Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1801: Past Gdym Fleet

Shirley dew looked at her ruddy hand, and her face looked dull and looked at the robot head that flew out and hit the wall and then played the final sound. It was a queen who showed a small The cute expression of stunnedness finally slammed on the body of the robot that fell to the ground with his ankle and slammed on the ground.

While stepping on the side, he made a squeaking voice and said: "I dare to shoot me, dare to shoot me, who will give you the courage to dare you to use the ugly eyes that are not like ghosts to shoot me, sneak shots are no problem. I even shot in front of me."

At the time when Shirley was angry and stepping on the wreck of the robot, Moses and Billy also rushed into Shirley's room at this time. The two men held the dagger in the same hand and held the dagger in one hand. Shirley's picture of the robot that I saw after the room.

The two met at the same time, but they quickly reacted. Moses quickly took Shirley to leave the room quickly, and Billy called in to quickly check the entire room and take all the wreckage of the robot. Going, followed by nature is another detailed inspection inside the Burning Legion.

Outside the Burning Legion, the pilots who have already attacked do not know the situation of several warships. In the case that such an enemy has already appeared, it is really unnecessary to tell these things that affect morale.

The situation outside is quite different. A wide-scale warship like a building is suspended in the universe alone. It is like a lonely hero who has to stand up against the great evil to save the world. On the other side. It is led by the Victory Fleet, countless els, the number of els scattered in the number is not everywhere, and the vaguely half of the warship of Gedim is also surrounded.

But in fact, although els stood here, but like the time when the Victory Fleet dealt with the gods of Mycenae, it was completely swaying, and there was no need to help the Victory Fleet fight, but els The amount of momentum that appears here is really scary, not the average person can afford it.

The battleship was busy checking, and the outside pilots also twitched the skin with a blond-faced ugly wand in the Gdim battleship, and let the pilots see the essence of Gedim. Even the guy with the blond hair who is talking to them is just a bionic robot.

From the wrangling of both sides, it was finally confirmed that Nain is the product of Gedim, a system core called Nyvarina, originally designed to rebuild the most critical core of Gdim civilization, but now Gedim However, I have no need for Nai Yin, I got the out of control technology of Iskandar represented by the universe recovery system, and got the boson hopping technique of Fuzi. The name Nevina was given to another system. .

Of course, all of this will also be heard by the bridge personnel of the warships. I saw that the warship of Getim suddenly launched a black particle beam, and suddenly there was a huge boson energy in the Fuzi. The response warning, the wave band reflected by the boson, the number of people also surprised Stars and Lily.

Soon, the wave dipoles spread out in layers spread out, eventually forming a diffused black hole. As the a-level jumper, Tianhe Mingren also seemed to feel something. The frown said: "This is a jump. The position is forcibly fixed in the normal space, and then it continues to exist. What we can't do is why they can do it so easily!"

Sanada in the Yamato is also looking at a string of data that flashed quickly in front of him. He said: "It is the universe recovery system. They rely on Iskandar's space-time control technology! Sure enough... (The bionic robot appeared Is this the purpose in the Yamato, hateful)"

Liu Longma also said: "That is to say, using the technology of the universe to restore the system, and bosons forcibly establishing a space jump channel, then this hole is where the link goes."

He said: "Since the use of space-time technology, although it is not clear what is going on, it is very likely that the other side of the hole is beyond the time."

Che Zhaoqing also said with sorrow: "Time? Is it the past or the future?"

Kira also frowned slightly, saying: "If the purpose of the system of Nivelina is to rebuild Gedim's civilization... now summoned across the hole that spans time..."

"Is it the past Gedim?" Amro took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "But no matter where the hole is linked, there will definitely be something coming out of the hole. This station will It will be our last battle, everyone cheers!"

I don't know if this group of guys followed Xiao Ran too much time, one by one, and also said that the reasoning ability has risen up several levels.

When the boson reaction reached its peak, a white light flashed, and a fleet suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Victory Fleet, a fleet of Godem’s warships. It was still huge when attacking Iskandar.

Almost all of the battleships that appeared were exactly the same as the one that was originally seen, but the Gedim battleship that appeared in the color had a green texture, and all the new fleets of the fleet were all black. There is also a warship that looks almost the same as other warships, but its shape is almost doubled and more obvious.

"Gedim." Suddenly looked at the fleet that appeared, and gently said the three words, 缇耶利亚 also said in a deep voice: "It is the fleet of Gedim, but with the previous Gedi The warship is a little different. It really is the time to come to the world."

Suddenly there was a person in the communication channel. This person was exactly the same as the blond man of the Gedim battleship that arrived before, but the expression on the man’s face was better than that of the latter. The expression of the bionic robot is quite rich.

I saw this man frowning slightly, using the tone of dissatisfaction like the high king in the king: "What is going on?"

The bionic robot version of the blond ugly man's face is calm, perhaps for this release robot, the expression is simply superfluous, just listen to him and say: "Awaiting for a long time, sir."

"Oh?" The real-life blond man was interested in the newsletter and looked at the bionic robot: "Imitate my bionic robot, the person who called me to Yarfozi is you."

The bionic robot has no other expressions, just calmly said: "Report to you all the way to our present."

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