Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1417: Of course it is because of me

At the beginning of the battle, because I didn’t understand the fighting style of the dragon, except for the Gugus, the moment and the those who attacked in the distance, the others were more or less in the face of the dragon. I have suffered a bit of loss, and there are also bodies that have been damaged by the attack of the dragon.

The power of the dragon is beyond the imagination, especially the slap in the face is to make everyone in the room feel arrogant, every red dragon is enough to match the elite army of the EFF, and even beyond And especially the green dragon, the general attack on it can not bring too much damage, and finally gathered the power of many people, only to kill the green dragon.

The green dragon's attack is very horrible. Just like using magic, the whole body will shine brightly when attacking. A circular magical array appears in front of the mouth, which will be released into the extremely wide area. Lightning-like attacks, and the attacks are very dense, and every lightning bolt will be erratic.

In the face of such an attack, in addition to relying on its own strong strength to carry out forced dodge, it is really impossible to find too many rules.

According to the experience of Jangus, the ordinary red dragon is definitely more than c+ in terms of the real area. The green dragon shows almost the same level of b.

However, creatures such as dragons are not suitable for using the real-world level. If they are replaced by super-zone evaluations, the red dragons are definitely above the fine, and the green dragons are probably close to the epic.

Jigus also heard Xiao Ran and others said that the judgment of the body level of the super district cannot be completely judged as the strength. Compared with the rating of the real area, it is more clear. Even in the super district, even the ordinary level has a car-over epic. The possibility of the level of the body, and even the same level, the strength that can be exerted may be different, but the specific rules are not really understood because the sample is too small.

But the only certainty is that the green dragon is definitely powerful, strength, strength, speed, attack, and flexibility. If you switch to Gugus, he will only need a certain amount of time or It is a matter of seizing the opportunity to solve it. The threat at both ends may not be too great. Once the number reaches a certain level, it is very scary.

After the end of the battle, the three small bodies that suddenly appeared turned away and left. There was no such thing as a greeting with the Fuzi No., but the three bodies had just left, and they stopped moving forward. God, an invitation to the Fuzi to go to Ajadir.

Hoshino Yuki and Ms. Huang agreed to the other party’s invitation, and also invited the Danu’s son, who suddenly appeared here, to go with them. On the way to Yagenal, the Fuzi and Danu’s sons were also established. Video communication.

When Hoshino Glass saw the so-called Captain of the Danu Son through the screen, Teresa Tyrosta, the whole person suddenly stunned and turned to look at the position below the bridge, but could have been sitting there. Nader did not know where to go at this time.

Not only the star-field glaze, but all the people who saw Taisha look the same expression as the Hoshino glaze, just like seeing something incredible.

Tessa clearly saw the shocked expression of Hoshino Glass from the screen, and rolled her own long silver hair with a slight squint. Some strangely asked: "Captain Liu, do you see something strange?" ”

"Yes...no, there is nothing strange." Xingye Liuli just shook his head as soon as he spoke. He said: "We have referenced the information that can be searched, and we have not found any information about the so-called Mithril and Danuzi. If you have all the information, you can basically judge that you should come from another world and don't know why it came to our planet."

"In a case like yours, many of us in our current team come from different worlds, and through their narration, there is no secret silver in their world."

Tessa groaned and silenced and said, "Is it into another world..."

The glass asked: "I can't believe it?"

"No." Tessa shook her head and said, "In fact, I made the same judgment, but I can't be sure."

The glass nodded. "In this case, the detailed situation will be discussed when we meet. We are now conducting combat operations, so..."

"It doesn't matter." Tessa smiled and said: "For the current situation, collecting more information and ensuring your own safety is the most important thing. I have to thank you for your help."

Hoshino Glass and Tessa were a little polite to each other. When I thought about it, I suddenly asked: "Captain Tessa, I want to ask you something unrelated, in your world, by your age. Is it a common thing to be a bridge commander, and have there been rumors in your world that you have traveled to another world like this?"

Tessa shook her head: "No, my situation is just a very special case. I have never heard of anything similar to entering another world. Why did Captain Liu Liu ask this question?"

The face of Hoshino Glass suddenly turned red, and quickly shook his head: "Just there is a very strange thing that can't figure out, then I will communicate in detail when I meet."

Tessa smiled and nodded. "So can I ask a question?"

"Please say."

"Is the captain here also like Captain Liu Liu?"

"I can also say that it is a special case."


Half an hour later, the three ships of the Ptolemy, Fuzi, and Danu’s sons entered the Yatunal, an island-like military base in the sea, under the leadership of the three small robots. When entering Yadenal, Liuli also gave instructions to all the staff. After being arranged by the staff of Yadenal to park the boat in the designated place, Hoshino Glass invited the Miss Tolie. And the person of the Danuzi number came to the Fuzi.

After Tessa took a girl with long blue hair and several young men in military uniforms to enter the Fuzi, no matter how they saw the appearance of Tessa, they all showed a look. The ghostly expression, especially the staff of the Fuzi number, is so different, one by one revealing such an expression, and also makes the face of the son of Danu, such as Tessa and others, inexplicably.

Tessa looked puzzled and looked at the Fuzi staff who led the way. The incomprehensible opening asked: "Why do you show such expressions after seeing us, is there any rudeness?"

"That...that..." The staff member was embarrassed to look at something, but he couldn't explain it, and at this time, a figure suddenly stopped in front of Tessa and others.

"Of course it is because of me, my stupid sister..."

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