Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1416: DRAGON

Hoshino Glass looked at Leonard’s disappointing appearance just because he saw the submarine. It clearly seemed to know the condition of the submarine. However, Leonard did not say that Hoshino Glass was only deeply watching Ray. Nad glanced, then nodded at the cic below.

The cic of Fuzi immediately sent a letter to the suddenly appearing submarine and began to ask about the other party's belongings and purposes, but at this time, the group of dragons opened their own giant mouth and spurted out the road. The beam, the flying beam, renders the sky with a layer of color.

The number of flying dragons is quite large, and a beam of light emitted from a distant field flies directly to the front of all the bodies. The battleships, including those that seem to be the EFF system, are also the same. The sky and the islands below the battlefield appear.


Hoshino Yuki and Ms. Huang also issued the same order, but even if they don’t have to say more, all the ms in front have already made a dodging action. The shields of the two warships have once again started and climbed high, avoiding them. The wave of attacks by the dragon-shaped creatures, and those drones were destroyed by the dragon in this wave of attacks.

Hoshino looked at the dragon that flew in the direction of his own direction after launching the attack. "Is it all us as an enemy? No matter what these things are, attacking us means the enemy, the ms unit. Start to meet!"

The general manager of Cong Yun showed a serious expression. Seeing the creature like the dragon is a subversion of his three views, but the words are still as contemptuous as before: "There is actually a battle with the legendary creature. The journey has become more and more inexplicable."

Yulia looked seriously and said: "If you don't want to die, take it seriously. The dragons on the opposite side are not opponents who will be merciless."

Cong Yun Chief Secretary nodded: "I know."

On the Fuzi, Cic suddenly turned his head to Hoshino Glass: "The communication has been communicated with the unknown submarine."

"I am the Mithril Western Pacific Fleet, attacking the captain of the submarine Dannu, Captain Teresa Testaro, and please explain the current situation."

The voice of a girl rang in the bridge, the voice was a little soft and weak, but the tone had a firm feeling. After hearing this voice, Leonard gently closed his eyes and said: "Sure enough, it is Tessa. I don't know what it would look like compared to Taisha in another world." ”

After hearing this sound, Liu also shook his head gently: "It seems that the other party does not understand the current situation, including everything including dragon... Reply, I am the captain of Fuzi b, Hoshino Major Liu, Colonel Teresa, the huge creature seems to have an indiscriminate attack on all the bodies. To ensure safety, we must first solve the current troubles, so please cooperate with us."

The communication on the side of Danu’s son was silent, until the Fuzi bridge cic Harry once again reported that the dragon was approaching, there was a reply there: “I understand that we will act with you.”

"Thank you for your help."

Hoshino Glass looked at Miss Huang, who had been silent in the communication screen, and Leonard, who had her eyes closed, whispered: "Miss Huang, Mr. Reinard, it seems that you know what it is." ”

Leonard opened his eyes, but did not want to reply to the Hoshino glass. Ms. Huang shook her head in the screen and said: "After the specific things, let's deal with the threats in front of you."

Hoshino Glass nodded: "Understood."

At this time, the ms forces led by Jiusus had already contacted the dragons and began to engage in war. The number of dragons coming out of the door was more than 20, and one of them had a green dragon with different colors. The red dragon has to play a lot, and it is always behind the dragons. Like a turret, it usually emits a huge light and energy beam of light. It looks like this group of dragons. The general role of the commander.

Jigus directly placed his attack target on the green dragon, while other bodies, such as the 00q driving in the moment, the demon angel driven by Hallelujah, Tobia The pirates driving up are all the bodies that fight directly on the front line and fight directly against the dragon.

As for other appearances, they are arranged in a place later on the front line, using a long-range weapon to fire the dragon.

It’s just the first contact. Everyone has discovered that these dragons seem to be a kind of creature, but they have higher threats, flexibility, firepower and defensive strength than those of the federal drones. The drone is even higher. Whether it is wings, tails, or teeth, the whole body can be used as an attacking prop. The strength of the body can be comparable to that of steel.

But even then, after Jangus and the two of them took the lead in killing a red dragon, everyone found that these mighty dragons were not incompetent, and at most they were only a little harder than those ms. Deal with some.

After the general manager of Congyun relied on the giant cannon of the body to directly smash a dragon into dregs, the serious expression on his face became easier: "This is the legendary dragon. It seems that it is not so difficult to deal with. Well, as long as you are not entangled."

Tobias just operated the body to avoid the two giants' raids and impacts. A pull lever controlled the pirates to release the whip anchor and grabbed a red dragon. But I did not expect to be powerful by the dragon. He almost lost balance and quickly shot the dragon with a beam rifle and controlled the front of the whip anchor.

Until all this was done, Tobiag said with a sigh of relief: "Don’t care, these dragons have almost the same defensive capabilities as my pirates, and they are very powerful. If they are caught, they will definitely be The dragon is torn into pieces."

The son of Dannu has also leaned on the edge of the island below. Three small bodies have also jumped out of the son of Danu, and they stood on the island with different weapons and began to hover in the sky. The attacking dragon launched an attack, and the Gundam, who appeared with Danno's son, also actively greeted the dragons who came to the number of Danu.

Abian, who is in the battle, has broken through one dragon after another, or injured, or injured the dragons, looking at the cockpit in the face of the green dragon soon. The communication screen also flashed a bit and jumped out of a line of text.

After seeing this line of text, Quigus looked at the green dragon in front of him, suddenly changed the direction of the flight, and directly ejected toward the higher part of the sky. The two high-energy beams hanging from the flying wing The gun also popped up in an instant, and after launching two red beams directly toward the dragon, a pull lever suddenly flew in the direction of Danu's son.

And Leonard was in the Fuzi number at this time, and quietly replayed the team communicator in his pocket.

In the Fuzi, Cic Harry stared at the screen in front of him and suddenly shouted and shouted: "There are three unknown bodies on the right side, which have entered the horizon and the other party refuses to contact!"

Hoshino Yuki turned his head and looked at the direction of the three bodies again, biting his lips gently: "Who will be here at this time?"

"Not an enemy." Miss Huang sighed and said in the newsletter: "It should be for these dragons."

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