Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1818: Their way is not for me.

(Wow, wow, thank you for the reward of the boss of the book slainpnier yesterday, 50,000 starting points, um... I haven’t counted the words I’ve said before. I’ve been drunk in a few days. If I’m fine, I’ll be drunk from Sunday. Adding a total of five chapters, the old rules, the two chapters of the normal update are not included in the scope of the increase.)

"Ultimate... for the world is to save, or to destroy..." Baihe said, and looked at the three people around him: "The real control should be in our hands, as for the other 81 newcomers, huh, huh. ...Esh, in addition to taking care of us, you should have other tasks in your body."

Ech’s mouth twitched a bit and said with a helpless head: “Yes, the head of the army told us that we can find potential newcomers in the mission world, or potential aborigines, and then Recruiting the Legion or becoming your followers, members who have joined the Legion from the very beginning are more trustworthy than members who have joined in Prometheus."

"I understand, I will also inform Youzes, Ingram, Shaya, Kiliam about this." Baihe said, patted his **** and stood up, facing Zengjia and Elsa The two said, "Get started now. I will bring Esh to contact the country's pro-alternative4 faction. I believe that it will take a long time to get satisfactory results."

Baihe’s departure with Eich free and easy, Zeng Jia stood up after sitting for a while: “We also set off, there is no idea for the first goal.”

"Just find a suitable training base." Alsam patted the personal computer in his hand and said: "But the distance is a little far away and there will be some delays. It is the country's elite guardian training school. Unfortunately, it was some time ago. The school moved to the United Nations Army Yokohama base, which hosted the development of alternative4, and felt that the target would be repeated with Yusers."

Zeng Jia nodded and took a long sword in his hand and strode out: "Let's go, don't worry about this, even if Juesus wants to completely control the Yukon base and start to affect the upper ranks of the UN, it will take a lot of time. You can also investigate the specifics of alternative4 by the way."

Followed by Baihe and walked on the street, Eich, who had no goal and didn't know what to do next, looked at Baihe's back and whispered in a whisper: "White River, adults, what should we do next?" ”

Baihe stopped and looked at a conspicuous high-rise building in the distance. He calmly said: "If there is a broken place on a fruit, you are willing to eat the broken place together, or it will be broken. The place is completely dug?"

"Although the quality of the participants is not bad, it doesn't matter much, but for ordinary people, of course, you can't eat it if you break it." Eich frowned slightly, thinking about Baihe's question. Meaning: "What do you mean by adults? Is the country in the Far East a broken fruit?"

Baihe nodded. "Yes, so what we have to do next is not very simple. Let's first look at the extent to which this fruit is bad. The final decision is whether to throw it all or just dig up the broken place. ”

"But Uzzes chooses the way from the bottom to the top. The way Shaya is good at buying people from the inside is not suitable for me. I don't let anyone interfere and control my actions. It is me to stand behind the scenes and control everything." The style, so first of all, we must first contact the pro-alternative4 to get in touch with the actual controllers of the Far East. If it is the broken side for us, then I can only say sorry to them in advance."

"The first goal, the director of the Far East Intelligence Department, is close to the left, and the clear pro-alternative4 faction, let's go."

"It’s a overbearing guy." Esh shook his head behind Baihe, and the two began to go to the building that had previously landed in the eyes of Baihe.

Zeng Jia and Al Sham, the two also found a car to go to Yokohama, Yokohama is still a long way from Sendai, and that place is also the farthest position of the Far East to resist beta, it can be said that Quite chaotic and dangerous, but in the view of Elsam, the more such a place can find a good person, anyway, Baihe has decided to stay in Sendai. It is meaningless to stay here, it is better to go directly to the front. Finding the right people can also collect more information and information by the way.

On the side of Baihe, there is Echo's fascinating ability to do something that is not too simple. It took too much time to determine the specific whereabouts and home address of their target, and Baihe I didn't choose to meet at the office where people were confused. I went to the home near the clothes and waited.

I waited until very late, and I was back in my home. At the moment I turned on the light, the head of the head of the intelligence department immediately noticed something wrong, but the pistol at the waist had not been pulled. Out, a delicate but powerful hand caught his neck from behind.

A feminine and feminine voice sounded behind him: "The clothes are close, the director of the Far East Intelligence Department's second lesson, the pro-alternative4 faction, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

The smock that was caught in the neck from behind was easily touched by Ech in the air, and the gun at the waist was thrown aside by Esh. So a small man walked into the living room with a small woman. Among them, and throw it on the sofa.

It wasn't until this time that the clothes were close to the situation of the suffocation, the coughing and breathing, the chest, the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared at home, a woman who looked very beautiful and could not forget. And a purple hair in a white robe, with a man on his face with no smile.

After looking at the two people, I was very aware that I was not the opponent of these two mysterious people. After taking a deep breath, I was honest. I asked stubbornly and stubbornly: "Who are you, why?" Here? Find out what purpose I have!"

"Alternative4 plans to use the super weapon xg-70 series developed from the g element found in beta to deal with beta, and then try to steal beta information for communication with them, but because this weapon requires extremely sophisticated calculations And the operation was not something that humans could drive, and the plan eventually turned into a humanoid supercomputer for driving xg-70, while resisting the search for communication and finally stopping the war with beta."

"But it's a pity that until now, the so-called core humanoid biological weapons have not made any breakthroughs, so the stalemate has always made this plan not get more support, so is it?"

The pupil near the left of the coat shrank a bit, did not answer the question of Bai Hejun, but said in an emphasized tone: "I don't know what you are talking about, who are you!"

"There is no need to talk about unnecessary nonsense. Based on your current performance, it is not a broken piece in my opinion, so leave your life for the time being." Bai Hezhen stood on the single sofa opposite the left side of the coat. When I got up, I said to the left, "I am Baihe, a person who can help you to complete the final core of the alternate4 faction, although the next words may make you suffer, but the garbage like xg-70 can not support The completion of this plan, a thing that has only a handful of two and cannot be used at scale, is just a kind of garbage."

"And I can increase the current tactical versatility by more than ten times, but it can also let the ordinary guards drive the people who belong to your homeland. It will be like God. But now I still lack some obedient collaborators, or servants, who don't know what your choice will be."

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