Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1391: Dimension

“The space jump system starts, the energy rushes in, the coordinate point is input, and the jump will be synchronized with the Yamato after sixty seconds.”

Looking at the same preparation, moving forward at high speed, the Yamato, which is about to jump in a minute, sitting in the Burning Legion Bridge, Xiao Ran also shook his head slightly: "Advance in this situation, want to be in one The total number of round-trips during the year was 100,000 light-years, and the entrapment of various enemies was in the middle. It was just that such a ship seemed to be dreaming."

"Do you think their mission can't be completed?" Kruzer sat next to Xiao Ran and asked with interest in his legs.

"No, they will be able to complete the task." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "They can complete the task without any accidents, and they can complete the task if there is any accident."

Without any accidents, the task can be completed in any two unexpected situations. This sentence may be somewhat difficult to understand in others, or it may be that Xiaoran is talking nonsense, but it is replaced by anyone in the bridge. Xiao Ran’s words can also understand the true meaning that Xiao Ran wants to express in the first place.

The unexpected situation is that all the way to safety does not meet any battle, easy to reach the target and then return to save the earth, and any accidental accident, said that is an opportunity, in both cases, Yamato can complete the task The former must not have to think about it. The journey of Yamato will inevitably encounter various threats from the beginning.

Fortunately, the Yamato encounters the Burning Legion, which is the best opportunity. If it is not Xiaoran who wants to see the normal development track, the performance of the Burning Legion is only after the transformation. The pilot of the class can definitely get the task of the Yamato in a matter of six months.

Moses has been paying attention to the feedback of the operation of the jumping device. At the last countdown of ten seconds, he began to report loudly: "The jump countdown starts...10,9,8...3,2,1, start jumping!"

As the beginning of the jump of four words fell, a white light flashed in front of the bridge, the white light flashed and disappeared with even an endless darkness, the Burning Legion and the Yamato entered the jumping channel at the same time.

However, after a few seconds passed, the alarm suddenly sounded in the bridge. Moses suddenly stood up from the position where he was sitting. A few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead and looked in the direction of Malang: "The jump appears incomprehensible. Unexpected circumstances, we seem to be stuck in the dimension of space!"

When I heard Moses, Malang also showed a blank expression, and suddenly turned to look at Xiao Ran, but Xiao Ran just frowned slightly, and said in a hurry, he said: "What is the situation of the ship?" kind."

Billy replied on the side: "Everything is fine."

“Is it normal? That is to say, it is not a problem with our equipment?” Xiao Ran’s eyebrows picked and asked: “Can you confirm the position of the Yamato?”

"It appeared sixty degrees from the left side of us a few seconds ago." Moses stood with his hands on the keyboard in front of him and said, "I have already contacted the other party."

"Ask them about the current situation." Xiaoran suddenly smiled and said to Kruze: "It seems that the accident is coming, don't worry, as long as the Yamato is here, I don't think there is much relationship." Bobby, driving the ship to the side of the Yamato, Moses, to investigate all the surrounding conditions."


When Kruze saw Xiao Ran’s unhurried look, he also asked: “It seems that you have anticipated the current situation.”

"However, there is no." Xiaoran spread his hand and said: "Who would expect such a situation, since it is the arrangement of fate, how can it be possible without an accident, not all have confirmed that the Yamato is the origin of fate? What happened is normal, God Allah, maybe there will be good people to save us soon."

It seems that it was infected by Xiao Ran's calm. Moses seemed calmer at this time, and began to do his own work with due diligence: "Report, found many wrecks of ships around, Dahe replies, here should be the dimension The cracks, because of unknown reasons, we were stuck in the cracks."

"The ship that detected the Camillas appeared. It was driving at a high speed like ours. The other party sent a full-range hyperspace communication. They said that they knew how to leave here and hope to send messengers to come to us?"

"Oh." Xiao Ran grinned at Kruze, squinting and smiling: "Is this not coming?"

"Oh." Kruze smiled, and Xiao Ran said to Moses: "Tell the Dahe, the messenger will arrange to go to their side. In this case, even the enemy may not be willing to start the battle. The way to leave here but choose to contact us, then you can be sure that the way to get out of here is not a ship can do, let the Yamato contact with the other side, we just need to wait."

After waiting for almost half an hour, the Yamato, who received the Gamilas messenger, finally came the news. The way to leave this space is very simple. It is to use the wave gun of the head of the Yamato to shoot at maximum power. Unstable strong dimensional fluctuations within the nip of the dimension open the way away.

However, the wave guns that are launched must have a certain degree of power and strength, so that the Yamato will lose the advancement. If the Burning Legion is not here, the Yamato can only rely on Camilla. The ship of Sri Lanka can leave the slot of the dimension, but whether the opponent’s warship will take them with them after the gate is opened is completely to gamble on the other person’s character.

But now that the Burning Legion is here, it's not so important. Even if one of the two ships loses its power, it can ensure that another ship will drag the ship that lost its power out of the gap.

After Xiao Ran knew this situation, he nodded slightly. After a sigh of relief, he said: "Is there a strong power attack that has a certain intensity and can cause dimensional fluctuations? If so, then the Burning Legion can do it." , telling the Yamato, the shooting is done by the ship, they are ready to follow us."

"In addition, we will transfer the Camillas ship to our cooperation. As long as we do not show hostility and make any mistakes that may cause misunderstanding, we will not attack them."

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