Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1432: Driving Para-mail

"What, this is impossible, Xiaoran adults, you do not have to participate in the battle necessary, so now the Fuzi number is enough to deal with the dragon that appeared this time, not to mention driving such a body... I must be safe for you Be responsible for."

Hoshino Glass knows that Xiaoran has asked Yagenal to prepare a para-mail for use. After a surprise, he quickly refused.

"It doesn't matter. According to what I told, Commander Jill, who is in Jaydar, you can use my words as an order to execute." Xiaoran shook his head and smiled. "The other main force in the battle will be the Fuzi troops. I just want to see for yourself what is special about the body of Yagenal, not too deep into the battle, and no matter what kind of body I drive, but it is only a problem if I protect myself. ”

The expression of Hoshino Glass is a bit embarrassing: "Adult, but you have no need to do so at all."

"There are still a group of women abandoned by the world in places that are unknown to the whole world. They are driving this kind of body with almost no defensive ability to protect the world with their own lives. I also want to drive such a person. The body feels everything they face."

“If you want to know them and help them, there is nothing better than fighting the bodies they use to fight. The only way to understand the pros and cons of this kind of body is more straightforward. The situation that the horses face in the battle can also give them more appropriate help, so do it according to my orders."

Although Xiao Ran belongs to Aub, he can still be a colonel of a special independent action force in the federation. It is completely true to say that it is an order to Hoshino.

Hoshino Glass smashed, and after a moment of silence, nodded lightly: "Yes."

Xiao Ran pressed the button of the end of the communication and looked at the scene where Gnacu had begun to become busy. He stepped away from the Gennaku and quickly got out of the Fuzi.

After Hoshino Glass contacted the Yagenal Command and transferred the words of Xiao Ran to the Yagenal Command, Xiao Ran’s request was again transmitted to the Jill ear in the Ajadir hangar. After hearing this inexplicable request, the expression on Jill’s face became a bit strange.

"Aobu's person wants to personally drive our body? What does he want?" Gill felt inexplicable, looked at the blue-white body in front of him, and looked at An Qi standing beside him. Asked a pair of ponytail girls who are maintaining the body, "May, how long it will take."

"ten minutes."

"Yeah." Gil nodded and looked at the girl with a long blond hair and a bandage around him. It suddenly became a lot colder: "This body is handed over to you, Norma can only be with dragon. Death in battle, if you want to die, then use this body to die together."

After that, Jill turned and left, and also took out the communicator and contacted the headquarters. When the communication was connected, he said: "Since the adult needs to use our body, it will free up a body. Give it to him, and take out a body from the second squadron."


After Xiaoran left the Fuzi, someone soon found Xiao Ran and took Xiaoran to the hangar of the second squadron of Yagenal. He just entered the hangar, and Xiao Ran saw Jill standing on his waist. Next to a white body, and around Jill, several Normaes wearing exposed combat uniforms stood on one side and were looking at him with curious eyes.

After walking to Jill, Jill looked at Xiaoran from above and below, and said with a slightly complicated tone: "Xiao Ran, I don't know what you want to borrow our body, but the body. I am ready for you. Are you sure you are driving this body?"

Xiaoran turned and looked at the body parked in a flying motorcycle position. He patted the fully open seat of the body and nodded lightly: "Yes, I also want to see what kind of body is driving like this." Feeling, and I am very curious about this body."

Gill looked at Xiao Ran and shook his head. "That's okay, but I need to explain to you first. Our body does not have any defensive ability against the dragon. Once it is hit, it may be a machine damage." As a result of death, it is not necessary for you to be in this position, and there are no combat uniforms that men can use..."

"That would have to hit me, and I didn't need to use combat uniforms." Xiao Ran turned straight into the white para-mail seat, and his left hand lifted toward Jill: "Give me a The helmet is fine."

Jill looked at Xiao Ran deeply and nodded to a Norma next to him. The latter handed his helmet to Xiao Ran, and while Xiao Ran put on his helmet, Jill also said: "This is There are only three kinds of weapons in the body. The first one is for the dragon assault rifle, which uses live ammunition. Each clip has 150 bullets and a total of three magazines."

"The second melee physical weapon, the Dragon Sword, the third is a frozen bomb with only four uses. It is generally used to deal with large dragons. It can penetrate the dragon body and cause ice damage."

Xiao Ran nodded lightly, and after checking the panel of the body, he held the operating lever with both hands.

“The operation of the body is very different from the operation of the body you use. The two-handed lever can be folded and folded to make the body deform, and the pedals under the feet...”

When Jill is telling Xiaoran how to drive the body, Xiao Ran has pressed the button of the body to start, and the right foot has stepped on the pedals that are the same as the motorcycle, so that the para-mail stopped on the ground is slow. Floating up.

Until this time, Xiao Ran turned around and looked at Jill with some doubts. He asked, "What did you say?"

"Nothing..." Jill looked at Xiaoran with amazement and asked, "Have you ever driven this kind of body?"

"No, the first time, but as long as you sit up, you probably know how to drive." Xiaoran smiled and glanced at Jill: "If it's okay, can I attack?"

"Of course." Gil's nodded. After seeing Xiao Ran turned back, he quickly began to step back a few steps away from the white para-mail that had already started, only to see Xiaoran's right hand twisting and then stepping on the pedal again. The rear flame of this body was sprayed out along the launching platform, and it disappeared into Jill's eyes without any protective measures.

"Well!" Until Xiaoran left, Jill suddenly reacted and looked at a thin rope held by a Norma in his hand and immediately sank his face: "The oxygen supply safety rope is not tied to him!"

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