Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1575: Ambreo's shield

A battle ended in less than half an hour before and after. The main reason is that each member of the team has a strong strength to play the ace, just to deal with some drones that are not too powerful, and the number is more. It will not really threaten the current team.

However, although the battle is over, it does not mean that the group of intercepted drones will be completely destroyed. In the strategic sense, only this group of intercepted drones is not in a strategic position, nor is there any The possibility of threats, even if it is not impossible to directly pass the group of drones that are not worth mentioning to the place called Xiaozhi Yuzhu, but there is another different idea for Miss Huang, that is true Kill all the remaining enemies.

"Prison Angel Gundam, Hundred-style, Mesta, mk-ii up, f91 Gundam, pirate Gundam left to clean up the remaining enemies, absolutely can not let any enemy aircraft escape, and must ensure our evacuation route, I The evacuation route and action plan will be sent to you."

The pilots of several bodies that were named to the name responded, and Aslan said: "Miss Huang is really a very good tactical strategist. I have already considered the last retreat before the real battle begins. It’s a very easy thing for someone like Miss Huang to be on our side, but I believe we definitely don’t need this final preparation this time.”

"No matter what, how confident and powerful, investigating all the circumstances, preparing and arranging this is what I should do." Miss Huang did not feel embarrassed because of Aslan's praise, but rather dull. Said: "Well, don't waste time here, don't know what kind of problems are waiting for us."

"Get off." Xiao Ran, who has never had an opening, finally opened his mouth at this time. Together with his voice, the entire communication channel was quiet again, and a group of people began to make direct progress toward the final goal.

Flying over the ocean and going deep into the mainland, finally all the people in front of the eyes of the tower of the gods standing on the ground, finally, their first goal is close at hand.

However, just a few kilometers away from the Xiaozhi Yuzhu, Xiaoran’s dawn stopped, and the Ptolemy stopped, and all the bodies that had survived this operation stopped.

Because in front of them is a steel teacher who exudes endless warfare, and in front of this steel master, a black body stands so quietly on the earth, but this is not to let The real reason for everyone to stop, the real reason is that at the foot of the black body, a blond-haired girl stood in a white dress and stood up, her face full of unyielding, full of fearlessness.

"That is An Qi?" Cong Yun's chief executive's face tangled, helplessly said: "This situation is going to attack us."

Other people, though not open, also hold the same thoughts as Cong Yun’s director. No one can ignore the innocent comrades who are hijacked by the enemy, and can’t ignore their own comrades and lead their comrades to die. The corpse of the comrades is attacking the enemy like this.

It’s just that just now, Miss Huang said that there may be any difficulties waiting for them later, but now I didn’t expect it to be the most difficult situation. I don’t know how to deal with the current situation. The problem, I couldn't help but put my eyes on Xiaoran's dawn, and I hope Xiaoran can make the most appropriate decision.

Xiao Ran did not speak, and looked at An Qi, who stood in front of the black pm in Ambry, and tried to find behind Ambreo enough to be able to rob Angie under the protection of Luo.

"What the **** is going on here, only a short time has elapsed. Why is An Qi being hijacked? What happened to me that I didn't know?" Xiao Ran's brow wrinkled gently, his heart: "So where are Luo and Sarah now?"

Quickly sent a message to Luo, Xiao Ran also began to think about how to save An Qi from the gun of Ambreio, saving An Qi is a big problem, but also a 1 +1=2 is the simplest math problem, but Xiaoran can't guarantee that Ambry will give him the opportunity to cover the gn particles enough to cover An Qi.

"Welcome to you, guests who are not invited." Ambryo sounded in everyone's ear with a faint smile: "To tell the truth, your actions are really beyond my expectations. You The displayed power is indeed amazing, especially if you are stunned, and the ability you show to tell the truth, even I feel wrong."

"I was able to eliminate the trouble that I brought to you in such a short time, and the decisive decision came here. I have to give you the warmest applause to express my appreciation. Xiaoran, you already know my purpose, And your ability has completely touched me, here I want to send you an invitation again, I hope you can join me."

"Impossible." Xiao Ran was direct, decisive, and refused without hesitation. After looking at the news of Luo’s reply, he was also busy sending out new news again and again, and his eyes directly controlled the body’s slow flight. The direction in which the Ambreo body is located.

"We are in the kingdom of Mischel, An Qi just left the body to her own. We didn't pay attention to running away, and now we are looking for her."

"Don't look for it, An Qi is in the hands of Xiao Yu, in the hands of Ambreio."

After reading Luo's reply, Xiao Ran understands why An Qi is here. It is clearly that this girl once again made a self-proclaimed claim. Not only did he open up, but also opened Sarah and others who acted with her, and finally it was simple and straightforward. It was won by Ambreio and became a shield that now blocks their actions.

When Luo received the second piece of information from Xiao Ran, he also grabbed his own hair and waited until he glanced at the dragon witch princess Sarah who helped An Qi to cover it. He also sighed helplessly: I said before, don't act arbitrarily, and don't take my own actions. Now Angel falls into the hands of Ambreio. What do you say now?"

Another issue of Luo is also the problem of other people on the side of Xiao Yu, but for Xiao Ran, this problem will never be a problem if there is a suitable opportunity, but now he is creating a chance to safely rescue An Qi. .

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