Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1799: Intruder

After excluding the other people from the ancient guardian and the ancient two brothers, the space was told by the real-time voice to call the Chongtian thirteen and others, and their practicality did not inform them, the alarm sounded in the Yamato. It is also enough for a few people who are currently in the space recovery system to react to what happened.

While maintaining the spiritual communication space, while turning on the two lines of the communicator and operating at the same time, it is simple for Xiaoran, who has entered the quantum assimilation, to be simple, and wait until the sound and shadow of Malang appears on the screen. The opening asked: "What happened again."

Malang replied directly: "After detecting a distance of 15,000, there is a warship of Getim coming close to us at a high speed."

"One ship?"

"Well, there is only one."

"The Gedimu that was eliminated before is not all their strength." Xiaoran's brow wrinkled lightly and nodded and said: "Only one warship dares to come. As long as it is not a fool, it is definitely not to die. There may be some conspiracy, be careful to arrange everyone to attack immediately, and ask the four guys who attacked the Legion to see if they know anything."

"I have already told you that there is no relationship on your side." Malang nodded and then asked with concern.

Xiao Ran shook his head: "The situation here has almost been solved. As for me... the consumption is still too big, and there are other things that can't be attacked temporarily."

"Clear, I will inform Nazi to let her pay more attention to the situation." After hearing the words that Xiao Ran said, Malang was relieved. After nodding, he broke the communication with Xiaoran.

Looking at the other units in Gennacu, I started to attack, but Xiaoran has no way to stay here. The first nature is like Xiaoran said. Because the time of solving Dark Nova was too hard, it led to the spirit. The force was once again consumed, and although it took a long time to get a certain reply, after all, he still has to maintain the spiritual communication space.

In addition to this reason, the more important reason is that Xiao Ran needs to wait until the ancient brothers and the two are emotionally connected and personally communicate with the ancient guards, transmitting information about the other two worlds besides the new real world, and once they start This kind of information exchange must be concentrating and very very careful and gentle. If you say that the ancient shoud is only a soul body at this time, Xiao Ran really has some concerns that if the speed is too fast, will he directly fill the ancient souls? Exploding, as long as you dare to enter the battlefield, it will only make the dawn become a target that will not move.

Communicating in the spiritual communication space, although it is a kind of mutual dialogue, but the essence is actually the direct communication of the spirit, so the time flow rate of the spiritual communication space and the time flow of the real space are still felt in time. A big difference.

The time equivalent to the spiritual communication space has passed for a long time, but in fact the time in the real world has only passed for a little while, but even then, the two ancient brothers still exchanged in it for a long time until the warship of Getim. Nothing has been affected.

Although Xiao Ran did not make the spirit live in it, after all, this spiritual communication space was created by Xiao Ran. What the two said was Xiao Ran naturally, and the two brothers expressed their love and mutual understanding. Most of them were crying in the ancient times, and the ancient observances were listening with a smile.

What happened to the earth after the ancient sacrifices, what happened to the Victory Fleet over the road, what did the ancients do during this time, who they met, who they admire, who fell in love with them, I can’t wait to say everything that I have experienced.

The whole process of Xiaoran did not bother the two brothers, and more actively isolated the outside information so that the two got the best communication space, no one bothered, completely immersed in the atmosphere of brother reunion.

"Well?" Suddenly, Xiao Ran’s brow was lightly wrinkled. He felt that there was more than one person in the Yamato, a woman, a person who looked like a woman but was essentially a bionic robot, and suddenly appeared inexplicably. Crossing a space crack appeared in the Yamato, and the diameter went to the space recovery system room.

“This is Gedim’s bionic robot?”

For the entire victory fleet and the three planets they are going to save, the universe recovery system is definitely the most important thing. It is not allowed to have a little problem with important props. Now a Gdim bionic robot suddenly appears in On the ship and the target pointed to the universe recovery system, Xiao Ran naturally could not watch the indifferent.

The bionic robot has not yet entered the space recovery system room. The surface of Xiaoran’s body sitting in the dawning cockpit flashed a blue light. Suddenly, it disappeared into the dawn of the cockpit. When it appeared again, it was already blocked by Gedi. M's female bionic robot front.

At the same time, in the bridge of the Fuzi, there was also an identical Gdim bionic robot. Not only the Fuzi, but also such a bionic robot appeared in the Burning Legion.

The bionic robot in the Fuzi went to the bridge of the Fuzi, and the Gedim robot in the Burning Legion appeared in front of Shirley.

Xiao Ran’s eyes stared at the female bionic robot in front of him, intercepting the road that the other party wanted to enter the universe’s recovery system, and calmly said: “What purpose do you have here?”

Xiaoran’s bionic robot and Nai Yin, Minerva x are very different, just like a calm look without a feeling, Xiao Ran, did not answer the question of Xiao Ran, a pair of indifferent eyes looked at the door behind him, then said : "Xiao Ran, the commander of the Victory Fleet, the evolutionary of the Tyrone (Earth Man), who profess to be a changer, a motivator, and an extraordinary special force, your existence has become a hindrance to us, but it does not matter, Get enough information in just a few moments."

As a result, the bionic robot raised its hand for a while, and the small beam gun of the size of the wrist was aligned in the direction of Xiao Ran, and just after the bionic robot raised his hand, Xiao Ran disappeared from the place where he stood. Immediately behind the bionic robot, and with the hands of the bionic robot's head pressed hard, the head of the bionic robot was twisted directly, the flashing light on the robot arm was instantly extinguished, and the whole body stopped working.

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