Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1574: Go all out, everyone.

Hoshino Glass, Miss Huang, and Commander Judge of Yagenal have been busy preparing for Xiaoran’s arrangement. The preparations for the Hoshino Glass’s Fuzi are not too much, just It is only necessary to transfer the carried body out, and it takes less than an hour to complete the work and then leave the Yagenal.

Soon after Jill helped the Ptolemy to replenish the supplies, Miss Huang also directed the Ptolemy to fly into the sky with a group of bodies, heading for the ancestors of the United Nations.

Everything in Yagenal is so fast, all the people are fighting for the savings as much as possible, and the Fuzi and Ptolemy are attacked as soon as possible, not just to go. Dealing with the final enemy of Ambry is not just for An Qi and others who are leaving for themselves, but also for the current chaos of the earth.

Everyone knows that only the solution to Ambry as soon as possible, to solve the part of Ambry's party in the Atlantic federation and even the whole world can calm the chaos of the world, but perhaps more is another point, one One can't wait, one wants to immediately kill Ambryo on the ground, to truly liberate the world, and let Anbrion's shards disappear forever.

With four pillars of darkness in the center of the Ptolemy, many of the bodies quickly changed from Yagenal to a single point of light.

"Commander, they are gone...do you say they will succeed?"

"Yes, they are gone, but will it succeed... I don't know." Jill looked at the fleet that had disappeared completely through the big screen of the command, flying a cigarette in his hand and falling directly into Jill's mouth. In the heart, it is quite affirmative: "The existence of Xiaoran’s person must be threatening to make Amburi feel jealous. Yes, they are leaving, but this represents true freedom, finally...continuing The battle of freedom that has been around for so long is finally over, Ambrio, your last days are coming!"

From Yagenal, the people who went to the ancestors of the United Nations had a touch of tension and embarrassment. After all, the enemies they were going to face next time, in addition to the entire ancestor of the United Nations, faced the Anbu who had the name of God. Leo, although angry, does not let this group of people lose their reason and self-knowledge because of anger.

After all, Amblio is a god, at least a god-like person. In the face of this kind of guy who has lived for many years, there is no worry about how it is possible. No one reminds me, whether it is driving the body. Those who followed the Ptolemy, or those who were directly in the Ptolemy, were also trying to adjust their moods at this last time, and they were also hurrying to rest in the final time.

Finally, when a continent appeared, all the pilots in the body around the Ptolemy opened their eyes one after another, and the voice of Miss Huang was transmitted to everyone's ears.

"Everyone, the front is the small continent where the ancestors of the United Nations are located. Our first goal is the pillar of the gods in the kingdom of Mischel, among the ancestors of the United Nations. According to reliable news, the Dragon God of the Dragons is sealed. The Royal Pillar, and the Dragon God Aura is also an important key to our elimination of Ambry."

"The second goal is to eliminate as much as possible the resistance forces of the ancestors of the United Nations and provide more safe and safe landing space for the landing of the space forces."

"The last is An Qi, Sarah and others who have left before, and they will be a special target as soon as they find their whereabouts and immediately reinforce."

When Miss Huang’s voice fell, everyone shouted in unison: “Understand.”

Miss Huang glanced at the picture on the screen of the bridge, especially the body that clearly belonged to the federal system. She also said: "What is now in front of us is the troops controlled by the ancestors of the United Nations and Ambry, we If you want to successfully reach the Imperial Pillar, you must break through the interception in front."

"According to intelligence, the enemies that we are now intercepting are basically all drones. They are also more than half of the ancestors' United Nations forces. If we can completely destroy them, we can accomplish our multiple goals at the same time. So, everyone, this time. There is no need to have any mercy in the battle. Let's do our best."

"Received." Kira calmly replied, directly blasting the body and rushing toward the front of the ancestors of the United Nations, many drones, the gn dragon cavalry popped up, flying around a free circle Shooting out, along with the weapon of freedom up to double holdings, the attack was directly launched without mercy.

The Gundam team led by Jeddah, zz up the head high-energy energy cannon began to flash, and soon launched a red beam that was enough to make the world go dark, directly penetrated the blocking force in front, and brought countless The explosion rang through the sky.

The fate of the real bird driving, the wings spread out the green light, and under the push of a pair of light wings, the red light shone with the invisible shadows, and the giant sword became A ray of light rushed toward the enemy, and the incarnation became a red lightning all the way through the enemy line, and instantly cut one and another enemy drones into two halves.

Everyone has come up with all their strengths at this time to start the battle, and there is no need to have any mercy and hesitation. After seeing Xiaoran’s battle in Yatunal, everyone can be said. They all gained some growth from it, just like the epiphany, but the strength has been improved to a certain extent in a short period of time.

And now it’s just to deal with some unmanned drones. The upper limit of power is just that. It’s just a good idea for everyone to try new ideas after seeing Xiaoran’s battle, and everyone is eager to try. All kinds of firepower and attacks are directly covered, even if only in a small number, but also completely suppress the enemy intercepted in front.

Not to mention that there are four dark clouds under the control of Xiao Ran in the battle. The powerful firepower directly covers them. It is a piece of film that clears the target. It is less than half an hour before and after a battle without suspense. End.

Although Xiao Ran is only a remote operation and operates four dark clouds at the same time, almost two-fifths of the enemy planes are completely destroyed by these four dark clouds, and other people are almost fighting these drones. They confirmed their thoughts. It can be said that the combat power of this group of people is only in these times, and it is not reasonable and routine to improve a grade.

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