Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1392: New enemy

With the confirmation of Xiaoran, the Gamilas side slowly moved the ship to the side of the Burning Legion after having the assurance that it would not actively attack this side, while the Burning Legion number itself The barrier, the Yamato is blocked on the other side.

Although the Yamato and Gammas are hostile, they can actually kill the battleship of Gammas directly with the Burning Legion after knowing how to leave here. Okada is an extremely trustworthy person. Although he did not say that he was temporarily cooperating with the Camillas battleship and did not launch an attack, he and Xiao Ran would stand on a front line and naturally would not go with Xiaoran.

What's more, in such a squad, the battle between the two tigers will inevitably lead to the injury of the two tigers. Even if there is a problem with the assistance of the Burning Legion, it is not a battle place, and this is not a battle place. A Gamilas warship did not show any hostility.

For Xiaoran, this Gamilas battleship is just a small bug. There is not much difference between it and the disappearance. Xiaoran is never the kind of person who crosses the river to dismantle the bridge. Will definitely take the Camillas battleship and leave the gap between the two.

But when they switched to the Gamilas warships, their purpose and thoughts were not so simple. Even if they didn’t have the idea of ​​fighting in the cracks of the dimension, some people in this warship were not really So friendly, if there is not a battleship like the Burning Legion, staying on the side of the Yamato, once the Yamato opens the full-energy use of the ship's first wave gun, the Gamilas battleship is lost while losing energy and mobility. It is true that it may be abandoned directly by the inability to move the Yamato to leave alone.

Burning the Legion Bridge, Malang asked Xiao Ran: "Do you launch directly without deformation? If the output is too high, it may have a certain impact on the ship's head."

Xiao Ran asked: "According to the information sent by the Gamalas ship, what kind of strength does the attack need to work?"

"There is no specific intensity data to support, but the Gamalas warship can only determine the full power of the Yamato's first gun." Ma Wei slightly tilted the screen to the side of the screen, one hand on the screen Two times, he said: "In terms of the strength of the Yamato wave gun, although it can only be achieved by up to 50% of our attack strength, this may cause a certain degree of evaporation on the ship's head. ”

"And according to the Gamalas ship, the greater the attack strength, the more stable the passage from the slot of the dimension and the longer the maintenance time will be."

"Does this?" Xiao Ran nodded and said: "It doesn't matter if it's deformed, but there is also a battleship of Gamilas. The warship can be deformed or not suitable for exposure now. The strength of the attack is, can you calculate the final degree of impact?"

Malang calculated the calculation and said to Xiao Ran: "According to the normal transmission power of this form, it can support between 30% and 40% of the total attack intensity. Fifty percent is the limit value. It has a certain impact on the forefront of the deck, but the problem is not too big."

"That's it."

Malang nodded and turned to look at Billy in front of the weapon control: "The main gun is on, energy charging begins."

Billy also replied while operating: "Quantum wave engine energy access, the maximum attack strength is limited to 50%, the current charge is 30% ... 50 ... 70 ... 100%, has reached The ultimate attack power is the amount of energy that can be injected at any time."

"Wait a minute!" Moses suddenly said: "Checking for abnormal gravity reaction, something is jumping into the gap between the dimensions! It is very close to us, and the distance on the left side is sixty!"

Malang frowned and his body leaned forward: "Stop the launch. Is the enemy appearing a Gamalas battleship?"

Moses shook his head: "No... No, it's a small group of special bodies, the picture jumps. Gamalas said it's not clear what is going on."

Xiao Ran looked up at the big screen in the bridge. At the time of the screen, there was a flash of white light. Then a body like ma appeared on the screen, and the first feeling for Xiao Ran seemed to be I saw a little bit of 00r up to the shadow.

The body of the body is white, the lower body is like a rocket propeller, but there are four parts like the large gn-bit. On the top, it has a body similar to the upper body but has no arms. There are two other shoulders. It's like a bit, and the body has more than 30 pieces.

"It seems to be an enemy." Xiao Ran saw the screen appearing, and there was almost no pause. He rushed toward the Burning Legion, Yamato and launched an attack. He blinked and stood up from the position: "It's a bit interesting. It should be toward the Yamato. It is really the entanglement of fate. Even in such a situation, there will be enemies coming out, but which enemy is it?"

"And such a body really has the ability to actively jump into the slot of the dimension, or that these bodies have the ability to leave the gap between the dimensions, a little meaning, arrange my attack program."

After that, Xiao Ran left the bridge directly and quickly, and as soon as he walked out of the bridge, the whole person began to rush. The powerful physical quality brought the speed of horror, and the person who took the residual image directly rushed into the dawn. Gnaku, the song leaped high and jumped, one hand on the body's armor and borrowed a force and then drilled into the cockpit.

Opening the system of the body, Xiao Ran heard what Malang said: "The Yamato has sent the troops to meet, and Captain Oda told them that they will drag the enemy and let us continue to open the channel."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "There is no need to interrupt what we should do because of these uninformed ma, and we will be able to solve it soon. Let's start attacking."


When the dawn was released from the Burning Legion, it was also the time when the main gun in front of the Burning Legion was launched. Because of the deck design of the Burning Legion, there were two inner extension triangles in front of the deck, which was originally designed to facilitate the body attack and Designed by homing, the top of the triangle has a certain position control ability, so that the main gun launch in the battleship form can be limited to the extent that it will not affect.

Now, the Burning Legion has been fired at the maximum power in the form of a warship. In fact, the two positions will actually be brought to the impact, and it will not affect the warship itself. 8)

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