Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1522: AT position

The horrible defense ability is not brought by the body's own armor, but the kind of position that can reject all attacks, which can resist everything and create an absolute defense field. The defensive performance brought by this at position is basically Let the siege of Kira and others have no effect.

However, in contrast, in the case of erecting an at position to defend, the space around the first machine seems to be distorted, so that the first machine will be temporarily unable to attack in another phase. This time is very short, short to the extent that ordinary people can't detect it at all, but for the top pilots like Xiao Ran or Kira, it is no problem at all.

For the at position, Xiao Ran knows a little but knows a lot. It is really troublesome to explain it. The simple explanation of the standard is that this thing is a wall of heart, separating itself from the self and the objective world. The coming wall is like the separation of itself from the world.

It is also a corrosive wall that not only acts on defense but also acts on attacks. It seems to be more capable of polluting others' spirits. Based on this last article, it can also explain the warnings brought by the ability to read power. The first machine was dragged into the spiritual communication space.

Xiao Ran’s eyes moved, and the reflective one looked at the other person who had the upper hand on the other side, and always took everything that happened outside to the bottom of his eyes.

After waiting for the violent first machine, Xiao Ran also noticed the problems exposed by the attack on the first machine under reasonable conditions.

"At position is not just a one-sided defense that is realized in animation, but a comprehensive defense brought by an absolute field. Whether it is front or back, it is like a circle that protects the whole body, but this kind of circle The defensive stance is far less than the one-sided defensive stance in defensive intensity. Once the at position is presented in a single-sided form, the concentrated absolute field will also lead to a doubling of the defensive intensity."

"But... the defense of this at position is not absolutely invincible, but has an upper limit that can be tolerated, just like ps armor. A short time or a momentary attack can break the at position once it exceeds the upper limit, so that Attacks that exceed the upper limit can be attacked on the first machine."

"In terms of the performance of games and data, it is the ability to avoid injury. If the damage-free level is two thousand, then the attack of less than two thousand damage will be invalidated, but if it is two thousand five damage, then In the end, there will be only five hundred defenders at the position."

"This situation should only occur when the defending party has an at position and the attacking party does not have an at position. However, if both sides have an at position, the position of the two sides can be neutralized and the position of the at the position can be invalidated. The damage is all about the attacked party."

"The reason why the first machine looks unscathed now is that the upper limit of the attack has not been reached, but what is the limit of the injury-free limit? Spiritual power? The level of the body? At position level?"

"If you want to break the position of the first machine and cause damage to the first machine, the easiest way is two ways. One can't react to the other party, the other is to attack with the most powerful attack, but..." Xiao Ranqi Blinking his eyes, glanced at the picture of the battle on the screen, and said: "Gathering Gaeta, Big Devil, Iron King, New Freedom, New Strike, New Destiny, several bodies are facing each other, others are not assisting from the side. The reason is that even the upper limit of the other party’s position cannot be broken."

"The reason is that the mood and thoughts of these people do not want to hurt the pilot who has lost consciousness in the first machine. It is so embarrassing, so I keep trying to limit the defensive limits and methods of the position. I want to The smallest damage stops the activity of the first machine and saves the other party."

Xiao Ran doesn't feel bad about their current actions and choices. This kind of attitude that can value the companions is worthy of attention. Even the people who drive eva are not their companions at the moment, but they can clearly distinguish what they are. People are enemies, who are friends, and are willing to give everything for friends.

At some point their mentality will bring unnecessary turning and trouble to the battle, but also because they value their peers' mentality, they can make them unbelievable, and because of this valuable spirit. In order to allow Xiao Ran to fully trust them, there is no burden to help them.

Because Xiao Ran does not threaten the world, as long as Xiao Ran always stands on the side of justice in the righteousness, then these people will never abandon him, but will stand with him on the front line, no matter what kind of enemy he meets. What kind of troubles will meet with him.

What Xiao Ran needs most is their thoughts. Otherwise, how can he rely on these people to help deal with the enemy army from Prometheus, so they will not be taught in such a situation. What, or force them to completely destroy the first machine.

However, the necessary reminders are still necessary. Xiao Ran can see some characteristics of the position at the first time, completely because he has already surpassed the general general pilot's vision, as well as his understanding of eva and at position. The game's data can be used as a reference. The three conditions are added to Xiaoran's keen observation. Therefore, it is faster than anyone else to see how the position of the first machine can be dealt with.

I have been paying attention to the situation here, because Xiaoran himself has enough curiosity about eva, and also because of the threat warning of power ability, but after the observation, I got the conclusion, and I saw that Kira, Aslan, they are There is no threat in the face of the first machine, so Xiao Ran will not continue to focus on them.

However, Xiao Ran also reminded them through the Malang, that is, there is something about the upper limit of the position defense, although these things are only problems that can be discovered sooner or later for the species that are gradually increasing the attack intensity. The reminder of Xiao Ran also allows them to understand the defense limit more intuitively, so as to suppress the first machine of the runaway at a faster speed.

But from the beginning to the end, Xiao Ran did not want to personally drive the body out to try the first machine component, not to say that because Xiao Ran felt the threat, so did not go, but completely because even the first machine revealed The violent anger will make Xiao Ran feel threatened, but this threat will not bring any trouble to Xiao Ran at all, and he still can't completely let go of the opponent who is attacking temptation or understanding, so Xiao Ran feels that there is absolutely no need to personally attack. .

But if it is replaced by a new apostle, then Xiaoran may have turned directly away from the bridge.

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