his head and quit his full-fledged state and returned to normal. He exhaled a breath and said: "This is the end of the period. Before the start of the mission, you will need to come and train us for more training. Only then."

This training was united by everyone. Graham's body was moderately damaged. Luo, Kruze, and Basque's body were slightly damaged. Nazi's body was moderately damaged and ended. It seems that although it is Xiaoran. They won the training, but they also know that this is just a training, and Nazi does not have a hard training.

If you really meet on the battlefield, Nazi will never give Naluo a chance to attack from a long distance. It will definitely solve this problem that is the most threatening to Nazi, and even if it can break through the Nazi, it will definitely be A situation of heavy losses.

Time is so fast, because of the relationship between the camp territory, the body of Luo, which was delivered by the Overlord Corps, was also returned in the week before the start of the mission, and the last week was the last of these bodies. Adjustment.

And Xiao Ran did not go to the Overlord Legion until the beginning of the mission. He did not have any contact with any members of the Overlord Corps except Nazi and Fades. Instead, Luo’s technician and the King’s Legion’s people went down and down. Familiar with a lot.

The body was delivered, and the warships were given to the Overlord Corps. However, Xiao Ran did not fulfill his obligations, that is, he chose the corresponding value from the Overlord Corps warehouse to offset the transformation of the body and the combat points required by the warship. In Xiao Ran's view, this matter is not so urgent.

After all, this army battle is equivalent to life and death for the Overlord Corps. Maybe something of value is used to increase the strength of the Legion members. Moreover, depending on the price of the warship and the body, it may be able to really put the warehouse of the Overlord Corps. A lot of emptying, but it will affect the strength of the Overlord Corps.

After the corps, the Overlord Corps warehouse will definitely have more good things, especially the bets of them and the legion should be very rich. In addition to this army battle, the overlord’s warehouse can leave behind It’s rubbish, or it’s something they can’t use. The value of the latter is definitely not going to go bad. It’s better to wait until the Overlord Legion receives the spoils and then go to the right. Maybe what you can get will be even more many.

On the other side of the Overlord Corps, the atmosphere of the relationship between the Legion and the War of the Legion has always been very tense, and it is not suitable for this opportunity to dig the old bottom of others. It is disgusting, so in addition to the training of Nazi, Xiao Ran is basically against the Overlord. I don’t care about the idea.

Xiaoran himself, everything has been prepared, and many newcomers are also ready to enter the world of Prometheus. As for the introduction of newcomers, it is definitely necessary, but in the end it is not from Xiaoran. Sending people to the team, Leonard as a technical supplement, there is no way to follow them with Xiao Ran.

Because the entire Overlord Corps does not have any logistical capabilities at all, although there are two technical personnel, it is impossible to face the logistics of the entire Overlord Corps. So, Xiaoran can only bring Leonard. Followed by.

Eventually went to the newcomer's task, it became the Eich squad. This was the first time that Xiaoran was very miserable. In the end, even the people were rushed into the squad's squad. Xiaoran only hoped that Ethi could keep up with them. Youzes, Xia, the rhythm of those people, don't be beaten too badly.

Anyway, Youzes, Ingram, and Elsam all have good technical skills, and Xia, Amro also has certain technical knowledge. This group is simple, but in fact it is not. There is not much relationship between the sending and receiving personnel, but it is still necessary to take a walk in the process. At the same time, they have to let Esch go to see if there is a suitable newcomer and can get closer to the legion.

Although I don't know which world these guys will eventually go to, the reminder of Xiao Ran has reminded that the things that should be noticed by them are all said by Xiao Ran. If you think about it, you can understand that this group of bosses no matter which one they enter. The world is almost able to give the world a complete play.

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