Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1366: New world

"Task World: Robot Wars v"

???? "This mission belongs to the Legion War support mission, the mission difficulty is unknown."

"This mission has a constant feeder mission, assisting the Overlord Corps to win the Legion, no reward, no penalty."

"In this mission, you can withdraw from the world of the mission without penalty at any time. You can join the camp in this world to trigger the main line mission, the spur mission, once you opt out of the world, all the main missions of this mission, the quest rewards are cleared. Exit without penalty."

???? "Detected the number 678 legion camp associated with this world camp, your camp you are forced to lock."

"Identity is synchronized, your identity is the Commander of the Special Operations Force of the Earth Federation, Colonel."

???? "It has been synchronized with this world language, and all the languages ​​and texts in the world will be automatically converted to your native language."

???? "has obtained the basic knowledge of the world (temporary), cleared after leaving the world."

"The frequency of the Earth Federation Army communication (temporary) has been obtained, and it can communicate with the Earth Federation Army within the scope."

???? "Warning, it is forbidden to tell any of the world's residents about anything related to the Prometheus fortress. Every time you say a deduction of 500 points, you will be obliterated."

Xiao Ran slowly opened his eyes, and the sound in his mind made him know that he had come to the mission world, and he was still a world he had never understood before, fighting the world, fighting war v.

"Is it a world of machine warfare? The camp is also forced to lock, hey, it seems that it should be a bit interesting." Xiao Ran licked his nose and stood up from the sleeping place. At first glance, he knew where he is now. In the lounge among the Burning Legion, he woke up and naturally went to the bridge to meet other people.

"Which machine war, this time it seems that it should not be the independent world of og world. The machine war v seems to have never heard of it." While touching the chin, Xiao Ran also rushed in the direction of the bridge. I thought to myself: "But I can bind me to the federation, and the federation can be determined first."

"With the federal seemingly no Ji Weng seems to be a bit too late, but since I did not bind me to the fleet camp, it should be that the corresponding world of Macross did not appear in this so-called machine war v."

"But it's fun to be interesting, but this mission will probably become more troublesome. The world of warfare is often a more chaotic world than the world of og. The real world, the super department, the fantasy world, the same mixed world, know the plot. The advantage can not be said to be completely absent. In short, as long as there is a familiar force, then there should be a familiar plot right?"

"I didn't expect a war of the Legion, but I would enter into such a world. Wouldn't it be a similar world every time the Legion Wars? If this is the case, then the Legion can participate in the war."

Picking up an eyebrow, Xiao Ran did not feel a headache because he entered a world of warfare that he had never heard before. To say that he felt trouble, Xiao Ran might still feel that there was something. After all, he was never touched. Knowing the world that you don't know, the so-called plot prophet seems to be not very useful in this world.

But after all, it is a world of warfare. There are always a lot of things that Xiaoran is familiar with, and this time into this world, Xiaoran is still very satisfied and happy. The world of warfare often represents the story and body of many different worlds. There are already five camp territories, involving the federal x2, United, Gijon, integration, New Giord, Aub, zaft and other forces, in fact, no matter which machine to enter the world, it is already very advantageous for Xiaoran. .

He can not understand the plot, but as long as he can know people, it will not be enough. Anyway, Xiao Ran is not the main force this time. The pressure is basically non-existent.

After waiting for Xiaoran to finish the basic information obtained, I found some very interesting things, such as the battle of Mars, new humans, and adjusters.

"Is it interesting that Mars is a mobile warship? New humans represent the uc world. The adjuster does not represent the seed world. It seems that the first thing is to thoroughly understand the world."

When Xiaoran arrived at the bridge, all the people in the entire team had already arrived, Kruze, Graham, Nalo, Basque, Luo, Shirley, Malang, Skull, Janus, Moses. Billy, Bobby, Leonard, El Elf, all waiting for Xiaoran in the bridge.

Instead, it should be the first arrival of Xiao Ran, but it arrived only after everyone arrived, but looking at the bottle of water in his hand, I can see that the guy was traveling around the road to another place.

When Xiao Ran came in, he nodded to a few people and asked: "Is there anyone who contacted the Overlord Corps?"

Moses, who was manipulating the communicator, shook his head: "No, no signal was detected on the Kings Corps. Many contacts were also in a state of communication, and there was no attempt to contact the Federation of the world. There was no response."

"Well?" Xiao Ran frowned slightly, and couldn't contact the Overlord Corps. He couldn't contact the forces that were bound. How to see how it feels wrong is simply a bit of a strange feeling. This situation is absolutely abnormal no matter how you look at it: “Is there a way to determine where we are now.”

Billy also said at the side: "It takes a little time to calculate, but it can be determined that it should be near the solar system."

Kruze shrugged his shoulders and looked at Xiaoran: "It seems that many of you are bound to be federated?"

Xiao Ran frowned: "Why, aren't you?"

"Maybe there should be some difference." Kruze nodded and smiled calmly: "I am a non-influenced person, a federal wanted criminal, not just me, Graham, Leonard, Malang should also Different."

Graham nodded and said: "The EFF of the EFF's independent security maintenance unit, a-las ace, should be temporarily seconded to you."

Ma Weidao: "Aobu Shuguang Society Technician."

"The secret silver is guilty." Leonard said indifferently, but after that, he suddenly looked at Xiaoran with a squinting look. He learned how Xiaoran blinked his eyes and suddenly sneered a few times: "Oh."

"Oh, it really has some meaning." Xiao Ran did not care what Leonard sneer included in the meaning, but just said: "So it seems that the gods and Mithril will also appear? Ji Gusi you? ”

Jigus shakes his head: "There is no special place in identity."

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