Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1800: pissed off

The head of the bionic robot in his hand was thrown on the ground, and Xiao Ran’s brow was gently wrinkled. He said: “Where did these robots get information about me? Is it Nai? The information collected by this robot is again What is it? Sure enough, the Battleship of Gdim appeared here with conspiracy, and the time is almost the same. You can't let the two brothers continue to talk."

The Fuzi Bridge, the sudden appearance of the bionic robot also made everyone in the bridge startled, completely unable to understand when the bionic robot invaded the Fuzi, and the young chief Harry thought If I didn't think about it, I rushed to the front of Hoshino Glass, and both hands opened and shouted: "Please run away, Captain, Miss Lily Xiang!"

The other people in the bridge quickly pulled out the pistol and aimed at the suddenly released robot.

In the face of Harry's move, and the aim of several pistols, the bionic robot that appeared in the Fuzi bridge was silent.

After the start of the panic, Hoshino Glass became calm, and stood up from the position of the captain and gently pushed Harry away. He looked at the bionic robot and asked: "What is your purpose?"

As in the case of the Yamato, the bionic robot answered the question: "I have completed the task."

Lily incense also came to the side of Hoshino Glass, inexplicably looking at the bionic robot: "What?"

"Boson jump technology, as well as the awareness transfer process of a-level jump... will be returned with the analysis data."

After leaving this sentence, the body of the bionic robot began to shake up. This action suddenly made the other people in the bridge panic. In order to ensure the safety of Hoshino Glass and Lily, I would not want to think of the bullet in the pistol. All shots, there were countless muzzles on the bionic robot, and after a lot of black smoke emerged, the light in the eyes flashed and the dark area completely disappeared, and it fell to the ground.

However, Hoshino Glass heard the last sentence left by the bionic robot, and Zhang opened his mouth and said: "Gedim's purpose... Boson jump!"


On the Burning Legion, the bionic robot that suddenly appeared also scared Shirley's slap. It was natural to be scared when someone suddenly appeared in front of him, but then Shirley made a gesture of alert, and Shirley, who is not in the bridge or on the stage of the Burning Legion, simply did not let any of Billy or Moses follow him, but stayed alone in his room, so he was alone. Facing the bionic robot that is unknown.

"Who are you, why are you here?" Although she was shocked, but Shirley's character is not the kind of person who will show any cowardly feelings in front of outsiders, and Shirley's own Physical fitness is extremely horrible. Although it is not a main combatant but a supporter, it can only be said that it will not fight but does not mean that Shirley has no fighting power. Moreover, Shirley can call out bugs at any time to protect herself and calm down. After that, I didn’t feel scared in the face of this bionic robot.

However, when she asked the words, Shirley also quietly pressed the alarm on her body. At the same time, the alarm was heard again in the bridge of the Burning Legion. Billy and Moses both wore their wrists. The watch also began to violently oscillate.

"Miss Shirley has an accident!" Billy and Moses jumped directly from the top, and turned into a wind. No matter what else, they rushed out of the bridge, and after seeing the sequence of alarms, Malang was also Suddenly, I picked up the communicator at hand: "I immediately blocked all the gates of the whole ship from the outside to the inside, and landed on the troops. The defense forces immediately began to move toward the core of the residential area. Everything obeyed the two chiefs of Billy and Moses. Instructions."

As the voice of Malang fell, the gate behind the bridge was also smashed into several thick layers of armored decks, completely completely locking the bridge, no one came in and no one could go out.

Malang suddenly issued this order and let the people in the bridge understand what it was. Some of them did not need to stand up, or pulled out the pistol or took out the body armor from the box at the edge of the bridge. It started to be distributed to everyone, and some people took out their long guns from the box and stood in front of the bridge.

"What happened, the Burning Legion was actually invaded. When was this?" Malang's brow wrinkled slightly and said again: "Open communication with other warships!"

This contact with Malang, in addition to the Fuzi number, including the captain of other warships such as the Yamato, which was indeed invaded, was blindfolded, and it was known that the Fuzi and the Burning Legion were actually used by Gdim’s bionic robot. Dive in, all the battleships became buzzing all of a sudden. Soon, the Yamato also sent a letter telling everyone to find the wreckage of the Gdim bionic robot. Needless to say, everyone knows that this bionic robot is definitely Xiaoran. .

At this time, Xiao Ran took the initiative to intervene in the communication of the ancient brothers. He kicked him out in the face of tears in the face of ancient times, and then nodded to the ancient guard: "I just heard your conversation just now." You should probably be clear about the other two worlds, but then I will use another way to let you personally feel the two Earths."

In ancient times, he kept a nod, and his face was solemn and solemn. He respected Xiaoran with a military ceremony: "Lord Xiaoran, thank you for everything you have done."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Xiao Ran waved his hand to the ancient body, and pressed one hand to the forehead of the ancient guard: "Let's get started."


Xiao Ran didn't know Shirley's experience at this time. After solving the bionic robot, he returned to the dawn of the cockpit and then immersed himself in the spiritual space.

On Shirley's side, after she asked who the other person was and what the other party's purpose was, the pupil of the bionic robot lit up the red light that was not human, as if scanning Shirley's mouth, in the mouth. Also said: "Shirley, the mysterious Tyrone, your song has a special power, I need to collect your information."

Shirley had a sigh of relief and noticed the light in the eyes of the female simulation robot and the obvious movement in the scan. The reflective ones blocked their hands on their chests, followed by a wrinkle and burning in both eyes. The uncomfortable anger, stepping forward and slap the fan toward the face of the bionic robot, and shouted angrily: "Who gives you the right to let you see me like this!"


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