Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1431: Alarm that sounds again

One night, nothing happened. Xiaoran’s first day of coming to Yagenal ended like this. In a short day, there seemed to be a lot of things happening, and Xiaoran began to come into contact with the real ‘the truth’ of the world.

The two most important core figures, Gil and Tasker, have been in contact with each other. They have also recruited Tasker into the Fuzi. Xiaoran also knows that any one of them can be triggered. The completion of the accepted branch task is improved.

However, Xiao Ran knows more clearly that neither Jill nor Tasker can reach a level of true trust for him, so even if Xiaoran goes to ask, these two people are either stupid or do not know, it is impossible to know them. The matter told him that after all, Xiao Ran could not force the other party.

Therefore, Xiao Ran can only wait for Kruze to go to the plant, and get enough information from Lax, and use this information and the two people to show the cards, from the other side, know what they want to know, and compare and speculate the real Happening.

The Fuzi troops are currently not planning to leave Jazenal because they accepted the commission from Jill until the ancestors sent the next supply and help to the United Nations. The Fuzi troops will help fight the dragon in Yagenal. How to say that although dragon is the ancestor of the United Nations itself, it can be a threat to the earth in the eyes of Hoshino.

As a soldier of the Earth Federation Army, in order to ensure that these dragons cannot break through the defense line of Yagenal and thus enter other parts of the world, causing more panic, Hoshino Glass feels that it has this duty and responsibility to help Yagenaldo. After this period of crisis.

After a restful night, Xiao Ran, who woke up, had breakfast and went to the hangar of the Fuzi. On this ship, no one could let Xiao Ran wake up at some time, but there was no other person. The freedom, and in the hangar, Xiao Ran was surprised to find that some of the sons of the famous Danu were actually ran to the hangar of the Fuzi.

Xiang Liangzong Jie, Cruz, Melissa Mao are all there, and there is also a blue-haired girl, the thousand birds are also in the hangar, and together with a large group of people in the Fuzi army, including Toby. Ya, Little Green and Wilt, Cong Yun, the chief executive, it seems to be a very happy look.

On the other side, Aslan, Leonard, and Van Gogh's Super Ain Nayin, with the help of a group of Fuzi technicians, are busy around the damaged justice, from time to time, Leonard also What I communicated with Nai Yin, it looks like a familiar look.

Seeing this scene of harmony, the different protagonists of the world gathered together, Xiaoran’s heart was also a bit funny, and slowly moved towards the direction of Aslan.

However, the appearance of Xiao Ran has made most people in the hangar notice that it is difficult to pay attention to special identities and clothes. Although the people present did not deliberately stop their actions, no matter where Xiao Ran went, The people next to them will also salute Xiaoran, and even those who are the sons of Danu will not consciously put their eyes on Xiaoran.

Xiaoran, who smiled and nodded all the way, went to Aslan’s side and looked at the infinite justice and backpack that was being repaired. He asked, “How is it?”

Aslan wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a smile: "Not bad, the Fuzi number is a veteran, and the help of Leonard and Nai Yin, it should not be long before the repair can be completed."

Xiao Ran nodded and smiled in the direction of Nai Yin: "You are Nai Yin, I am fortunate."

Nai Yin stopped her movements in her hands, looked at Xiaoran with her head, and did not make any lovely smiles, but a doubtful look when she kept it: "I don't feel fortunate, why do you want to I said that I am fortunate. As a smart ai, should it be a human tool?"

Xiao Ran heard what Nai said, his brow slightly tilted, and smiled lightly: "I don't think so. Although you are just a smart ai, I don't think you should have your own feelings, and you are using it. With your own feelings to understand the world, so in my opinion, you already have your own heart, so you can't simply treat you as a smart ai. After all, you already have your own life and thoughts. Shouldn’t it be fortunate?”

“Is it like this?” Nai Yin’s head, her hands folded and placed in front of her chest: “Do I have my own heart?”

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "The difference in vital signs is not the most important. What is important is that you want to help others and understand other people's ideas. Isn't that the best proof? You are not relying on what orders and Rules act, everything comes from your most essential impulses and ideas, then you have become a life."

"As a life, as long as it is willing to help others, that is kind, and equally equal life, then why can't I say a hard work to you?"

Nai Yin liked to understand and nodded and said: "Listening to what you said, my information database seems to have been upgraded. There are some different places. I think it is very interesting to talk to you. I can talk to you often." What?"

"Of course." Xiao Ran touched Nai Yin's head and smiled slightly: "I have a friend. He also has a partner who is similar to you. If you have the opportunity, introduce you."


When General Manager Cong Yun heard the words of Xiao Ran, he shrugged and smiled. After Nai Yin appeared in the form of a little girl, he was the first person who didn’t just look at Nai Yin with ai, but regarded Nai Yin as partner.

Others, although more or less do not regard Nai Yin as an ordinary intelligent ai, can be regarded as the same as Nai Yin, but after all, there is too little contact with Nai Yin, and it is not as direct as Xiao Ran. Tell Nai Yin about this.

Even the general manager of Cong Yun, who was called the captain by Nai Yin, did not have the high consciousness in Xiao Ran's words. He only expressed equality in action, but he did not have such a beautiful statement.


"The Yagenal Command found that the super-heavy position reflected, speculated that the dragon appeared again, all the pilots immediately prepared for the attack, and all the pilots immediately prepared for the attack."

The alarm sounded, and the sound of Hoshino Glass was also heard in the hangar. Locker, Hallelujah, and Julia, who came over from Ptolemy, immediately turned around and ran out of Gnaku, Danu. The son of the Son is also closely following.

Xiao Ran looked at the hangar that became very busy. After touching the chin, he went to the front of a communicator. After contacting the bridge, he said: "Hoshino Hoshino, please help me to tell Yachina. Jill, the commander of the company, hopes she can prepare a body for me."

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