Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1524: Be regarded as air

"What kind of monster is this? The legendary dragon, why is there such a thing, is this the world I know?"

Although many people in the Victory Fleet have seen dragons and fought in battle with dragons themselves, but for the two warships that Lund Bell has joined, La Keram, and Akamari, not every Everyone knows the existence of dragon.

After all, some things Bled can know, Captain Otter can also know, but it does not mean that everyone on the two ships can know, and it is estimated that Captain Bled and Captain Otter never thought that they would Their time saw the dragon that only appeared in the Western world.

Because the body did not make any improvement relationship, An Qi also took villkiss to participate in the battle. After seeing this numerous dragons, the face suddenly appeared shocked: "Why are these dragons appearing here? Or Appeared with the monster called the apostle."

"This world is the universe of the century, right, isn't the Western world?" Jieduo was also blindfolded, repeatedly confirming whether he went to the Western world without knowing it, and saw the dragon and the apostles. Together, it is unbelievable to say: "Don't dragon and the apostle be a group? But this shouldn't be, the essence of dragon should not be human, why is it with the apostles?"

"Not like this, I feel that these dragons are not for us." As a changer, in the mind, especially in the case of maliciousness, although it is not as good as Xiaoran, it is better than others. Too much, from the emergence of these dragons, there is no sense of hostility at all.

"I really don't feel any hostility." The dragon horse shook his head, but a pair of eyes were also very cautiously staring at the suddenly appearing dragon and the worm-like apostle. The dragon horse has a near-beast. The general sense of straightforwardness, even if it is not a changer, can also rely on its own instinct to feel whether the other party is threatened.

In the Burning Legion, a red-haired little girl, Vivi, bites a lollipop in her mouth, and looks at the dragons appearing from the screen in the waiting room. Inexplicably, there is a completely different kind. Feeling: "I feel like they came here for the apostle. It's strange, why do I know that they came for the apostle?"

Even now, except for An Qi’s body, the body of all the first squadrons of the Ajapanel was dismantled into parts and fragments, and the new body was not manufactured, but as a pilot during the battle. The standby room is on standby, although it is not necessary, but it is also a requirement. Therefore, all the other squadrons of the entire Jaygenal team except An Qi are also in the standby room of the Burning Legion.

When other people hear Vivienne, there is also a red hair. Another girl, Hill, is just licking her mouth. Wearing the body can be talked about **** exposed mechanics, holding her hands on her legs. On the chair, I looked dissatisfied at the only white pm on the screen that could fight, which is the villkiss that An Qi drove.

Like Hill, he also had dissatisfaction, but he did not show it on his face. Instead, he calmed down and watched what happened on the screen. After the words of Vivian, I thought about it. In less than three seconds, he walked to the front of the communicator in the standby room and relayed what Vivienne said.

After the communication from the standby room was hanged, the Malang in the bridge also contacted Xiao Ran in the dark cockpit. The opening said: "The little girl Vivian of the first squadron of Yagenal, It is said that those dragons seem to be here for the apostles."

Malang only told Xiao Wei what the Wei Wei’s feelings were, but did not make any comment on Vivian’s remarks because she did not know whether Vivienne’s statement was correct or not. There is no need to say something that might affect Xiaoran’s judgment.

"Should be." And Xiao Ran nodded slightly after hearing the notice from Malang. He also did not feel any hostility from the group of dragons, but the same did not feel any goodwill, just like the group. The dragon completely ignored them all.

The next group of dragons directly answered the doubts that the dragons appeared here in the hearts of countless people, which proved the correctness of Vivian’s words, but also proved the mistake of Vivian’s words. .

The numerous dragons that appeared, regardless of their size, launched an offensive against the worm-like apostles that appeared together. Various long-range attacks were overwhelmingly attacked by the apostles, and suddenly there were countless spreads in the dragon group that caused these attacks. The circular runes, the sky also began to become clouded, electric dragon flying.

For a group of dragon-initiated cluster attacks, the attack launched in such a magic-like way also caused a change in the sky, whether it was lightning or a variety of beams that were released like magic. Under so many dragon common attacks, it looks very spectacular.

But the apostle who is the target of the attack will certainly not have such an idea, and everyone who is in front of the apostle will not have such an idea. Although the target of the dragon is mainly placed on the apostle, it does not take into account Mro, these people who intercepted the apostles, or directly ignored them, completely treated Amro and others as air.

Therefore, the attack of dragon also appeared. Although they did not target Amro, they also spread the situation to Amro, and this wave of attacks was attacked by all the dragons. The number of dragons is also quite The horror, so the attack issued by these dargons is quite horrible, and suddenly Amro and others quickly dispersed.

I was really flustered to control the body to dodge, while shouting dissatisfiedly: "These dragons seem to appear here for this apostle, but why do we regard it as the target of the attack, not in the Western world? Have you already talked about it!?"

"They didn't take us as the target of attack, but just took us as the air and then spread it to us." Aslan also had to control the body to leave, and after hearing the truth, he also smiled and continued: "But than It’s not so good when I met in our world before. It’s just that the current situation can only say that they may be too lazy to care about us because they don’t trust.”

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