Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1433: Rush into the dragon group

A dozen kilometers from Yagenal, the Fuzi troops that were dispatched after Xiao Ran left the Fuzi, also started the battle with dragon.

This time, the dragon has a terrible number, which is the key reason why Jill will let the Fuzi troops help to fight. There are six giant dragons called the Garion level. This huge dragon not only reminds me. Horror, like para-mail in the form of human form, but only this dragon is half the head.

Moreover, the action is flexible and the defense is strong. The general attack can't bring too much damage to this dragon. The wings and the giant claws on the wings are more flexible than the human palm. The more exaggerated is the six giants. Once the dragon launches an attack, it is basically a lightning bolt and a beam of light. It is difficult to avoid, and it can summon a magical array to shield the enemy from the enemy.

In addition to the large number of six large dragons, the standard size and para-mail is similar to the number of red Skuna-level dragons is simply horrible, with overwhelming description is no problem at all, roughly a few There are hundreds of them.

If there is no Fuzi troops present, then all the power of the entire Yagenal will be taken out. I am afraid that it will not be the opponent of these dragons. In fact, even Jill has revealed the number of dragons that appeared this time. Shocked expression, because she was the first time she saw so many dragons appear in this world.

Fortunately, when this number of dragons appeared in this world, the Fuzi troops just happened to be guests in Yajinar. With the combat power of the Fuzi troops, they also had the capital to fight this group of dragons. In this group of dragons, all the combat forces of the Fuzi troops were also released.

Abigail of Jangus, Van Gogh of the General Secretary of Cong Yun, Gulang Gast of Little Green, the murderous bird of Wilt, the four of the Heavenly Man, the pirate of Tobia, the son of Danu The rx-105 is also known as the filial son, the body of the madness, and the several **** of the son of the Danu.

In addition to the Fuzi troops, just before the encounter with this group of dragons, they even met the zonda from the world of Dannuo, zz up, hundred and mk-ii.

The four bodies were originally designed to find the missing son of Dannu, but they were caught in the world, and then they were chased by the hundreds of dragons until they met the Fuzi troops and turned to start and dragon. Combat.

The distance of more than ten kilometers is not far away, so you can clearly see the dense dragon on the side of Yagenar, you can also see the pictures of the Fuzi troops and these monsters fighting.

And Xiao Ran, after driving the body out of Yagenal, felt the wind blowing in the ear and in front of him, and put the line of sight on the battlefield in front. After seeing the dense dragon, it was also light. I raised my eyebrows: "There is such a number. If the Fuzi troops are here, I am afraid that Yagenal will definitely be flattened this time."

Shaking his head, Xiao Ran put his attention on the body he was driving, and snorted: "The body is completely free of any airtight performance. I am afraid that the pilot will be suffocated soon. It’s good to have speed and flexibility under this level of the body, but it completely gives up the defense ability and is hit by the hit.”

"Don't say how much the body's ability can be done. It's too exaggerating to expose the pilot directly to the outside in this form of aerial motorcycle, and there is no safety aid, Yagenal. Even with such a body and dragon battle, it is clear that it is dead."

"There is still energy, but it is still fuel energy. In addition to the skeleton structure, the structure of the body itself is distributed around the whole body and it still accounts for about 30%. It is hard to imagine."

"There are some advantages, flying ability, superior flexibility, small size, easy to ride, and easy to maintain. It is ok to use these dragons as consumables. Ma, huh, the golden hair of this story is very bad."

"But this machine should be a mass-produced version. It is not as special as the body of the Royal Highness, so there is not much research necessary, but it is possible to get an enhanced version. Such a minicomputer should be useful at some point."

"Luo Wei, where is this guy, you must hurry up and get back to work. The first step is to let Luo give Yapinal a batch of enhanced experimental version of para-mail. ”

Xiao Ran grinned and directly twisted the foot of the operating rod several times to raise the speed of the body he was driving to the extreme. Only the whistling sound of the wind was blown to the ear, and the body sprayed a bright tail flame toward the body. The direction of the battlefield quickly rushed over.

While discovering that Xiaoran’s body is rapidly approaching the battlefield, Hoshino Glass has also taken a deep breath and opened up the full-range communication, letting his voice pass to the ears of everyone present.

"Notifying the various machines, the driver who is approaching at high speed is the former Prime Minister of the Abu, Xiao Ran adults. While the machines are inconvenient to eliminate the enemy in front of them, please put the safety of Xiao Ran adults in the first consideration, once Xiao Ran appears In any case, there will definitely be a huge wave in the world. Please, please."

Newly joined the team's zz up to the pilot Jeter, after avoiding a red dragon attack, he turned the hand and operated the body to open a cannon. After tearing the dragon completely into flesh and blood, he said in an incredible tone: "Hey, hello, what does this mean? Let us protect the big man who doesn't know where to run from the battle of so many monsters?"

"Newcomers, friendship reminds you, that adult can not take care of you." Cong Yun, the chief of the company attacked behind the array of battles, locked the target on the screen and said, "You just take care of yourself." Just don't forget that you have been chased by these monsters for a long time."

On the Ptolemy, Miss Huang also looked at Xiaoran with a pata-mail approach without any safety measures. In addition to a helmet, even the oxygen tube was not connected, and then looked at Xiaoran. The body that was driven directly rushed into the dragon group, a deformed left hand took the assault rifle, and the right hand pulled out the long sword. A rotation was used to cut off a dragon's side of the wing. The circular shot of the bullet also caused three dragons to shoot out countless blood. The flower began to fall towards the sea.

"You fight well, I don't need your care, Ji Gusi, you come to cooperate with me." Xiao Ran controlled the body to fly in the dragon group, suspended his attack but opened the communication opening and said: " If you can, please do not hurt their lives as much as possible when fighting these monsters."

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