Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1523: Intrusive DRAGON

However, the situation outside did not make Xiao Ran leisurely for too long. The suppressed first machine became more and more violent, but in the end it was driven by the invincible iron King Kong, who smashed the position with brute force and slammed it. The ability to directly lose the action of the first machine is urgently recovered by the nerv.

The reason why this happens is because the violent first machine turned out to be the target of two students who suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield. Even if others found this situation, they could not get the first time in the first time. The machine was intercepted, and the invincible Iron King, who was driving in the armor, suddenly broke out under such circumstances. Even Xiaoran, sitting in the bridge of the Burning Legion, seemed to see the burning arrogance of the invincible Iron King.

With the recycling of the first machine, with the addition of the federal-style drone force, it seems that the entire third new Tokyo city has become quiet, but when the people are relieved, the whole third The alarm in New Tokyo City rang again, and a huge monster like a erect bug appeared again in front of everyone.

From the other direction of the city, it is also the opposite of the current direction of the Victory Fleet. It is obvious that the invisible legs are rapidly moving toward the city with an incredible speed.

After seeing this apostle, Jetoy also said incrediblely: "This is the apostle? It was only one of the evas that was solved before, and there was another one in such a short time."

"You can't let this monster get close to the center of the city. You can't let it break below the city." Amro said in a word, Hao did not drag the water and directly controlled the body to the new apostle direction, and prepared to be in the apostles. After all, the road is intercepted.

Amro’s actions also led other people, and many bodies flew in the same direction, and Xiao Ran stood up from the position at this time, and nodded after pointing to Malang. After leaving the bridge, a minute later, the dark sky driven by Xiao Ran also quickly flew out from the Burning Legion, ready to personally meet this monster with an at position or an enemy camp.

When he left the bridge, Xiao Ran began to think about another important issue, that is, there were questions about the world nerv, especially the man named Wuyuantang.

What is the purpose of the existence of the world's nerv, is to complete the so-called human completion plan, to make everyone's human beings become orange juice, or simply to protect the earth from the apostles' hands? If it is the former, it will be a little troublesome, and maybe the final nerv will become one of their opponents.

But if the latter is naturally much simpler, there is no need to worry about it. The problem now is that Xiao Ran does not understand the situation of this nerv, and it seems that Tessa and Bled also do not know much about this institution. This requires Xiaoran to personally touch and then get the answer.

The man of Wuyuantang is very strange in Xiaoran’s memory. A very very strange person has a completely different personality under the similar world view. One of the characters is the unscrupulous person who achieves the purpose. And the indifference to the extreme, even for his son can do it regardless of whether or not, once it reaches a certain purpose, it will raise the corner of the mouth to give a dark feeling.

But in another world with the same background, Wuyuantang's character is a very good father, a very good man who loves his family, but the only thing that is the same is that this man is very mysterious.

But as for the love of the family, the indifferent Wuyuantang seems to have this feature. In order to see his dead wife, he will promote the messy human completion plan.

At the same time, Wuyuantang is also a contradictory person. For some of Ling Bo Li’s actions, he can feel that this person is not so ruthless, but no matter how this man is definitely a difficult person to deal with, the purpose is very strong and Outstanding ability, the idea of ​​trying to get rid of the unplanned things, is definitely not as good as other people.

So for Xiaoran, to figure out what the idea of ​​Wuyuantang in this world is, the purpose of nerv's existence is very important. Otherwise, there may be inevitable conflicts between the two sides, and the character of Xiaoran is explained. Knowing that you have become a roadblock that someone must remove, naturally it will first be a strong way to eradicate each other.

"In short, I hope that it is not a terrible and complicated situation. I don't need to deliberately create any depth. I simply stand on the side of the righteous role. Hello, everyone."

At the same time as the idea came out, Xiao Ran stepped on the dark pedals and pushed the body lever forward at the same time. In a blink of an eye, he rushed out of the dark sky and appeared in the third new Tokyo city.

Originally, Xiao Ran wanted to face the apostles alone to confirm the ability and extent of the apostles, but the picture that was actually seen after Xiaoran’s driving in the darkness of the sky became more complicated.

It’s just a matter of a minute or two. The darkness of the sky has not changed when it flies out of the Burning Legion. It’s the short time after flying out to the process of not officially intervening and the apostles’ battle. The sky in the city of Tokyo has a huge gap that is familiar to Xiaoran and others who are present.

A head blue, red, black, big, small, countless dragons flew directly from the huge gaps that appeared, and the momentum flew out of the gap, the huge number even compared to the original The number of dragons encountered in the Western world is even more.

“Dragon? Why is it here?”

The appearance of the dragon suddenly made the people of the Victory Fleet all show their horrified expressions. Perhaps for Xiaoran and Malang who already had some conjectures in their hearts, for other people, dragon is simply impossible to appear in The existence of this world, but it happened at the special time and now in front of them, and the number is even more terrible than in the Western world.

Bled, who saw dragon for the first time, also took a breath: "I wonder, this is dragon, there is such a creature in the world, but why is it here, is the goal us? They and the apostles are Together?"

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